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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel


How many of you play Wild at all? I'm considering dusting my Wild Epic and Legendary cards as I never use them... anyone else do the same?


nah I have to keep my viable Wild cards I'm afraid. As much as I hate reno-- I still rely on Wild as a break from Standard. maybe now with new standard meta it'll be fine but last couple seasons as soon as I hit rank 10 I found myself drifting back into Wild for a nice break. I make sure to just play for fun there

(Granted I do need like at least 2 more epics so will have to probably dust some cards I never use that's just how it goes--- you either dust things or pay with $$)


Super Sleuth
Spectating a quest and apparently mac deck tracker think it was my deck and the results are added to my statistic. It didn't track my matches, but tracked spectated match.

Nothing about Hearthstone on mac works well, first party or third party.


Primordial drake must be one of the best crafting cards I made this expansion.

It has saved my ass 3 times now in quest warrior


Dog teched in an Ooze into his Handlock for pirate warrior.

I just dusted mine today ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Everyone will be teching that Ooze if Pirate Warrior remains popular and at the top.

Dog got Exodia'd despite pulling Sorc with Dirty Rat... LOL!


The only decks I have right now are token Druid and quest rogue but I want to craft stuff but so much dust :0


problem is that new ooze is an epic and I didnt get a single one with 100+ packs opened.

will probably just run control shaman once I get to higher tier and farm PWs if I start seeing them.

It's funny how the ladder is sort of a rush... I tend to get a late start so I frankly do not see as many PWs as many others I think cause watching these streamers I see them fighting them a lot

This is why I wanted a fun temporary ladder where it forced folks to use at least like 10 new cards.

Cat Party

Just opened the Rogue Quest, I don't have some of the key cards like Prep or Patches, but it still feels dirty to play. I might disenchant it because I'd rather have fun then win with brainless decks.
It might end up getting nerfed so you may want to hang on to it.


rogue quest isn't getting nerfed it isn't nowhere near that strong surely. It can be super janky and inconsistent. they knew what they were doing when they made this deck. Most quest rogue decks not deviating too far from what the designers planned (I refer to the quest deck they created by default)

only reason PW got a slap on the wrist was cause they admitted to not expecting jades + pirates in aggro shaman


Yes, I learned this the hard way.

I think it depends on the list tbh. I have beaten every single midrange hunter to a pulp but I am not running dog's list which a lot consider to be inferior to a list with elementals. I also run vanish so I can set the midrange hunter really far back.

Here is a match where I had terrible draws as you'll see. I draw all my top end.


Still won because hunter has a very hard time fighting for the board once you take it from them.

It probably does depend on the list. Watching your replay your list is very different than the typical aggro lists I see on ladder. Your list actually kind of feels like the list I imagined when I thought of the quest.

rogue quest isn't getting nerfed it isn't nowhere near that strong surely. It can be super janky and inconsistent. they knew what they were doing when they made this deck. Most quest rogue decks not deviating too far from what the designers planned (I refer to the quest deck they created by default)

only reason PW got a slap on the wrist was cause they admitted to not expecting jades + pirates in aggro shaman

I have a theory that they might nerf it slightly only to enable a more control meta to take over. Right now, quest pirate is like jade on steroids -- no control deck will ever be able to take control of the board if it's filled with 5/5's starting turn 5 or 6. I don't think Blizzard wants that to happen this expansion so they will be proactive even if it hurts the archetype in the long run.

I could be wrong, but I just have a feeling about it.


Anyone playing the rogue quest with bouncing cards back is doing it wrong. Firefly and Igneus Elemental make it so much easier to accomplish. I went on a 12 game win streak using those.


Unconfirmed Member
Now that I have a rank floor to experiment again, I am surprised at how difficult it is to make slower decks. Maybe I'm just at a higher rank than I'm used to when trying these things, but there feels like to be even less room than Gadgetzan to experiment with completely wierd slow decks.

If you're not curving or going off on insane combos turn 5, you're basically dead. Even the established good slow decks like Taunt Warrior and Elemental Shaman are basically curve decks, but curving into taunts instead of charge or buff.

