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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel


Watching some streams and how I said, everyone is complaining how it's to easy to play quest rouge and how it breaks the game.


So far liking taunt warrior the best of the decks I have tried. Any opinions on elemental Shaman vs Murlocs? Was thinking of crafting Kalimos.


Unite the Murlocs is my #2 quest in terms of power level so far. Incredbly easy to pull off, and a reward that alleviates a weakness of the deck.

It's the deck I played the most so far and have the best winrate with.


So far liking taunt warrior the best of the decks I have tried. Any opinions on elemental Shaman vs Murlocs? Was thinking of crafting Kalimos.

Elemental shaman is fun. I reached rank 10 from 14 with it.

Kalimos is legit, just make sure you played elemental in previous turn. Otherwise the elementals have no huge impact on board.

I wanted to craft rogue quest just because of Maiev, but I disenchanted my moroes lol.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Quick 12h-in tier list

Rogue quest godtier (hard to play?)
Warrior taunt very good
Pirate still insane?
Rogue seems like it just wrecks any slow deck. 100% of the games I've played vs Rogue that played the quest, they completed and played the quest reward by turn 5.

Firefly Elemental or whatever it is called is just bs with Rogue.


Elemental shaman is fun. I reached rank 10 from 14 with it.

Kalimos is legit, just make sure you played elemental in previous turn. Otherwise the elementals have no huge impact on board.

I wanted to craft rogue quest just because of Maiev, but I disenchanted my moroes lol.
Do you think stone sentinel worth running?

I think its not right.. too many 7 drop


I'm not having much luck with the Paladin Quest unfortunately. My strongest turns in that deck have actually been with the recruits. Sunkeeper Tarim and the Lightfused Stegadon have been putting in work and... dare I say it... the vinecleaver.

I might try and see if a more midrange style ends up working better tonight after work.


Do you think stone sentinel worth running?

I think its not right.. too many 7 drop

Nope, I don't use it. My only 7 drops were 2 Blazecaller.

And if you really need it, you can get it from servant of kalimos, which you actually can get another Kalimos too.

Kalimos's invocation of earth into bloodlust is so satisfying.


I reached level 7 with Quest Rogue, and I got to say, the solution for all your Rogue problems has a name: Murloc Shaman
Lol a priest mass dispelled my board of 5/5 rogue minions.

It had no effect.

That's just stupid.
It makes perfect sense based on the wording of the card though. It's a unique effect that nothing else has really done but I think it's good that we are seeing something different.


Lol a priest mass dispelled my board of 5/5 rogue minions.

It had no effect.

That's just stupid.

I could not blame that player, I would have tried that too, that card is pretty different from what we have seen in the game

All I wanted were quests and I got one.

MFing Paladin.

I also got the Hunter dino legendary and that neutral Deathrattle legendary. :-(

both of those are really good and could potentially fit all in the same hunter deck don't dismiss them


Unconfirmed Member
I absolutely love murloc paladin. So good in this meta. I bet long term 80% winrate vs Quest Rogue easily.


Rogue already ready to coin out quest turn 4? Still will never beat this board.

Last night I was running the Elemental Quest Rogue package, but looking at it now I think it's honestly better and easier to just to run cheap, efficient minions and lots of bounce. On their own, the Flame Elemental generators aren't great. However, it is fun to drop the Quest plus four of them on the same turn. Game is basically over at that point.
That's the problem to me of the 5/5 Rogue quest - there is no counter play besides going face and beating them before they finish the quest/get minions on the board. It's entirely uninteractive. The ONLY counter I can think of is to Counterspell the quest when they cast it, but that is literally the only thing you can do, as far as I can tell.


that's why I always wait some time before crafting the cards I want in my decks, I expect the meta to settle down in some weeks...

I've spent way too much dust trying to make Quest Hunter work with Rat Pack, 2 Stampedes, Dinomancy, Quest and some rares. Maybe I should just skip the quest and go full casino hunter with infest and stampede. At least the Dinomancy + Rat pack + Infest is a great way fill your deck... with borderline unusable 7-9 mana cost neutral dinosaurs.

The weirdest part was that I thought crafting Hunter Quest was the "safe bet" to balance out crafting the wacky but weak rogue quest.


