Idk why some of you are so down on rogue in this thread. It's a very good meta for a rogue player atm. My legend climb stats from rank 5 to legend was over 70% winrate this season. Highest it has ever been for a miracle rogue climb for me. It's decently positioned against the 2 most common decks I faced on the climb, which was midrange murloc pally and jade druid. My stats against aggro token druid were actually above 57% this time as well. Valanar is crazy good against aggro. I think it's as strong as a 5% winrate swing when I play it against aggro decks which is nuts. I also think 2 sap 1 vilespine is extremely strong right now. The way to beat jade druid and paladin is insane tempo swings. Nothing swings tempo like a sap on a spikeridged card or on a big jade minion.