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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel

I have one in my deck. It helps a lot for consistency.

I've also used that Simulacrum to clone other things like Coldlight Oracle when I come up with dead draws.
I've had some astonishingly stupid games today playing Exodia.

In 10 or so games I had a chain of 3 primordial glyphs going twice.

I finished someone off by attacking for 3 + 1 Ping, go for the combo take an extra turn then swing for 15 pyro for 10 and ping for 1 for exactly 30.

I got 7 apprentices in 1 game.

I miscounted against a shaman and couldn't cast time warp but he had spent all his removal and so had to pass the turn with 4 apprentices up.


Do you play all Blizzard games? The ticket does give you stuff for just about everything. If you think you'll watch everything and use all the gift stuff, then I'd say it's worth considering a purchase. If you also like buying Blizzard SWAG, you also get access to their online Blizzcon store before other people can, when normally that opens up after the event is over.

For me, I just like watching the opening ceremony, which anyone can do for free, then waiting to see if there's anything good on the store after it's over as well. Got myself a Well Played shirt a couple of years back.
I think I'll get it. I've avoided Blizzard stuff all my life because "it wasn't my thing", this year I gave their stuff a go and have been obsessed.
I want the Winston mug, and a HS KoFT poster.
10-1 with this haggled together cancer

### YUGE
# Class: Warlock
# Format: Wild
# 2x (1) Corruption
# 2x (1) Mistress of Mixtures
# 2x (2) Corrupting Mist
# 2x (2) Doomsayer
# 1x (3) Coldlight Oracle
# 2x (4) Bright-Eyed Scout
# 1x (4) Shadowflame
# 2x (5) Antique Healbot
# 2x (5) Naga Sea Witch
# 1x (5) Sludge Belcher
# 1x (6) Siphon Soul
# 2x (10) Frost Giant
# 2x (10) Sea Giant
# 2x (12) Arcane Giant
# 2x (12) Clockwork Giant
# 2x (12) Mountain Giant
# 2x (25) Molten Giant
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
I've had some astonishingly stupid games today playing Exodia.

In 10 or so games I had a chain of 3 primordial glyphs going twice.

I finished someone off by attacking for 3 + 1 Ping, go for the combo take an extra turn then swing for 15 pyro for 10 and ping for 1 for exactly 30.

I got 7 apprentices in 1 game.

I miscounted against a shaman and couldn't cast time warp but he had spent all his removal and so had to pass the turn with 4 apprentices up.
That last one must have felt incredible.

I had a similar match where a Deathlord pulled my Antonidas on turn 4. I thought I would lose the match, but he drew no removal at all. He silenced Antonidas, though.

So I played Molten Reflection on Antonidas. Yeah, it turns out that Molten Reflection copies the silenced state, too. I didn't know that.

I won that match just by going face with double silenced Antonidas every turn, plus an extra turn and Pyroblast at the end.

10-1 with this haggled together cancer

### YUGE
# Class: Warlock
# Format: Wild
# 2x (1) Corruption
# 2x (1) Mistress of Mixtures
# 2x (2) Corrupting Mist
# 2x (2) Doomsayer
# 1x (3) Coldlight Oracle
# 2x (4) Bright-Eyed Scout
# 1x (4) Shadowflame
# 2x (5) Antique Healbot
# 2x (5) Naga Sea Witch
# 1x (5) Sludge Belcher
# 1x (6) Siphon Soul
# 2x (10) Frost Giant
# 2x (10) Sea Giant
# 2x (12) Arcane Giant
# 2x (12) Clockwork Giant
# 2x (12) Mountain Giant
# 2x (25) Molten Giant
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
That name.

Dog posted a guide of his latest iteration of dead man's hand warrior on the compHS subreddit. This version cuts the giants and blood warriors for coldlights and a bit more removal. A true fatigue win condition. I assume it's as impossibly hard to play as the other version, but this one is a lot more control oriented. It seeks to exhaust resources by copying removal spells and coldlight oracles rather than generating infinite arcane giants. He hit rank 2 legend with it so far. Here's the link.


I want to play this deck so bad. Totally my kind of deck.


