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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel


honestly giant deck seems necessary otherwise everything will just be priest in wild at this point. The reno deck is only going to get better and better with more cards.
When are they gonna fix Exodia mage bullshit that allows them to run over the timer its ridiculous make the rope cut em out exactly when the rope would end not 1 fucking minute after its ridiculous.
When are they gopnna fix Exodia mage bullshit that allows them to run over the timer its ridiculous make the rope cut em out exactly when the rope would end not 1 fucking minute after its ridiculous.
Nothing allows them to go over, they input the actions to kill you long ago. The game just needs that long to execute them.
Has anyone tried Quest Rogue with the new Rogue DK? I am intensely curious but don't want to spend the dust on the quest.
Why would quest rogue play a 9 mana card?
I am thinking of a more control-ish Quest Rogue that runs Vanish. I think that variant would run Valeera.

honestly giant deck seems necessary otherwise everything will just be priest in wild at this point. The reno deck is only going to get better and better with more cards.
But Priest is literally one of the handful of decks that beats Giants. Double Lightbomb plus two tutors to search for them means that you almost always have the answer when you need it. Compare that to Druid, which has absolutely zero answers. Even Hunter has a way to wipe that board on curve, but it isn't popular.

When are they gonna fix Exodia mage bullshit that allows them to run over the timer its ridiculous make the rope cut em out exactly when the rope would end not 1 fucking minute after its ridiculous.
They aren't going over the timer. The opposing player goes through slower animation sequences, which makes it seem like they are getting longer than they are.


It says until your next turn, so yeah, that's how it works. You can still lose if they have another iceblock and they just pass. Can't beat more than 2 blocks with that method.
Still a massive difference between 6 and 9 and you can discount the former.

I don't think a control quest rogue is all that viable.
Svasjz (however you spell it) ran a Mill Rogue deck that had a bunch of bounces plus Shadowblade to protect from the Mill damage turn. The deck is very similar in concept to Quest Rogue, but it goes for the mill instead. I played the deck a bit and played the same minion a good 8 times multiple games in a row. I am not saying it will work, but that is the source of my idea.
All fine thx. Nothing fell off a shelf even.


From a HS player, and from a Blizzard fan, is the virtual ticket worth the $$?

Do you play all Blizzard games? The ticket does give you stuff for just about everything. If you think you'll watch everything and use all the gift stuff, then I'd say it's worth considering a purchase. If you also like buying Blizzard SWAG, you also get access to their online Blizzcon store before other people can, when normally that opens up after the event is over.

For me, I just like watching the opening ceremony, which anyone can do for free, then waiting to see if there's anything good on the store after it's over as well. Got myself a Well Played shirt a couple of years back.


When are they gonna fix Exodia mage bullshit that allows them to run over the timer its ridiculous make the rope cut em out exactly when the rope would end not 1 fucking minute after its ridiculous.

They did all their actions before the rope ended. What you're waiting for is the animations to catch up. It's not like they get extra time in their turn.


Dean Ayala: I think some of the decks that are traditionally good against Kazakus Priest – or Razakus Priest – is the traditional control decks, like Control Warrior, and a lot of the decks that have been pushed out by Jade Druid, so we hopefully think we'll strike a balance there where those decks will come back into the fold and be able to fight a little bit, because the Priest deck they're playing right now is actually very strong, so I think if Jade Druid were to completely go away and the meta were to stay completely the same outside of that it might be just as powerful as Jade Druid is now. But the hope is that the meta shifts a bit, because maybe Jade Druid is played slightly less.

that's a lot of hopes man. I don't know which control deck can beat Razakus priest, it's the most anti control deck there is. It can kill you from well above 30 in one turn. You can't beat that with control, you'd need a LOT of bring it ons or crazy armor smith turn to beat that with control warrior lol. Other than lucky dirty rats, doesn't seem like a counter.

It's good to see they are somewhat concerned about Razakus priest at least but cwarrior is not coming back.


Dog posted a guide of his latest iteration of dead man's hand warrior on the compHS subreddit. This version cuts the giants and blood warriors for coldlights and a bit more removal. A true fatigue win condition. I assume it's as impossibly hard to play as the other version, but this one is a lot more control oriented. It seeks to exhaust resources by copying removal spells and coldlight oracles rather than generating infinite arcane giants. He hit rank 2 legend with it so far. Here's the link.



It's good to see they are somewhat concerned about Razakus priest at least but cwarrior is not coming back.

cwar just lost its early game removal and can't contest priest's infinite value train. There is zero chance that cwar can keep priest in check.

even using dead man's hand to dupe a nzoth or something is nothing compared to what Priest can do once they have RazaReaper going. Even one good Lyra turn is practically an OTK, and it's not like Cwar can generate armor the way they used to.


Simulacrum is a good card in quest mage. I think I need to craft it.

Velem completely breaks shadow priest.

not really, toast used it on the early days of the meta, but had to cut it because it sacrificed some key cards of the deck (value, freezing and spell generators). In the end that card became just a greedy card for a much slower quest mage.


How can people miss 3/3 charge on turn 1? lol

Broken af.

When you have no early game left, the early game of the past starts to look pretty appealing.

And it's so broken that no one runs it in wild. :thinking:

Now a control warrior has to draw First Mate (and dilute their deck with that card that doesn't fit their gameplan) and slam by turn 2 in order to deal with a Mana Wyrm or other similar early game minion. Or Blood to ichor/slam.

Two cards to deal with a 1 drop, seems fair.


Super Sleuth
When you have no early game left, the early game of the past starts to look pretty appealing.