Is the rogue quest card going to be changed do you think? I could craft it now, have some fun with it, and trade it back if it's nerfed.


That's the problem to me of the 5/5 Rogue quest - there is no counter play besides going face and beating them before they finish the quest/get minions on the board. It's entirely uninteractive. The ONLY counter I can think of is to Counterspell the quest when they cast it, but that is literally the only thing you can do, as far as I can tell.

Get lucky on a Dirty Rat pull.. and then lose when they draw the second copy of their bounce target. Ah well, we'll have to see how the meta shapes up. Deck is really strong now but not unbeatable, though it might be a bit too consistent atm.


Super Sleuth
Is the rogue quest card going to be changed do you think? I could craft it now, have some fun with it, and trade it back if it's nerfed.

Not for 6 months.

Rogue quest makes hunter quest look really ridiculous. Oh you have a bunch of crappy 3/2s in your deck? That's cute.
Is the rogue quest card going to be changed do you think? I could craft it now, have some fun with it, and trade it back if it's nerfed.
It's funny because at 4 minions it feels REALLY easy to complete and really powerful, but I don't know what you actually change about the Quest to nerf it without making it completely worthless. Bumping to 5 or 6 minions needed seems like it could make the card too slow to be viable. Dropping the minions to 4/4 seems like it would still be pretty powerful but dropping to 3/3 would be too big of a nerf I think.

Maybe a combination of making it 5 minions required and 4/4 minions would work. Could still be scary in the right situations but wouldn't be instant win.


Unconfirmed Member
That's the problem to me of the 5/5 Rogue quest - there is no counter play besides going face and beating them before they finish the quest/get minions on the board. It's entirely uninteractive. The ONLY counter I can think of is to Counterspell the quest when they cast it, but that is literally the only thing you can do, as far as I can tell.

Taunt Warrior can brawl and put 5/7+ taunts up. Handlock can Felfire Potion, twisting nether, Shadowflame, and put 5/7+ taunts up.
People freaking out about duplicates in their packs.

I guess I didn't notice but I did get a billion uktrasaurs.
People who don't usually open packs in large quantities aren't used to opening lots of dupes. Surprise surprise.

Drop rates should be improved, but I'm willing to bet that there's absolutely nothing different about this set than others. I think it's just confirmation bias. Plus people on reddit can't think of anything else to complain about at the moment.


A lot of the pack stuff is confirmation bias. No, legendary drop rates aren't higher/lower. You're just lucky/unlucky.

Then again, last set there truly was a weighting error in favor of the tri-class cards


wait.. the note hearthstone included today on the client is because of the bug Disguised toast discovered that made the opponent lose?

EDIT: no, that is another bug


Kazakus mystic wooled rouge quest board, ended up buffing damaged minion into a board of 5/5 sheep instead....

Opened like 80 packs and only quest I got was the Warlock quest which really sucks.

I opened 58 & got warrior quest, & rougue quest... twice


Super Sleuth
A lot of the pack stuff is confirmation bias. No, legendary drop rates aren't higher/lower. You're just lucky/unlucky.

Then again, last set there truly was a weighting error in favor of the tri-class cards

The bug during msog is why everybody is making a big fuss. They think that makes it possible that it is a bug and that they will get a ton of free packs. Ain't happening.


Feel this meta is worse version of shadowverse game, where most of shit in that game is tempo oriented deck, but the thing is the game is designed around back and forth tempo swing, I don't think Hearthstone has mechanic to support that kind of games, every game decided in blow out way.. no come back mechanic at all

I feel like every game is decided by turn 5 or 6, like 99% of the time you know who's winning that game by then. I've not seen a game hit turn 10 yet after like 30 games.


That's the problem to me of the 5/5 Rogue quest - there is no counter play besides going face and beating them before they finish the quest/get minions on the board. It's entirely uninteractive. The ONLY counter I can think of is to Counterspell the quest when they cast it, but that is literally the only thing you can do, as far as I can tell.

You have to aggressively clear the board so they have no 5/5s ready to go once the quest goes down and so that they have to rely on whatever they have from hand. From there you have to taunt up and grind them down with card advantage. They're still gonna be limited by poor draw and running out a chunk of their hand completing the quest + playing it. It's still a problem, especially when it draws well, but it's day 2 of this expansion. No sense getting pessimistic yet.
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