Priest mirror in tourneys is complete cancer. It almost always comes down to who draws the combo first. Blizzard can't watch this and think it's acceptable right? I guess they just figure everyone will ban priest from now on (meaning after the nerfs)?
I'm playing this sort of hilarious keleseth rogue deck


Only screen grab I got. But last game I had an amazing start with keleseth shadowstep keleseth into coldlight oracle on turn 3. On turn 4 I played obsidian shard. Turn 5 I played captain greenskin at 7/6, which summoned a 3/3 patches. If you thought patches was busted, wait til you summon him as a 3/3!

Priest mirror in tourneys is complete cancer. It almost always comes down to who draws the combo first. Blizzard can't watch this and think it's acceptable right? I guess they just figure everyone will ban priest from now on (meaning after the nerfs)?

Like... all combo-oriented decks? That makes it bad?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
So I have no idea if you guys would be even halfway interested in this, but I kind of had the idea of just straight up stealing MTG cards and trying to turn them into Hearthstone cards. Just to consider how they would work in this game. I'm... sort of learning Magic and so it's a good exercise in learning the game... maybe.

The first is a random card from the upcoming Ixalan set. It seemed like an easy enough card to convert so I thought it would be a good starter.

It's actually the same card text as Arcane Golem but the stats are way more efficient for its cost. However, it also has the drawback of coming out earlier so your opponent ramps earlier too. Would be interesting if a card like this was printed but I'm pretty sure it's not quite good enough. The drawback is significantly worse than something like Flame Imp and I don't think the upside of one extra health is quite worth it.


Maybe PirWar runs forge of souls more often? In wild they have ships cannon so I don't think they miss a beat in that format.


Alright, I seriously don't regret crafting DK Rexxar now. Just beat a Quest Priest who used both Amara and Nzoth and couldn't deal with my Zombeasts. This is typically a very bad match-up for Hunter as well. I luckily got a Hyena + Stranglethorn that my opponent couldn't deal with. I also had two Bloodworms from the Zombeasts with big stats on hand so I still had a back-up plan. Opponent conceded after my Hyena was at 13/10 and he's still above 30 health lol. Welp, that's going to be my last Ranked match this month.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
DK Rexxar feels like a poor man's jade deck at the moment. Once jades rotate out, there's a chance that Midrange Hunter can be the beefy anti-control midrange deck it always wanted to be.


DK Rexxar isn't as effective as it could be, but maaaan it's probably the most fun DK card.

There should be a spell with the same effect, but across all cards.
@ZealousD you don't want to convert MtG mana cost to HS mana cost 1:1, because HS has guaranteed mana gain while MtG doesn't. Look at some "6 drops" in MtG and you'll see what I mean.

time to play Nozdormu to counter Razakus :eek: it's legit best counter.

Shadow Word: Death and the game moves on.
So I have no idea if you guys would be even halfway interested in this, but I kind of had the idea of just straight up stealing MTG cards and trying to turn them into Hearthstone cards. Just to consider how they would work in this game. I'm... sort of learning Magic and so it's a good exercise in learning the game... maybe.

The first is a random card from the upcoming Ixalan set. It seemed like an easy enough card to convert so I thought it would be a good starter.

It's actually the same card text as Arcane Golem but the stats are way more efficient for its cost. However, it also has the drawback of coming out earlier so your opponent ramps earlier too. Would be interesting if a card like this was printed but I'm pretty sure it's not quite good enough. The drawback is significantly worse than something like Flame Imp and I don't think the upside of one extra health is quite worth it.
Good against warrior lolololololol

I like your idea though, keep them coming if you feel like it.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
@ZealousD you don't want to convert MtG mana cost to HS mana cost 1:1, because HS has guaranteed mana gain while MtG doesn't. Look at some "6 drops" in MtG and you'll see what I mean.

Yeah I've been skimming some cards and I know what you mean. I saw Ripjaw Raptor in Ixalan that was like a Yeti (4 mana 4/5) that also had text like Acolyte of Pain. No way that flies in Hearthstone. So in some cases I will try to rebalance.
I think I'll get it. I've avoided Blizzard stuff all my life because "it wasn't my thing", this year I gave their stuff a go and have been obsessed.
I want the Winston mug, and a HS KoFT poster.

Well enjoy the show then! It's pretty cool to watch it all. I don't know for sure, but with the Virtual Ticket, I think you can watch VoDs of the talks / events you miss live. However, if that is incorrect, you'll want to plan out with the Blizzcon schedule for what shows and stuff you want to watch.


