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Helldivers 2 |OT| Another bug infested game


Game is great fun. Lots to love but the UI could be so much better. It's fine once you learn it but just not how I would think it should be done.


Dev response on reddit. Wall of text inc

"Hey, thanks for the sentiment. At this moment in time it is really, REALLY appreciated. And even more so when we know that you have a chance of backlash just for posting this (but to be fair the majority of people here have been lovely in your thread which is heartwarming to see. Thanks for being a great community Helldiver redditors).

I can't give you much more information that what's already out right now with all the support updates apart from that we see EVERYTHING and we're working damn hard to make it right for everyone who's supported us and bought the game. We owe our community that, it's the least we can do and they are right - when you buy a game it should work from launch.

We do sincerely apologize for not meeting those expectations, we really weren't expecting the ginormous reception that our game got. It's an awful problem to have, especially after workjng 8 years on the game and having such high expectations for a smooth launch. We did the best we could to make launch a success, planning for years, and it just goes to show that you can't plan everything.

You are all aware of what's happening with the game and the server issues, but maybe I can give you a bit more of a personal insight into what's going on right now at Arrowhead, and how we're all feeling.

Our core response team have been and are working on the issues around the clock. We make sure they are able to get some rest throughout the day in shifts so they are able to concentrate on the problems at hand.

Supporting these people we have many of our other devs, picking up the slack and any other tasks they can help out with, such as answering questions on Discord and within our community, helping QA, helping our support team. These guys are all champs; they are not necessarily doing things they would do everyday, but they've jumped in wholeheartedly to sign up for the cause.

Supporting all these people are the wonderful non-production folk, who make sure the devs have all the food, equipment and support that is critical for solving the issues. Without these guys it would be 100x tougher to perform as we are currently doing.

Then we have mission control, just coordinating everything, making sure we know what we're doing and reach our goals. These guys are the ones glued to our server status and control panels, monitoring everything. I am surprised they haven't gone blind by now.

We've been elated at the reception to the game. From what we can see beyond the very valid criticism related to problems, people enjoy it which is a huge relief. When you work on the same thing day in and day out it can be hard to see the forest from the trees. Or is it trees from the forest...?

At the same time, we're obviously bummed out that you haven't got the experience we so desperately wanted you to have and that we planned for. Disappointed. Slightly stressed. BUT we are confident in ourselves and our game to know that our determination to making it right for our players will trump these feelings. We haven't lost hope, we are confident in this. It just takes a little bit of time and a lot of begging for your patience.

For those of you who have not refunded, we want to extend a huge thanks for believing in us. We promise to deliver this awesome game in all its glory. For those who have refunded, we understand, thank you for trying it and we hope you may be open to giving us another shot in the near future when we've democracized the bugs you are seeing today."
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I don't know what to say other than I fucking love this game. Bought both versions, PC version is definitely better both either one is fantastic. Went through my entire Steam Deck battery last night playing.

Game looks fucking gorgeous on a gaming PC turned to ultra.


Just bought it and I had some random matchmaking going on and I’m flabbergasted: everyone so far has been nice and played well together.
This is a rare experience with online gaming for me.

Even the people who communicate outside the standard emotes have been really nice.

What the fuck is happening?

Spreading democracy makes you wanna cooperate


I feel like the way the game works its extremely counterproductive to be a grieffer (I am well aware it won't stop some idiots but shit gets old super quickly there), it all bodes well to be cooperative and restore our democracy


Gold Member
Still got the gray screen bug, oh well, I'll jump back into once it's fixed, back to Yakuza for now.

I did try an Extreme run solo though, and my impression is that Hard might be the threshold for lone wolf play. The main reason is the flood of enemies is so pervasive and constant that you can't even get close to the objective without getting swarmed. By the time you thin out some numbers - all while running around wildly like the Road Runner on pure, uncut Peruvian cocaine - another horde or two has already spawned. Maybe strats like smokescreen can help, need to experiment.

Did I mention strats seem to take DOUBLE the time to call in vs Hard? So it really goes from being an intense but fun challenge into the realm of frustration and tedium, should be great with 4 players though 👌


Gold Member

First big failed mission. I joined quickly just to see how the game was running today and I let my homie GymWolf GymWolf down. I couldn’t see shit. Was it night time? Terrible.



First big failed mission. I joined quickly just to see how the game was running today and I let my homie GymWolf GymWolf down. I couldn’t see shit. Was it night time? Terrible.
From what I can see one of the optional objectives was the Mushroom Tree, you guys need to take that shit down asap or you won't see shit haha

RIP soldiers, your attempt won't be forgotten


Gold Member
Still got the gray screen bug, oh well, I'll jump back into once it's fixed, back to Yakuza for now.

I did try an Extreme run solo though, and my impression is that Hard might be the threshold for lone wolf play. The main reason is the flood of enemies is so pervasive and constant that you can't even get close to the objective without getting swarmed. By the time you thin out some numbers - all while running around wildly like the Road Runner on pure, uncut Peruvian cocaine - another horde or two has already spawned. Maybe strats like smokescreen can help, need to experiment.

