Huh, what addon is he using that ranks the cards?
HearthArena app on Overwolf.
Huh, what addon is he using that ranks the cards?
HearthArena app on Overwolf.
From the previous page:Anyone have a good list for raza dk priest?
I haven't won a game since hitting rank 15
So it would seem you just need to draw both in the top 15.I'm more concerned that they will nerf druid and leave that Raza combo in. That thing is absurdly broken. You draw Raza + Anduin top 15, you beat anything, including Jade druid. After druid is nerfed that thing will rule the game. It's already second best class you can play.
Basically after it's down, you can never ever get a board and you either just die directly or run out of things to play. It's completely stupid. 0 cost things are broken, who would have thought.
From the previous page:
So it would seem you just need to draw both in the top 15.
If you want, post your list so we can suggest changes.
Are you saying more deck variety is a bad thing? lol
I get complaining about a deck being overpowered, but a class having deck variety is always a good thing. Why would you want fewer gameplay options?
According to vs druid is above 50% at rank 1. No amount of deck variations, or lack thereof, puts a positive spin on this.
Uh, totally serious. Am I misunderstanding you?Not sure if serious.gif
Like more than 50% of the decks being played are Druid? That's crazy. How high did Pirate Warrior get?
Uh, totally serious. Am I misunderstanding you?
I wonder if Valeera is supposed to be a replacement for Auctioneer.
I find that they keep getting stuck in my hand once I get Valeera going.
This is actually a cool design for a card. Probably too powerful but I would be fine if Rogue had this card.New Rogue Spell 5 mana "Combo: Draw a card for each card played this turn."
Like more than 50% of the decks being played are Druid? That's crazy. How high did Pirate Warrior get?
Uh, totally serious. Am I misunderstanding you?
I want them to add top deck manipulation and do it for rogue only at first.
I want them to add top deck manipulation and do it for rogue only at first.
Draw a card, the next card you play costs 0 and is placed on the top of your deck.
Discover a card from your deck and place it on the top of your deck.
I just don't see why this would be good in such a tempo oriented game. In light of spells like UI, which have significantly upped the power of tempo cards, something like this might just never be competitive. And it's not just UI, it's megasaur, it's bonemare, it's spike ridged steed.
Firebat was talking about this on Omnistone. He was feeling pretty confident against Czech Republic but not so much against Ukraine.
So I picked Ukraine as well.
Y'all are fuuuuuuucked.
The effect isn't worth a ton of mana and it doesn't undo card disadvantage. As such the card it's on has to make up for the loss, easiest way to do so is tack on "draw a card".Draw a card, the next card you play costs 0 and is placed on the top of your deck.
Discover a card from your deck and place it on the top of your deck.
I just don't see why this would be good in such a tempo oriented game. In light of spells like UI, which have significantly upped the power of tempo cards, something like this might just never be competitive. And it's not just UI, it's megasaur, it's bonemare, it's spike ridged steed.
Better Priest mechanic IMO.
no, he didn't play that to climb. He climbed off stream.
edit: lmao he got 120 armor against exodia mage.
edit2: he won lolol.
### Highlander
# Class: Priest
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 1x (1) Mind Vision
# 1x (1) Northshire Cleric
# 1x (1) Potion of Madness
# 1x (1) Power Word: Shield
# 1x (2) Acidic Swamp Ooze
# 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos
# 1x (2) Golakka Crawler
# 1x (2) Radiant Elemental
# 1x (2) Shadow Visions
# 1x (2) Shadow Word: Pain
# 1x (2) Spirit Lash
# 1x (3) Curious Glimmerroot
# 1x (3) Kabal Talonpriest
# 1x (3) Shadow Word: Death
# 1x (3) Stonehill Defender
# 1x (4) Eternal Servitude
# 1x (4) Greater Healing Potion
# 1x (4) Kazakus
# 1x (4) Tortollan Shellraiser
# 1x (5) Devour Mind
# 1x (5) Holy Nova
# 1x (5) Lyra the Sunshard
# 1x (5) Raza the Chained
# 1x (6) Cabal Shadow Priest
# 1x (6) Dragonfire Potion
# 1x (7) Archbishop Benedictus
# 1x (8) Free From Amber
# 1x (8) Medivh, the Guardian
# 1x (8) Shadowreaper Anduin
# 1x (9) Obsidian Statue
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
Feel like I have no early game. If I don't get a good draw I just lose.
no, he didn't play that to climb. He climbed off stream.
edit: lmao he got 120 armor against exodia mage.
edit2: he won lolol.
Text to speech donation on Dog's chat just spoiled tonight's episode of GoT before it even aired. Glad I watched the leaked version!
My favorite quote:
Iksar discusses Druid, doesn't announce druid is being deleted from the game so get your pitchforks ready.
Power level aside, having such a powerful card draw effect in Druid is something we are wary of in Druid because we wouldnt consider it part of their identity as a class.
quest mage is not fun to play against
freezes and ice block are not fun
Iksar discusses Druid, doesn't announce druid is being deleted from the game so get your pitchforks ready.
News to me. Throughout the un'goro era I was under the impression that the heroes at the bottom were warlock and hunter.At the end of the UnGoro cycle, Hunter was actually the highest win rate class among all Hearthstone players. In fact, Hunter held the highest win rate for the a large portion of the expansion.
Wonder if that's taking into account the knockdown effect on Nourish, Earthen Scales, Feral Rage etc. I only have anecdotes, but that's what really takes UI over the top, IMO.Changing a card like Ultimate Infestation we think would have a bigger impact on player sentiment than actual play rate or win rate statistics. It's a big, flashy, cool design but it hasn't appeared to be statistically responsible for Druid power or popularity.
Anybody else think it's kind of runny that Swipe is being mentioned in the breath as these cards?When we changed Keeper of the Grove and Ancient of Lore, the goal was for Druids to have more interesting decisions to make when deckbuilding rather than a large group of cards to be automatically included. Even though those cards changed, there are still some other offenders of this such as Innervate or Swipe...and Wild Growth to a lesser degree. Having some powerful cards that help define what makes a class different can be good, but those cards in particular have spawned a number of internal conversations where we have been weighing the upside and downside to having each as a part of Druid for Hearthstone eternity.
Wonder if that's taking into account the knockdown effect on Nourish, Earthen Scales, Feral Rage etc. I only have anecdotes, but that's what really takes UI over the top, IMO.
Anybody else think it's kind of runny that Swipe is being mentioned in the breath as these cards?
He's not wrong.
Swipe is alot like Polymorph or Blessing of Kings, in that it's usually an auto-include card in these decks. So he brings up wild growth, Swipe, and innervate, some auto include cards for druids.
It's the power part after. There's a very big difference in why Innervate / Wild Growth are always includes and why Swipe is. Innvervate and Wild Growth are powerful. Swipe is often the only anti-AoE or early game ST removal druids have access to and is included because there's zero competition. And it's not even a very good anti-aggro tool, all things considered.
Right. But we're talking relative auto-includes within each class, not compared to the bigger picture of all classes. For Druids, Swipe is auto include even over something like Starfall because of it's cost, it's main damage spike(4), and it's secondary damage boosted with spell power can be quite deadly.
So yeah, it's only powerful BECAUSE there is 0 competition within the druid class. And that's how they have to look at the cards, the vacuum of that classes components put together.
He's not wrong.
Swipe is alot like Polymorph or Blessing of Kings, in that it's usually an auto-include card in these decks. So he brings up wild growth, Swipe, and innervate, some auto include cards for druids.
My favorite quote:
So powerful draw isn't part of Druid identity...but then you make a powerful draw card...?
And since when is good draw not part of Druid?