@ZealousD you don't want to convert MtG mana cost to HS mana cost 1:1, because HS has guaranteed mana gain while MtG doesn't. Look at some "6 drops" in MtG and you'll see what I mean.
Yeah, with some early cards you can still convert costs 1:1, but 5+ cost cards quickly grow into massive wincons.

Also, if ya wanna hard-mode these card conversions even for some early cards, try cards that are strong, but harder to cast on curve due to mana requirements.


3 mana 4/5 huh?
DK Rexxar isn't as effective as it could be, but maaaan it's probably the most fun DK card.

There should be a spell with the same effect, but across all cards.

yeah I think something along the lines of 1 mana 'stitch 2 beasts together' or something would be neat


So I have no idea if you guys would be even halfway interested in this, but I kind of had the idea of just straight up stealing MTG cards and trying to turn them into Hearthstone cards. Just to consider how they would work in this game. I'm... sort of learning Magic and so it's a good exercise in learning the game... maybe.

The first is a random card from the upcoming Ixalan set. It seemed like an easy enough card to convert so I thought it would be a good starter.

It's actually the same card text as Arcane Golem but the stats are way more efficient for its cost. However, it also has the drawback of coming out earlier so your opponent ramps earlier too. Would be interesting if a card like this was printed but I'm pretty sure it's not quite good enough. The drawback is significantly worse than something like Flame Imp and I don't think the upside of one extra health is quite worth it.

how about "for next turn only"?

that way you are not ramping your opponent, just merely making his turn next better


That guy is good with everything. It's one of the best hunter cards right now, you should play it in your deck, too bad the deck is not good.

Shadow Word: Death and the game moves on.

If they have not played death already by that time, they probably lost against the decks I play...
Speaking of Zombeasts and bad Hunter decks, figured I'd share my current iteration of my Deathrattle Hunter. Been having a lot of fun with it, but at its core, it's just another high roll deck, so quite a few games you're left with nothing to do. Just a blast when things get out of hand though. One of my favorite combos is Abominable Bowman into a Corpse Raiser + Deathrattle Trigger. You just end up vomiting a lot of stats on the board.

Still looking into how to refine the deck, but I don't think there's much you can do with a janky one like this.



is kharazan worth buying now

If you want to play big priest sure. And why wouldnt you. The deck has a very low skill requirement and is stupidly consistent.

Also if you want to be really unlucky, be me. Play jade druid in wild, and get the worst draws every game.

I think I am done with wild. Its too random.


opened scourgelord, yay. I have every DK now. Done with packs too after a month. Seems good.

How many did you craft?

I'll stop getting Frozen Throne packs after I get one more legendary, I finally got a second Dreadlord and that means no more rares I'm interested in. The rest of the cards I want are Obsidian Statues and DKs, I suppose I can get them with Un'Goro dust later.
Winning the druid mirror w/o casting UI and Malf feels so good.
It's crazy how many tech cards are being played in druid. Medivh, BGH, TBK,... I've been playing doomsayers and one naturalize
I beat two out of three DK Anduin players with DMH Fatigue. Feeeels good!
I'd like to play it but I'm lacking 6 epics for the deck.


I'm only missing bring it ons right now. I'm tempted to craft it but that card is pretty iffy. I don't know how good that will be in future. Right now you need it.


I have every card in FT I want (missing 4 legendaries in the set, Arfus, 3 cost prince, Blood Queen and Putricide) so I switched to Un'goro packs looking to get Hemet, and I opened the dumb Hunter dinosaur instead.

On the bright side I do need to get golden hunter so it might be useful if control hunter gets more support next set.

I really regret not getting golden rogue when water rogue was a thing. Had a rogue quest so I played traditional miracle with 4 cost prince, I really liked the prince in that deck, won me the first game I played with it. Don't know if I can stomach ~800 miracle rogue ladder matches though. It does occur to me that since so many "classic" HS decks barely exist anymore (handlock, cwar, freeze mage, combo drood) maybe it's time to give miracle rogue the boot. Why should that be an evergreen deck shown nothing else gets to be? Or is Van Cleef and Auctioneer and prep somehow exempt from the inevitable march of progress?
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