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Helldivers 2 |OT| Another bug infested game


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Just ran a few Challenging missions with the boys. Took out a Bile Titan, which was honestly not hard at all. What was? The fucking Stalker nest we ran into right after, which also popped up a bunch of bug breaches and four goddamn Chargers. Sweet merciful crap! That shit was intense!
I only hear the sound of freedom there: you did us proud!


Just ran a few Challenging missions with the boys. Took out a Bile Titan, which was honestly not hard at all. What was? The fucking Stalker nest we ran into right after, which also popped up a bunch of bug breaches and four goddamn Chargers. Sweet merciful crap! That shit was intense!
I really love how intense the game can be.
Especially as you try to get to the extraction point as you and your teammates die left and right, then having to stand your ground as you look at the timer, telling your mates to move out of the way for some heavy barrage, trying to make it til the end and barely getting out alive. Lol
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Gold Member
Just ran a few Challenging missions with the boys. Took out a Bile Titan, which was honestly not hard at all. What was? The fucking Stalker nest we ran into right after, which also popped up a bunch of bug breaches and four goddamn Chargers. Sweet merciful crap! That shit was intense!
The extreme difficulty is where it’s at. Everything above Hard. Pure chaos. It’s adorable.


The extreme difficulty is where it’s at. Everything above Hard. Pure chaos. It’s adorable.

My squad...


Man the nukes… Game has the best explosions I’ve seen in a game. And the craters and all that. The aftermath of orbital strikes is adorable.

Oh dude. Buddy called in an air strike and hit a Hellbomb we didn't know was there. There was a moment of sheer terror at a mini-nuke exploding that close, followed by me laughing my ass off when I realized that wasn't debris flying by me, but corpses.


Anyone else turned off by the price? Like the game looks cool but I feel like it being half price means it’s super short or shallow. Can someone talk me off the ledge?
Game is more fun and has more content than many full price games.
Be happy that Sony gave you a cheap deal and support it.
I bought it with a 10% off vouch from my bank and the game is Helldivers 1 but done right with the new camera perspective. And looking to the Galactic Map you can tell Arrowhead is confident on delivering a lot of content to the game just they did with HD1.
I'm sorry Chivalry 2 but you lost to Helldivers 2 as my main time sink. This game took me out of Granblue Fantasy Relink, and I've been waiting 7 years for that game... Helldivers 2 is like digital crack.


Does anybody know if the energy shield strategem protects you from friendly fire outside the shield?

So, if you do a 320mm barrage on your own position and deploy an energy shield, would it protect the team from the incoming damage?

Think I'm going to check it out solo. Could be a great way to do some major damage when your team is being swarmed from all directions.
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On PC i’ve played metro exodus, RDR2, MW3/Warzone. On PS5 Returnal, the new God of War.

I think this game is the first truly next gen game I’ve played since this gen started.

But i’ll wait for the digital foundry video to tell me why I’m wrong.
Well, with that list you haven`t played anything next gen at all. :messenger_grinning_sweat:
I´m just surprised anyone would call HD2 "truly next gen" at this point when we`ve actually gotten a few real visual showcases over the last years.

Just out of curiosity and no offense intended, what is next gen about this game for you? I mean even a cross-gen game like HFW is faaaar ahead of HD2 in most visual aspects, not even because of the tech but simply because the budget difference absolutely shows in the asset quality f.e. And even the scope isn`t exactly next gen if you`ve ever seen games like Battlefield or Planetside.
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How’s everyone doing with trophies?

Better than I thought I'd be doing. Rarest one so far throwing back a live grenade, but none of the really tough ones. Don't mind a tougher trophy list when it's a game that might have me coming back time and again over a period of months.


Gold Member
Happy to report XP glitch seems to have been fixed on PS5 and Quickplay is working flawlessly, had an epic 4 player game with randos, cue mad dash to extract with swarms coming in from every direction, 2 Bile fuckers overrunning the LZ, all types of ordinance raining hellfire and brimstone, it's a beautiful thing.


Im thinking about double dipping. Im only lvl 5 on PS and i want to play this at higher fps and better gfx. Crossprogression coming later aswell, so i can jump between versions later
While the soundtrack is good, the game is way better when played with something that makes it a more intense experience.

I don't know why they took the satirical approach when there isn't really anything funny in the game, at least from what I've played so far.
I don't think playing it straight would have worked for this game.

