Burst mana is fine in rogue and dialed down to a coin. Making Innervate into an classic coin for rogue would be totally fine too (once counterfeit rotates), that's where it fits.Burst mana is fine because it becomes a dead drop if you got it after you had 10 mana and a small hand, or you have nothing to combo it with. You've been there. You and your opponent are at 10 HP, you will lose next turn, you need a good card, and you draw innervate.
With UI, you can use a 10 cost and then combo into burst mana in order to bring something out or to utilize a spell/jade idol/hero power. UI caused Innervate to stop being a dead drop at the latter half of a match.
A curated example for why Innervate can be bad is hardly an argument. Sylvanas is terrible against Weenies, Yogg quite literally can kill you,... worst case scenarios don't factor into these decisions all that often and the times you can get use out of Innervate, even at capped mana, far outweigh those where it's a terrible topdeck.