And it's so broken that no one runs it in wild. :thinking:

Dragon warrior was still really solid in wild, but nobody really cared because anybody who would play that would play pirate warrior instead because it was better.
When you have no early game left, the early game of the past starts to look pretty appealing.

And it's so broken that no one runs it in wild. :thinking:

Now a control warrior has to draw First Mate (and dilute their deck with that card that doesn't fit their gameplan) and slam by turn 2 in order to deal with a Mana Wyrm or other similar early game minion. Or Blood to ichor/slam.

Two cards to deal with a 1 drop, seems fair.

Oh no, you mean warrior doesn't have perfect answers to 90% early game minions anymore?

Like give it a break already. We get it.

Plus it doesn't see play in wild because dragon warrior as an archetype is just a weaker pirate warrior. Doesn't mean it's not broken to have a 2 mana 3/3 charge.

If only there was a weapon you can play on turn 2 to deal with it

Yeah, and after they deal 6 damage from their 2 drop I bet they feel super bad about that exchange :p
So I'm not allowed to even respond when other people are discussing warrior's early game? That doesn't seem fair at all. I don't recall ever seeing you tell people talking about the weaknesses in other classes that their contributions aren't welcome.

I said nothing like that.

I give up. Soap box away.


Got Arthas, wasn't as bad when I tried the first week. Don't get me wrong it was completely frustrating at times but thank god for net decking lol. Shaman was the class that made me give it up the first time, class took the longest to win with this time taking over an hour.

i think that's my task for this weekend, i got warrior and druid done but haven't bothered with the others yet. probably will go the murloc route for most i guess. what did you use for Hunter, fledging/hyena?


Been out of the loop for quite a while, I've faced the same priest deck (kazakus) five out of five games. Is it the latest net deck?
Just realized you need like 2 ten mana kazakus potions to be as strong as UI



I don't doubt it, but it's also not a straight up comparison as kazakus potions have flexibility, which is a little funny since UI does almost everything anyway.

OTOH, UI doesn't have anything comparable to mass polymorph, which could technically be insane enough value to pass UI with no other impact.
I don't doubt it, but it's also not a straight up comparison as kazakus potions have flexibility, which is a little funny since UI does almost everything anyway.

OTOH, UI doesn't have anything comparable to mass polymorph, which could technically be insane enough value to pass UI with no other impact.
Mass Polymorph, board clears, and minion resurrection can all be very strong, and UI can't do any of them. I think they're comparable.

I miss the days when this used to be worst thing in the game:

How can you miss the best deck in the game playing itself? :p
not really, toast used it on the early days of the meta, but had to cut it because it sacrificed some key cards of the deck (value, freezing and spell generators). In the end that card became just a greedy card for a much slower quest mage.
toast went with a stock list in his most recent stream. Playing around eye for an eye and fatigue just is not worth it. Adding Simulacrum instead of a vodoo doctor is.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
i think that's my task for this weekend, i got warrior and druid done but haven't bothered with the others yet. probably will go the murloc route for most i guess. what did you use for Hunter, fledging/hyena?

I used this guide for half of them because I'm cheap


Hunter wasn't that bad but Mage probably took second longest. For Hunter I think I only added an Alley Cat. For Mage took out the the vanilla stuff for better stated things, Mana Wyrm, Arcane Anomaly, any 5 mana taunt that's better than the one suggested. Bilefin tidehunter is a decent turn 2 play for mage but sometimes you get fucked and he obliterates it. But yeah a lot of them boil down to Fledgling by turn 7/Murloc by turn 7. Fledgling is harder to do since it's just one thing you're focusing on that gets either removed easier or frozen. I had one game where my Fledgling got frozen 2 turns in a row so it only started swinging on turn 6 which is just not good enough.


I used this guide for half of them because I'm cheap


Hunter wasn't that bad but Mage probably took second longest. For Hunter I think I only added an Alley Cat. For Mage took out the the vanilla stuff for better stated things, Mana Wyrm, Arcane Anomaly, any 5 mana taunt that's better than the one suggested. Bilefin tidehunter is a decent turn 2 play for mage but sometimes you get fucked and he obliterates it. But yeah a lot of them boil down to Fledgling by turn 7/Murloc by turn 7. Fledgling is harder to do since it's just one thing you're focusing on that gets either removed easier or frozen. I had one game where my Fledgling got frozen 2 turns in a row so it only started swinging on turn 6 which is just not good enough.

Cool, I've bookmarked that page, hopefully I can get this done mostly painlessly.
in my experience if its a battle between control decks the person that first draws their DK wins, I really hope Big Priest isnt gonna be a dominant deck after the nerfs.
DKs don't feel good to play against. You can make up the loss of equity from your opponent playing a bomb and more importantly you can kill the bomb. You can't stop your opponent from getting ahead after they played their DK except immediately playing your own.
Been climbing ladder pretty successfully with secret Hunter, definitely no where near as tough to win with as previous "worst" classes in the tier list.


Super Sleuth
Any idea how this razakus deck supposed to work?


I'm stupid.. I see asmoday play it and still clueless what is the idea

But its created by OmegaZero and guy that as good as Hoej willing to play it in tournament

Race to getting raza/shadowpriest going then use whatever the hell they have in their deck to beat them in combination with your extremely op hero power. I think.


Any idea how this razakus deck supposed to work?


I'm stupid.. I see asmoday play it and still clueless what is the idea

But its created by OmegaZero and guy that as good as Hoej willing to play it in tournament

The combo is you burn your deck so you can guarantee you have Raza/Shadowreaper and then you can play elise for a pack you immediately topdeck, and if you still haven't won, you play Benedictus to extend the game.
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