Are you finding the deck successful? I'm playing a more conventional demon version and the cards just aren't strong enough to get you through half the time. I think this deck might be better as the cards individually are just better so you can make it to the late game and not need to rely on your demon summoning as much.
I'm in if NA
Currently at rank 2 (3 stars) and I started at rank 5, so it seems pretty good. I don't think it's as good as the top decks, but it's fun to play because few know how to play against it. Some of the matchups are really tough (murloc pally, to name one, quest mage is probably an auto loss if the opponent knows how to play it). It does pretty well otherwise, but like any Kazakus deck, heavily reliant on draws. If you can curve into giant and drake vs. Jade druid, you're in good shape. Priest seems to be a pretty good matchup as well. Tough part is the mulligan when you're facing druid (aggro vs. Jade wants completely different opening hand). Try it out and tell me what you think.
It's more the hero power costing 0 and me not having anything stick once that whole thing starts.Swarms of low attack minions. They only have 1 Dragonfire potion in the Kazakus variant and 1 holy nova. In those cases you swarm them and after those removals they have nothing. You basically win if you can force out those board clears early.
In the Dragon variant they aren't running Kazakus and therefore have LOTS more boardclears. The game plan is the same, but you have a lot more work to force out the clears. In all cases aggressive decks will challenge them because they have limited ways to refill their hand and if you can force them to use their stuff clearing your early lead they won't be able to catch up with the DK because they need the healing.
It's more the hero power costing 0 and me not having anything stick once that whole thing starts.
I booted it up but I subbed in Jaraxxus because I don't have Krul and I thought a violet illusionist would be good as well (partially to guard against all the AOES.
So far it's been pretty good although I find it a bit top heavy, but i'll tune it around a bit and see what happens.
I've been on a surprisingly good tear with tempo warrior. The DK weapon does work and Grom is a nice finisher you can always activate.
Beating a dead horse to complain about Druid but man did Blizzard fuck this up bad. Every single game is an exact copy of the last. Ramp ramp ramp ramp spreading plague, ultimate infestation, concede.
I hate spreading plague a lot more than UI although I think without one the other wouldnt be as bad.
Wow. I took a break from Wild at rank 8 to try some standard, and rank 17 standard might be the hardest I've ever seen.
So many big priests getting turn 4 barnes and jade druids getting ramp into turn 7 UI. I honestly have no clue what to do.
Like what am I supposed to do against these UIs both with me at 6 mana in a single 12 game night:
At least I still beat the big priest, but rank 17 shouldn't be this difficult:
Spreading Plague is bullshit because it covers Druid's biggest weakness which was going wide on board and challenging them to deal with it. It basically turned their worst matchups completely upside down.
Bullshit would be if spreading the plague was an AoE that clears boards like flamestrike or abyssal enforcer. This goes in line with druids idea, since jades, druids can develop wide boards. They are are just adding these taunts.
Although, I aggree that the health should be reviewed by team 5, just to check if it isn't too OP
Altho seeing Scarab token also playable in other form, how they gonna change it?
Scarab definitely not OP as Druid of the Swarm transformation, or part of Malfurion battlecry
Maaaan, anyone have any luck with Moorabi?
I wanna play some Frost Shaman for FROST SHOCK!
Been playing Ez priest in the last two days and i wouldnt be surprised if they nerfed barnes to be an end of turn effect instead of instant summon.
That isn't a nerf that's a buff.
I haven't seen it yet, but I highly doubt it's playable. Seems so very bad. I'd try it out if i opened it in a pack, but even as a control shaman specialist, I can't see myself playing it much at all.
Overload seems like it maybe has potential, and I'm currently saving up for the overload giants.
I'm a pretty big meme-r. My most played decks this month are C'thun Rogue and DK Mage.
Wish I had crafted Moorabi / Thrall over Malfurion... :/
DK Mage, mayne, I don't know what to say.
When Jaina hits the board, you just become so hard to kill. She's soloed the game so many times for me now--exactly what I want from a 9-cost Legendary. (Same goes for Valeera)
Been playing Ez priest in the last two days and i wouldnt be surprised if they nerfed barnes to be an end of turn effect instead of instant summon.
It's a buff if the effect keeps on repeating like Baron Geddon. It's also a buff because if they pull it out with Dirty Rat or the Priest resurrects Barnes, you still get the effect.
It's a nerf because it would not allow Yshaarj or other end of turn effects to take place.
It's not unusual to have very tough matches consistently even at that rank. Most players don't play ladder enough to go down much farther, but they still have powerful netdecks. Brode's talked about it before.
That's what I just said but having an end of turn effect means it can itself be pulled from hand, deck or graveyard and still have its effect trigger unlike Battlecry. Not to mention that the effect can be repeated if it lives long enough.If a card is put onto the board as an "end of turn" effect, it won't trigger any of its own "end of turn" effects. This is why the Dreadsteed nerf straight-up deleted the card from existence. You can't Spiritsinger Umbra into Dreadsteed for a full board. You just get one.
But those are the things you want. You don't want Barnes to give you another 1/1 that will die on the next turn. It's a nerf. You would probably have to rework Barnes into summoning only deathrattles.That's what I just said but having an end of turn effect means it can itself be pulled from hand, deck or graveyard and still have its effect trigger unlike Battlecry. Not to mention that the effect can be repeated if it lives long enough.
So essentially the other guy is right, it's not exactly a nerf but rather a buff in many ways. It's really only a nerf to the Yshaarj/Ysera/Lich King pull from deck.
I guess rank 18 is the median, which is kinda insane when you think about it. All time rank floors makes so much more sense when you look at it as 50% of ranked players being rank 18 or lower. Don't make players who have broken into the top 1% at some point have to play against people who are having a hard time staying above the median.
I meant it as "end of this turn" similar Dreadsteed nerf.It's a buff if the effect keeps on repeating like Baron Geddon. It's also a buff because if they pull it out with Dirty Rat or the Priest resurrects Barnes, you still get the effect.
It's a nerf because it would not allow Yshaarj or other end of turn effects to take place.
Big priest coin into barnes into lich king
Me, potion of madness to lich king then attacked barnes
Big priest used mass dispel.
Me, eternal servitude into lich king
Big priest conceded.