I think the whole 'joke' is that these bugs wouldn't do shit to us if we just left them alone, it is a pointless war. I kind of love the optimistic vision of the future though. Earth has come together as one, and become a spacefaring species. Thye are doing so well that they have the means to wage endless, pointless, war on scary space bugs.

It's beautiful, in its way.

The Automaton stuff could be different, and they could actually be a threat. And maybe that is why fighting bugs feels like fucking around with your buddies and fighting the machines feels like Terminator Vietnam?


Does anybody know if the energy shield strategem protects you from friendly fire outside the shield?

So, if you do a 320mm barrage on your own position and deploy an energy shield, would it protect the team from the incoming damage?

Think I'm going to check it out solo. Could be a great way to do some major damage when your team is being swarmed from all directions.
Quoting myself, but in case anyone is wondering (as did I):

This works.


Okay I’m interested, I used to really play Destiny on PS, I’m a single player story driven kinda guy who enjoys PVE, my question is would this game be good for that? How’s the gameplay vs games like GTA / DESTINY / COD ? I’m tempted in getting it rn


Gold Member
Apologies to anyone if I need to leave mid-game. This dog of mine can be asleep one minute, then causing holy hell the next 🤦‍♂️
I was loving the mission as well, it was a night time mission to destroy eggs, and there were bombs going off left, right and centre - what a spectacle! I’ve never been so drawn to an online co-op game.


Okay I’m interested, I used to really play Destiny on PS, I’m a single player story driven kinda guy who enjoys PVE, my question is would this game be good for that? How’s the gameplay vs games like GTA / DESTINY / COD ? I’m tempted in getting it rn
The only similarities HD2 has with Destiny is teamplay and fighting waves of enemies. That's about it, imo.

I suppose it's possible to say that missions do remind a bit of those in Destiny, but it all takes place on a open map.
Gameplay is also way deeper than Destiny. There are no classes, but you can pick a wider variety of "skills" by means of strategems.
There is also a heavy emphasis on teamplay.

There also aren't dungeons and raids and there is no social hub. You only have your spaceship or the one of your host if you join another player, where it's just you and your teammates.
Unlocks happen through terminals and matchmaking/missions are accessible through a terminal with a galaxy map.

When you go into a map, you pick your strategems and you can see what your teammates pick, so you can adjust your selection based on teammembers picks, before you ready up.

It's actually quite different, but I think that if you like the teamplay in Destiny and you'd like more strategy and challenge, you should be good with HD2.
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Snake Oil Salesman
True or False?

Helldivers 2 is about 95% action and 5% calmness.

That 95:5 ratio would be better served if it was closer to 50:50.
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Snake Oil Salesman

I disagree with 95 to 5. My biggest criticism might be the walking between objectives, sometimes it is quite a trek.

I would say it's like 75% action 25% downtime, and I certainly wouldn't want more downtime...

What difficulties are you playing on and who are you playing with? I'm solo queuing into matchmaking (difficulties 7 + 8) and everyone just runs around the whole match triggering just about every bug on the map. Very little coordination going on. Just nonstop madness. By the time the mission ends I'm ready to take a break.

I do hear you about the downtime not being particularly fun. I think it would benefit the game greatly if they the non combat traversal more interesting.
What difficulties are you playing on and who are you playing with? I'm solo queuing into matchmaking (difficulties 7 + 8) and everyone just runs around the whole match triggering just about every bug on the map. Very little coordination going on. Just nonstop madness. By the time the mission ends I'm ready to take a break.

I do hear you about the downtime not being particularly fun. I think it would benefit the game greatly if they the non combat traversal more interesting.
I've mainly been on challenging difficulty, with a few games of hard. Matchmaking has been a pain in the ass so far, so I kind of just take what I can get. Which is often not getting into a game at all.

Usually a group of 2-4. I am never on mic, but getting better about pings. I'd say like 40% of randoms I play with use mics but rarely in useful ways.

It's odd, sometimes we will be in the middle of nowhere and it seems like the bugs never stop coming, and other times we are trekking across the map for what feels like minutes at a time without so much as a cockroach sighting.

I hear you on being exhausted after a mission, they are usually taxing either way. Though if I ever have an aversions to doing side objectives it is usually because of the travel distance required, not the objective itself.

Game could definitely use a Warthog or something. The jump pack was rather disappointing.
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