Mage is the one non-curve savior, but you have to include so many must include so many cards for quest completion and survival. There's no way you can make a Quest Mage deck that doesn't plan on freezing until you draw your whole deck.

I don't know. Has anyone tried Hemet in Quest Mage for something crazy? It's one of the few non-curve ideas I have left that isn't already established, but I don't have Hemet to experiment. Otherwise, I guess i'll see if I can take token paladin or murloc paladin to legend and maybe retire until next expansion. Or just move to wild, which probably has the same curve problem, but way more options to experiment with curve decks.


Anyone playing the rogue quest with bouncing cards back is doing it wrong. Firefly and Igneus Elemental make it so much easier to accomplish. I went on a 12 game win streak using those.
I got my ass handed by a rogue playing igneous elemental with umbra. That deck scalates very quicky.

Howver I still think it needs at least a few bouncing cards, or it becomes too reliable on a few combos

I play a ton of wild. But even if I didn't, I don't dust anything regardless. I'm a collector for better or worse.

I'm exactly the same, I once dusted a common back in my day to finish making one card I needed, I ended up regreting that decision and have never dusted any non duplicate card.


I rolled a guy going by Amnesiasc earlier, he was running the aggro mage into my defensive ele shaman. I like to think it was the real amnesiac, he played well, just wasnt any way for him to win,


I got my ass handed by a rogue playing igneous elemental with umbra. That deck scalates very quicky.

Howver I still think it needs at least a few bouncing cards, or it becomes too reliable on a few combos

I'm exactly the same, I once dusted a common back in my day to finish making one card I needed, I ended up regreting that decision and have never dusted any non duplicate card.

Don't get me wrong Im still running shadostep and a coupe of youthful, but mostly for the chargers that cost 1 mana.
There was a a time when I waited and hoped for freeze mage to finally be gone. Sorry blizzard but having to sit through 5 freezes and 3 ice blocks, even when you end up winning is fucking terrible. And then they give them time warp. I think ice block needed to rotate. This new deck may not be as strong as freeze mage, but it's actually less fun to play against.

It probably does depend on the list. Watching your replay your list is very different than the typical aggro lists I see on ladder. Your list actually kind of feels like the list I imagined when I thought of the quest.

Quest is not aggro, it's midrangey combo. I've played low curve lists too though. They're a bit more consistent in some ways.


I saw the quest mage combo finally. I had lethal maybe 4 turns earlier. But nope, full board freeze, full board freeze, ice block, ice block, quest with triple discount summoners, antonidas, 4 fireballs and some board damage to kill from 28 HP.

I think I'd rather play against quest rogue or pirate warrior.
I saw the quest mage combo finally. I had lethal maybe 4 turns earlier. But nope, full board freeze, full board freeze, ice block, ice block, quest with triple discount summoners, antonidas, 4 fireballs and some board damage to kill from 28 HP.

I think I'd rather play against quest rogue or pirate warrior.

I've had a lot of fun playing against quest rogue. But freeze mage 2.0 is as bad as ever if not worse. Worse because they'll get stuff like 3rd ice block, 3rd frost nova, 3-4 extra ways to freeze your board from rng or discovery.


I had 0 problems with OG Freeze Mage. You knew exactly what was coming, there were no surprises, no RNG... just standard card draw stuff.

This new Combo Mage is like combining the worst aspects of HS into what should've just been a combo deck. The whole deck revolves around getting random spells from the ether so you can't play around two of spells anymore. You can't play around shit.

Have had Mages use like 4-5 Ice Blocks on me in one game. I would honestly start using Eater of Secrets if it weren't for that the fact that the combo deck isn't that good or that popular.


Same. I had no problems with OG freeze maage, in fact it was one my fave decks. 2 ice blocks are fine, it's beatable.

Quest mage with ton of freeze and ice block is annoying. Nothing interactive playing against it, cuz your minion can't do anything. Even if you did, you have to face 2 ice barriers and 3 ice blocks. It's stupid.
I feel like every time Blizzard tries to make the game more interactive, it's 1 step forward, 2 steps back. Original freeze mage nerfs barely slowed it down, then they added mad scientist. Then they add ET and forgotten torch. Finally they rotate out ET and ice lance. Breath of fresh air. No more freeze mage... oh wait totally wrong.

