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Helldivers 2 |OT| Another bug infested game


Played alone for a bit yesterday then my son joined, and while playing with randos today a friend joined and we spent an hour doing 3 or 4 missions together which was the best, even when some rando blew the other 3 of us up "for the lolz" at extraction. I could see a full team of my old Destiny bros taking these things a bit too far, I'll have to make it happen.

Game definitely has that bit of something to it that makes me want to go back and unlock more stuff, not everything gets to me that way these days being a jaded old fuck, so there's that going for it at least. Expected playing with randos to be fairly terrible as it can be in other games, but we were clearing maps methodically and getting all the resources and objectives we could, everyone just working together as you'd hope. It was even kinda fun dropping back down the difficulties and joining the games of others who were just starting out, only did this to try to force entry to other lobbies, and weirdly it seemed to work.

Love the callouts by the players and the silly stuff they scream out sometimes when taking out a lot of enemies, within the backdrop of whole planet-wide skirmishes taking place it feels kinda right. Online seems pretty iffy still but not impossible like it was at first. Overall I like it and don't regret it as a mid-tier/half price type of effort. There's potential for a lot more, but that's often the way with GaaS and we'll have to see how it lives up to it.
Just rage quitted out of a mission. Random kept running around like he was playing solo. I was wearing heavy armor so I was very slow. I kept being one shotted by fat spitting acid bugs.
I like the game. It's deeper than I thought. But I can see it not being healthy for an old fuck with anger menagement issues like me.


Game is really fun. They translated the top down to 3D quite well and looks like there is a lot of cool stuff to unlock.
Better than I thought it would be. I do think it will get grindy and I'll potentially stop after 20h, but we'll see, maybe the higher difficulty levels bring more variety.
That maniacal scream your dude lets out after letting it rip on an LMG for like 10 straight seconds might be one of my favorite video game micro-additions.
Yea I love it. I waste ammo just to hear it to be honest.

Just me or are there no voice binds or emotes that say something? There could be so many things you could have it would be glorious.
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Game is really fun. They translated the top down to 3D quite well and looks like there is a lot of cool stuff to unlock.
Better than I thought it would be. I do think it will get grindy and I'll potentially stop after 20h, but we'll see, maybe the higher difficulty levels bring more variety.
Higher difficulties with a coordinate squad is an amazing experience. What great gameplay this guys create.


King of Gaslighting
Other than bugs, they really need to toss in some QoL updates: loadouts, ability to skip mission review screen, leaving a group when you're the group leader ("Get off my ship!"), etc.

. . .I also wouldn't mind a God damned CODEX that told you what anything actually does. Like it's shocking how little feedback you actually get in this game.

Do they introduce new types of enemies or is it more about volume and frequency of encounters?

There's numerous new things introduced from enemies to world states and even missions.

Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
People need to chill the fuck out with the orbitals. Got clusterbombed about 10 times this evening. All part of the fun though.

Also got dropped in to a match and guys were doing side missions with 33 minutes to go. Fair enough but then left 10 minutes for the main mission and didn’t have enough time. I think you should always focus on the main mission then so side stuff if you had time. None of them got to extraction apart from me as they were just goofing around. Finally got to level 10. Think I’m going to take a break for a few days, so much fun but so addictive 😅
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What time is it?
Quickplay is placing you in a game that's already started by a host, so you play what difficulty they have selected.

Yeah. This isn't a great implementation. I wish you could force the search to a difficulty level which is important for gaining resources and unlocking the next difficulty tiers.

Matchmaking appears to still be broken too.

Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
You fookers, you're gonna make me buy the game in the end 😁

Not interested in this type.of game whatsoever (GaaS) but this damned hype...

Problem is, my PS plus is expiring next week so this whole thing would cost me 120 Eurodollars (80 + 40 for the game), i do have a laptop and I could get it from Steam but I don't know how well it'd run on it (16GB RAM, RTX 3050Ti, Ryzen 5800H)
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Gold Member
Challenging missions.

Stick Around Bob Ross GIF by Originals


Gold Member
Got the trophy for extracting a full squad of 4 on Hard difficulty or higher with a group of randoms last night, currently only 10% of players have it. Did it all with no mics, everyone just intuitively knew what to do and played smart, it's a beautiful thing.

I'd like to emphasize some of the benefits of playing solo though (beyond the satisfaction of doing it all on your own against all odds). First and foremost you're going to need a lot of resources for ship upgrades which give you powerful, permanent passive buffs to your character. Once you start playing on harder difficulties there is so much chaos and focus on just surviving that no one is paying attention to collecting resources and even if you or they *are* it's all dropped on death and amidst the madness *nobody* goes back to pick up what was lost, I've finished multiple games where zero resources were gained.

