What plays does the Alchemist open up in these decks?
it is better to deal with a 8/4 minion than a 4/8 minon
What plays does the Alchemist open up in these decks?
fledgling is too inconsistent to be deemed as one of the reasons why someone would think that innervate is OP. And Warriors/Mages/Priests have too consistent turn 2 removal.
Innervate is comboed with Druid buffs vs. these classes, so you can see Mark of Y'shaarj, Mark of the Lotus, or Call of the Wild to push Fledgling out of removal range early. Combined with Druid of the Swarm it can create situations that are impossible for just about anyone to deal with.yup
fledgling is too inconsistent to be deemed as one of the reasons why someone would think that innervate is OP. And Warriors/Mages/Priests have too consistent turn 2 removal.
I'm guessing you mean Mark of the Wild, and power word death / fireball kills through taunt in either case, as does polymorph / hex. A taunt also delays it an extra turn to kill.Innervate is comboed with Druid buffs vs. these classes, so you can see Mark of Y'shaarj, Mark of the Lotus, or Call of the Wild to push Fledgling out of removal range early. Combined with Druid of the Swarm it can create situations that are impossible for just about anyone to deal with.
Innervate plus Fledgling seems to hit me as often as the Fiery War Axe. And when it does, either I have the removal on turn two or the game is over. It doesn't feel good. I use the combo myself, and it doesn't feel good either.Fledgling is one of the reasons innervate needs to go. If you can't even print a strong 3 drop without potentially being broken, how can you print a strong 8 drop without being broken?
And it really isn't that inconsistent. It's actually very high consistency that sometimes highrolls.
These scenarios on both ends are pointless. If fledgling gets answered it's a huge tempo loss. If not it's potentially game ending on its own.I'm guessing you mean Mark of the Wild, and power word death / fireball kills through taunt in either case, as does polymorph / hex. A taunt also delays it an extra turn to kill.
You're all just jealous Druid is top dog now
innervate is a fine wholesome card
Druid is like my second least-played class, and I agree.
People are a week into the expansion and losing to druid, so they want to nerf the class into oblivion.
There's nothing wrong with Innervate.
Thinking of dusting my golden pally DK for Anduin. Seems like there are more fun priest decks atm and I'm sure as shit not crafting Beardo for exodia pally. Do it? Don't?
Thinking of dusting my golden pally DK for Anduin. Seems like there are more fun priest decks atm and I'm sure as shit not crafting Beardo for exodia pally. Do it? Don't?
Thinking of dusting my golden pally DK for Anduin. Seems like there are more fun priest decks atm and I'm sure as shit not crafting Beardo for exodia pally. Do it? Don't?
That's one of the most powerful DKs, so it's worth keeping. There's a good chance it will see play in the future.
I'm surprised we aren't seeing more Control Paladin, though I suppose Jade Druid kind of runs over it right now.
Where's that Kripp flow chart when you need it.But will there ever be a control meta?
Answer is no
It's not just Jade Druid. The Priest matchup is bad. More aggressive Paladin decks stomp you. The Token Shaman/Druid and Pirate Warrior are not any better. The deck is probably worse off than it was in Ungoro.I'm surprised we aren't seeing more Control Paladin, though I suppose Jade Druid kind of runs over it right now.
But will there ever be a control meta?
Answer is no
Rogue right now is so weird you can do nothing but pray the opponent doesn't have any removal to clear your limited threats.
You can still go through your deck fast but w/o conceal you can't set up much of any play.
I've never actually faced that deck.You can play Elemental + Prince Keleseth and have all the threats.
It's not just Jade Druid. The Priest matchup is bad. More aggressive Paladin decks stomp you. The Token Shaman/Druid and Pirate Warrior are not any better. The deck is probably worse off than it was in Ungoro.
Alright, thanks for the feedback guys. I'll hang onto it for now. Pally is one of my least played classes, so I guess I'll start giving it a shot.
I do have the dust for Anduin but I was thinking of crafting Lyra as well, but I'm about 1k short of both. I know I should wait to see what's viable, but I'm a sucker for immediate gratification.
Renolock was tier one for months.But will there ever be a control meta?
Answer is no
The nature of HS's mana system heavily dissuades control strategies.Control decks were in tier 1 but in those meta Pirate Warrior was still #1, even going into Ungoro. There has never been a control meta, even the metas in which a control deck was tier 1 it was in response to an over powered aggro/midrange deck.
Past 6 months have been dominated by Pirate Warrior or Aggro Druid and the year before that it was dominated by whatever Shaman deck.
The "meta" is defined by the deck that is the best deck because all the other tier 1 decks are created to counter that deck.I don't think there has ever been an aggro meta then by that definition. Even in MSG you had reno decks.
I don't think there has ever been an aggro meta then by that definition. Even in MSG you had reno decks.
The "meta" is defined by the deck that is the best deck because all the other tier 1 decks are created to counter that deck.
Like right now we aren't in a "midrange" meta just because Jade Druid is #1, you still have Murloc Paladin and PW.
There has been a full aggro meta before though where all 4 tier 1 decks were aggressive decks. It's not common but it has happened.
Anyone know a dragon priest list with anduin deathknight?
Did everyone beat the new SP wing?
Play a C'Thun deck and instakill at 21/22.I'm stuck at Sindragosa because my Warrior deck is terrible. Maybe I should try...I dunno. I'm having a tough time trading with the minions while also keeping the pressure up.
Did everyone beat the new SP wing?
I'm stuck at Sindragosa because my Warrior deck is terrible. Maybe I should try...I dunno. I'm having a tough time trading with the minions while also keeping the pressure up.
That OTK Timewarp mage is the absolute worst thing in Hearthstone. Infuriating to play against and obnoxiously hard to beat. Fuck people who use that deck, honestly, fuck them.
I actually got curious and started looking at old tier lists and meta snapshots. I think it's a good time to do an analysis of previous metas starting with the first rotation. I want to see at which point the meta was at its slowest so we can have that as a benchmark. Going to post findings sometime tonight.
Did everyone beat the new SP wing?
Play a C'Thun deck and instakill at 21/22.
Try silence priest
Control decks were in tier 1 but in those meta Pirate Warrior was still #1, even going into Ungoro. There has never been a control meta, even the metas in which a control deck was tier 1 it was in response to an over powered aggro/midrange deck.
Past 6 months have been dominated by Pirate Warrior or Aggro Druid and the year before that it was dominated by whatever Shaman deck.
The best part about using Freeze Mage is that, for some reason, using Alex to get Sin's HP down to 15 doesn't trigger her hero power. So then it's just a matter of attacking with Alex and Pyroblasting on turn 10.3rd boss: freeze mage