At least in the past control warrior was a strong counter to it. I don't think that is the case any longer.

Also, already trying eater of secrets out. Only played 1 game, ended up vs shaman and won that despite drawing eater. I'll try more tomorrow, already played enough today. I suspect eater isn't gonna be a huge deal, but maybe.


Quest mage, same as most mages, depend on the highrolls on card draw, if they get to OTK, they got lucky on draws on time, the idea is trying to beat them in time.

Enough freeze could get anoying, though
Only issue I have with the new Mage is that it's an infinite damage combo. Like, at least Freeze Mage had a crippling matchup in Control Warrior. Now CW just gets shit on by this new version.

So essentially the only thing with a fighting chance are aggro decks that can rush down quickly.

But yeah, I agree, Ice Block should have rotated. Wouldn't be surprised at all if it does next year.


Unconfirmed Member
There was a a time when I waited and hoped for freeze mage to finally be gone. Sorry blizzard but having to sit through 5 freezes and 3 ice blocks, even when you end up winning is fucking terrible. And then they give them time warp. I think ice block needed to rotate. This new deck may not be as strong as freeze mage, but it's actually less fun to play against.

I certainly can agree with that. You can't even rely on their only being only 4 full AoE freezes anymore, or 2 Ice Blocks. Too much is on RNG of the spell creation, and if they high roll on that, it makes the game take forever, even though they may still lose by one of the key pieces like Arcane Giant or Antonitus being on the absolute bottom of the deck.

I played Quest Mage mirror once today and started off seemingly fun. I ended up using time warp the turn before him, leading to the next two turns being back and forth procing of our 2 iceblocks with me at the advantage, but turns out he had a third from one of his spell creations so he won solely because of that. That was a very unfun moment for me.



The Elemental Paladin deck sort of reminds me of Fairy decks in Shadowverse.

I really like the flow of the deck, the Fireflies fit very well with the handbuff mechanic.

Yeah, I'm really loving the deck. Feels really good to play. Probably my favourite deck to play so far.


Only issue I have with the new Mage is that it's an infinite damage combo. Like, at least Freeze Mage had a crippling matchup in Control Warrior. Now CW just gets shit on by this new version.

So essentially the only thing with a fighting chance are aggro decks that can rush down quickly.

You're playing aggro? Here's my 2 frost nova, 2 doomsayer, and 2 blizzard. Oh wait that's not enough? Don't worry, I have more from tome and glyph.

You think I'm dead? Here's my 3 barriers and 3 ice blocks.

My quest is completed, now it's your time to die.

Against quest mage you're basically just hoping their bad draws fucked themselves.
In case people were wondering:
1) If you use Reno after your health is set to 40, Reno brings your health back to 40 - it's a permanent buff.

2) Doomsayer + Time Warp works in an emergency.

3) One of the best things about Mana Bind is that it lets you know what secret your opponent has. I am playing vs. Tempo Mage right now, and he played a secret. Mana Bind let me know it was Mirror Entity, so I played Doomsayer to punish.


A decent card game needs to have decks like this, and all of them do. If card games were all about minion trading they wouldn't last very long. They need to introduce risky cards like this, if everything is safe boring stuff then the game will die. They actually said exactly this and I'm glad it wasn't just words this time. Interactive blah blah. If the game was all about that, everyone will figure out the best curve in best class and people play that, that's exactly what we've been playing for the year of Kraken, that reduces the overall skill of the game too and mirror games are decided by draws more often than by plays as you don't get to draw most of your deck ever. There needs to be some decks in the game that don't play with curves and have alternate win conditions. It makes the game better. Unlike jade/pirate/reno RPS of Msog, things aren't so binary here either, you can actually tech to beat any of these decks. It's not oh I queued into this I lost already.


Oh my goodness...

