Iksar pretty much said last year that rogue is supposed to lose to aggro forever by design and that's ok in their mind. I don't like it but look at the cards they're printing, 2 mana give a weapon lifesteal, Doomrang! complete joke of a card. Yeah, it's not changing ever. Somehow a class can't have taunt minions, the very basic thing in the game. Every single class in the game has taunts except rogue. They add taunts to priest of all things but not in rogue.
I miss those times when we had cards in the game that everyone showed respect to. If there is a flurry I lose on the spot, maybe make some trades instead of jamming everything in the face. If there is a molten I better not attack with everything this turn. All of that finesse is gone from the game, replaced by increasingly dumber and dumber cards. We don't have many left any more. It's just brawl I think.
With druids and quest mage existing now, people have completely gone nuts, everything goes face everywhere. Murloc paladin I played against was insane. He had the nuts curve but he didn't even trade a single time, I could punish him with a dozen of cards, I was priest, but nothing he just went face face face and my hand was bad, drew no spell whatsoever. It's just a terrible terrible player, rolled high on megasaur (I hate this card), got a lucky win. His plays were completely awful and didn't make any sense. Free trade on north shire, nope leave it up, must get 3 damage face!
Hilariously bad plays by jade druid players, people say the deck is simple but damn are people trash at this game, even at legend. Worst part they still win because they play bullshit cards.