I made a giant meta analysis post on the meta of HS of the first rotation. I looked at over 50 meta reports and tier lists from different sites, compiled data and made top 5 lists for each week listing archetypes.
And of course it got deleted and no way am I going to try to do it again.
But here's the TLDR version of it:
*There was no control meta ever in that time frame. The most we had was 1 control deck in the top 5 decks and the rest were all aggro/curve decks with the usual combo/spell based deck thrown in (for most of the year it was some type of spell Druid deck). There was no Control meta because Midrange Hunter with broken Call of the Wild and Tempo/Dragon Warriors with 1 mana Executes ruled the field. Even Zoolock was getting in on the action along with usual Shaman bull shit.
*Midrange Shaman dominated the meta for a good 5 months with comical numbers in terms of win rates and popularity. When Shaman was on top no control deck was even within top 8, it was usually just even faster or spell burst decks trying to counter it to no avail. This was post nerfs when Aggro Shaman left and Dragon Warrior wasn't there to counter Mid-range Shaman.
*AS SOON as MSG hit, Pirate Warrior and Aggro Shaman became the top decks in HS. For a while it was Aggro Shaman and PW trading places at the top. People forgot that Shaman used to play Bucaneer and Patches with Spirit Claws until they had to nerf both of those cards. You also had Miracle Rogue with aggressive Patches/Buccaneer opener during this time.
*When the balances changes hit, Aggro Shaman dropped and PW became most dominant. Jade Shaman was right below it though, making sure that Shaman stone was alive and well. During this time and before the patch, Renolock was the only control deck touching top 5 with the occasional Reno Mage but for the most part it was a Patches dominated period.
*Pirate Warrior remained dominant and best deck for a good 3 months. Wasn't until MSG hit that PW was knocked down a peg when we got Taunt Warrior, Quest Rogue, Miracle Rogue and various Mage decks. This lasted only a week and Pirate Warrior was back on top again.
*Paladin started to rise back up again with Ungoro in a big way. Midrange Hunter was back as well. We also saw the return of Token/Aggro Druid. However, control meta was no where to be found during this time, Taunt Warrior continued to drop. During the same time, PW was taken over by various Mage decks like Secret Mage and Burn Mage.
*When PW dropped, instead of Control decks coming back up it was instead just different tempo/aggressive decks picking up the slack like Token Druid and Secret/Burn Mage. PW was still a top 5 deck during this time, make no mistake. People said that Ungoro meta was slow and control heavy but the data shows otherwise, there was just more class balance to speak of.
*Crystal Rogue was nerfed and there was still no Control meta. Instead Jade Druid started to rise up along with Freeze Mage (which is still more of a combo deck). That said Ungoro meta was still the best one because the meta kept changing and diversifying with different types of decks throughout.
*And now we are at the current meta.
There was no "control meta" in Hearthstone since the first rotation. At best you can expect to see 1 control deck in the top 5 but it was never the best deck for sure. Every meta was dominated by either a curve/midrange deck on top (Dragon/Tempo Warrior, Midrange Shaman, Midrange Hunter for most of Old Gods and Karazhan) or an aggressive deck (Aggro Shaman/PW post MSG). When you look at the tier lists then it was blatantly obvious why there was no control meta, you still had decks like Midrange Hunter preventing any type of control meta from being a thing. People forgot that in the age of Cthun Warrior, Hunter still had pre nerf COTW.
And the meta was always slowest in the first couple of weeks of an expansion where you expected to see 1 control deck in top 5. After that there were many times where there wasn't a control deck even within the top 8 or top 10 decks.
I think the closest we got to a control meta was when Renolock and Reno Mage were peak but this was also the time when Aggro Shaman with busted Bucaneer/Spirit Claws/Patches, Pirate Warrior and Pirate Miracoli Rogue was a thing. So those Reno decks never really were top in the face of Patches deck and when the balance changes occurred, Shamans just picked up Jade Shaman and dominated the Reno decks anyway.