Dahbomb was right, elemental paladin is really good to play, the buff cards make that deck very consistent


Unconfirmed Member
You're playing aggro? Here's my 2 frost nova, 2 doomsayer, and 2 blizzard. Oh wait that's not enough? Don't worry, I have more from tome and glyph.

You think I'm dead? Here's my 3 barriers and 3 ice blocks.

My quest is completed, now it's your time to die.

Against quest mage you're basically just hoping their bad draws fucked themselves.

Or bad spell generation RNG.


How am I supposed to feel about using a deck that relies on going wide while the opponent gets a Blizzard and a Flamestrike from random generation on top of drawing all 4 of his AoE freeze early? Should I have used a deck that goes tall and risk getting screwed by a Meteor and Polymorph generation instead?

EDIT: To be clear, I've grown to appreciate combo decks and think the combo deck nerfs were too rough. I just want to have a few more options on my end to help counter it, like a Loatheb type deal.

But Quest Mage both has aboslutely no tech or skill based counters whatsoever, and is totally based around unfun card generation RNG. Like most everything in this expansion, the counter is playing a curve deck and hope you draw your curve while they do not.


I can build it without Wicker too, I have the dust for it though... do you think you're really missing it at all?

Not at all, wickerflame is usually a tech card to stop aggro and I found that I could use the steed spell reliably enough in most matchups to stop aggro in conjunction with aldor and tol'vir.

However, I haven't faced much rogue quest decks and that's where it could get tough.

For now it works well, but it might be needed in the future if there is too harsh aggro decks.


Not at all, wickerflame is usually a tech card to stop aggro and I found that I could use the steed spell reliably enough in most matchups to stop aggro in conjunction with aldor and tol'vir.

However, I haven't faced much rogue quest decks and that's where it could get tough.

For now it works well, but it might be needed in the future if there is too harsh aggro decks.

Sounds good. I'll try it without for now, can always craft it later. Thanks again!

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man

He used SWD on an 8/2 Frothing Berserker last turn so I hoped the 10/10 would live.

Able to smack him anyways


Junior Member
Anyone playing the rogue quest with bouncing cards back is doing it wrong. Firefly and Igneus Elemental make it so much easier to accomplish. I went on a 12 game win streak using those.

Yep. Just about every Quest Rogue I run into is running the elementals instead of bouncing cards. It makes the quest reward almost too easy to get.


Yep. Just about every Quest Rogue I run into is running the elementals instead of bouncing cards. It makes the quest reward almost too easy to get.
I tried this, but one polymorph / silence on the elemental and you're screwed -- the other one might be on the bottom of the deck. You have to have the ability to bounce minions (or get lucky and dupe minions).


Each time I wanted to play wild I remember there's such thing as Reno and Amara, 30+40+40 isn't fun.

I'd probably dust my wild cards when I really needed it, or just save it for next expansion.
Anyone playing the rogue quest with bouncing cards back is doing it wrong. Firefly and Igneus Elemental make it so much easier to accomplish. I went on a 12 game win streak using those.
Yeah, I've only been having luck with Shaman because I just hex those bastards and aggro mage.

In fact aggro mage has been so good to me unless I face a quest priest. Been getting slaughtered by them.


How does the Priest class so consistently attract the biggest assholes?
I'm not sure, but in the Gadgetzan era they were CONSISTENTLY the slowest players on average, even when it seemed they had few decisions to make.

I always liked this summary about priest players from the last thread:

SonicXtreme said:
they are salt farmers constantly pondering which play will make you throw your phone against the wall fastest

when i get beat by pirate warriors or shamans i'm like, alright, they beat me whatever, 2 minutes of my life gone thats fine

when i get beat by a priest i'm just offended at how perfect their removal is and how i'm always 1 damage short of knocking off their most important minion on the board or of lethal or how they stole the perfect card from my deck and beat me over the head with it after slapping me with a fish for 18 minutes


Like, for real, Sunkeeper Tarim is a total monster and continues to single-handedly win me games.

He catches you up when behind, gives a massive tempo swing in an even game, and ends the game by himself when ahead. By far my favorite card of the set so far.
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