So the absolute best way to get these resources is solo play, go into a map and take your time methodically combing the entire landscape while doing every side objective for sweet XP. I can easily solo Medium level missions now, next step is Challenging lol. Solo is also the best way to learn the various mission types organically without being swarmed by a million bugs/bots with explosions going off around you every 2 seconds.

Now back to the hunt soldier, the liberation continues, see you on the frigid dark side of Heeth!
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Got the trophy for extracting a full squad of 4 on Hard difficulty or higher with a group of randoms last night, currently only 10% of players have it. Did it all with no mics, everyone just intuitively knew what to do and played smart, it's a beautiful thing.

I'd like to emphasize some of the benefits of playing solo though (beyond the satisfaction of doing it all on your own against all odds). First and foremost you're going to need a lot of resources for ship upgrades which give you powerful, permanent passive buffs to your character. Once you start playing on harder difficulties there is so much chaos and focus on just surviving that no one is paying attention to collecting resources and even if you or they *are* it's all dropped on death and amidst the madness *nobody* goes back to pick up what was lost, I've finished multiple games where zero resources were gained.

So the absolute best way to get these resources is solo play, go into a map and take your time methodically combing the entire landscape while doing every side objective for sweet XP. I can easily solo Medium level missions now, next step is Challenging lol. Solo is also the best way to learn the various mission types organically without being swarmed by a million bugs/bots with explosions going off around you every 2 seconds.

Now back to the hunt soldier, the liberation continues, see you on the frigid dark side of Heeth!
What kind of load out you rockin for solo?
Holy SHIT this game absolutely rips on Hard with a full squad. Massive nuke strikes on building-sized bugs and pure chaos. The visual and audio feedback on combat is beyond satisfying.

My friends and I literally have been playing all day long and I still can't tear myself away. What a game.


Gold Member
Hard is so fucking tense and fun. Limb damage, massive insects flinging you across the battlefield, hordes of enemies every step. I can't wait to see the harder difficulty levels.
Yup, just started playing Hard missions today.

Just hit rank 11 and I've only upgraded two sections of the ship so far.


Just curious on how this game works with friends. If my friend is say Rank 12 will he be able to match with a Rank 1? Will it be fun? Or will it be too mismatched?


Loving the game. Played for about 4 or 5 hours last night in a 4-man squad. It's so fun. Looking forward to any additions they have planned.

The moments that happen in this game remind me of the Battlefield days we had where we would just say, "Hey, remember when..."?

Like last night. I stepped away really quick to use the bathroom. Came back to all three squadmates dead. Terminids were about to eat my ass. Started running and inputting the sequence to respawn them all. Fighting my ass off to stay alive. Come to find out, one of them hit a hellbomb buried in the ground with stray fire and annihilated themselves. They were thankfully very far from me when they did it. We fought tooth and nail to complete the mission with no respawns left by the time we extracted. We were laughing the whole time
Just curious on how this game works with friends. If my friend is say Rank 12 will he be able to match with a Rank 1? Will it be fun? Or will it be too mismatched?
Yep you can team up with any level player. They can start any difficulty mission that they have unlocked regardless of the other level players in the group I'm pretty sure.

Come to find out, one of them hit a hellbomb buried in the ground with stray fire and annihilated themselves.
Hahaha I did that to a team mate this morning. They walked past it so I shot it and dove for cover. Kaboom followed by WTF HAPPENED haha.
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You have to disable Cross-platform for now.
I tried that, first game after I did that I got into a group, but after that all quick play attempts failed as before. Then tonight I got failed to connect to server. So I've given up for now, I'll wait for a patch. Shame, it's fun for what I've played of it so far.
Higher difficulties with a coordinate squad is an amazing experience. What great gameplay this guys create.
The game really shines and just hits its stride at Challenging and up imo. It just pushes you into these cool-as-fuck orchestrated scenarios naturally because you have no choice.

The one thing I really wish is that you could sprint out of prone. The fact you have to manually get up first fucks me up ALL the time.
Yep you can team up with any level player. They can start any difficulty mission that they have unlocked regardless of the other level players in the group I'm pretty sure.

Hahaha I did that to a team mate this morning. They walked past it so I shot it and dove for cover. Kaboom followed by WTF HAPPENED haha.
The TKs in this game are truly epic disasters. And the more I play, the more I realize friendly fire is a great addition and adds to the strategizing.


Gold Member
What kind of load out you rockin for solo?

Light armor because mobility>>>>defense regardless of playing solo or otherwise. Strats:

- Machine Gun (and I've unlocked the ship upgrade so it drops fully stocked)
- Eagle Cluster Bomb
- Orbital Gatling Barrage
- Gatling Turret
- booster for fully stocked magazines


-SMG (third tier unlock on battle pass), 1 handed so works when carrying something
- Uzi
-starting grenades

Jet pack seems like it could be handy and I just hit level 10 so I can unlock drone that follows you around, need to experiment with these too.
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