Did I mention strats seem to take DOUBLE the time to call in vs Hard? So it really goes from being an intense but fun challenge into the realm of frustration and tedium, should be great with 4 players though 👌

You called out the main point - in solo, the mechanics go from being enjoyable to exceedingly irritating. In multiplayer, you get a steady stream of stratagems, with players working together. Perhaps the only thing I would change is needing one for revive. But in solo, you just get swamped and there’s nothing you can do. Even on medium you can get flat out crushed.

In short, it’s a multiplayer game.


Gold Member

You called out the main point - in solo, the mechanics go from being enjoyable to exceedingly irritating. In multiplayer, you get a steady stream of stratagems, with players working together. Perhaps the only thing I would change is needing one for revive. But in solo, you just get swamped and there’s nothing you can do. Even on medium you can get flat out crushed.

In short, it’s a multiplayer game.

You clearly haven't seen my previous posts, I'm *loving* playing solo, it presents it's own challenges and benefits, completely different vibe than playing with a squad. I'm talking specifically about the threshold at which point solo play becomes near impossible, nothing more, nothing less. I can routinely clear Hard runs solo and that's doing a bunch of optional objectives too. Obviously it's a "multiplayer" game first and foremost but it can still be a blast solo to a degree, highly subjective of course.


Gold Member
Shooting anything with anything is satisfying in this game.
This. Even the starting pistol is great. Decent damage, high rate of fire and a very nice sound.

My current favorite thing is taking down Bot drop ships with the EAT launchers. See a flair, call a weapon drop in quickly and then profit.
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Gold Member
You clearly haven't seen my previous posts, I'm *loving* playing solo, it presents it's own challenges and benefits, completely different vibe than playing with a squad. I'm talking specifically about the threshold at which point solo play becomes near impossible, nothing more, nothing less. I can routinely clear Hard runs solo and that's doing a bunch of optional objectives too. Obviously it's a "multiplayer" game first and foremost but it can still be a blast solo to a degree, highly subjective of course.
Does the difficulty scale with less players in a map?
You clearly haven't seen my previous posts, I'm *loving* playing solo, it presents it's own challenges and benefits, completely different vibe than playing with a squad. I'm talking specifically about the threshold at which point solo play becomes near impossible, nothing more, nothing less. I can routinely clear Hard runs solo and that's doing a bunch of optional objectives too. Obviously it's a "multiplayer" game first and foremost but it can still be a blast solo to a degree, highly subjective of course.
Got tips for soloing hard?

I can do medium pretty easy. The game is a blast with a group, but sometimes it’s nice to do things at my own pace solo.
Server issues this weekend were disappointing because when the game works it absolutely rules.

It could have easily been 'just' another third person shooter, but they have interesting mechanics built around things you never really think about in these games, like reloading, the reticule, etc. It really helps it feel fresh. And it just feels so good to play, crouching down and just laying into an approaching horde with a machine gun is wonderful.

The unlocks give choice paralysis because there are so many interesting things to unlock that you actually WANT to use. Such a novel concept, that so many developers seem to miss on.

And I'll close by saying that this is the definitive argument for third person >>> first person. It is simply a superior video game dopamine hit to see your full character in all their glory, with equipment, armor, etc. And that has never been more apparent than with this game.

Please get server the issues fixed and I will be playing this for a long ass time.
Are the server issues that bad? Thinking about jumping in via PC
Matchmaking is super spotty, but if you have friends or just get a few people here added to friends, you'll be playing no problem. I've had one crash in 20 hours, otherwise it has been super smooth sailing for the majority of the time.
All this positive buzz got me, just bought it on Steam.

I don't normally play any sort of games with others online, but I'm making an exception with this one. Add me on Steam if any of yall want to: Diseased Yak or 8427209
Me too. But the experience so far has been positive. On harder difficulties though, when it becomes serious business I imagine it might get a little toxic.


Still having matchmaking issues and rewards are not guaranteed post mission completion, these are two things that could kill this game for me and probably many others if not fixed asap.


Still having matchmaking issues and rewards are not guaranteed post mission completion, these are two things that could kill this game for me and probably many others if not fixed asap.
Its because too many people are playing, they increased the server size and it was filled up in 5 min (360K CCU)

Its having issues cause they're a small studio that had their game blow up, it sucks but give them time
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This could be the next big shooter. Has the potential. A couple things; Needs mini-map and sprinting sucks. Dive is useless. Please replace with a roll dodge.


And finally a shooter that reloads magazines instead of bullets. This should be industry standard, it makes you think instead of automatically hitting the reload button after every kill. Bravo.
I swear one of the older Battlefield games did exactly this, but for the life of me cannot remember which one


Decided to upgrade to the Super Citizen Edition as I had a £10 code from PS Stars, the challenging missions are a lot of fun with Randos, can be intense

I do really like how they do the difficulty for the most part, bringing in new enemies rather than giving them just more HP, the Armored bugs though are such a pain when theres 3 charging you down
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