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Helldivers 2 |OT| Another bug infested game

Quick play host immediately kicking is getting worse by the day.
Well, I'm kicking a lot of people too. You can only have so many max difficulty runs ruined by low level idiots before you start doing the same. Too many people jumped difficulties with these extremely easy "eradicate" missions.
Join settings like max level difference or something are needed.
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Well, I'm kicking a lot of people too. You can only have so many max difficulty runs ruined by low level idiots before you start doing the same. Too many people jumped difficulties with these extremely easy "eradicate" missions.
Join settings like max level difference or something are needed.
It's also why I leave sometimes.


Gold Member
Suicide run, solo up until midway through the extract when someone joined me, forgot I dropped an SOS beacon at some point earlier when shit starting hitting the fan, dude definitely helped with my epic dive to extract lol

Unless you're god tier you shouldn't play higher levels solo. 9/10 matches with randoms have been great for me.
You're right though anything under challenging is incredibly stale for me now, just got to suicide and it seems like the sweet spot (with the proper crew) and you can find the rare pink coins so might as well try.

When I realize I'm on a mission with idiots
Surprise No GIF by PlayStation
By solo I mean queueing with randoms, not actually playing by myself. I've just gotten a ton of shit players/farmers/general assholes.

John Bilbo

For some reason the game crashes when playing with randoms. Playing solo zero crashes. I also tried playing with a friend three runs with no crashes.

I hope I get to experience full squad gameplay soon as it's the most satisfying experience in this game for me.
I must say this is one of the buggiest games I've ever played. I think in 1 out of 4 matches something seems to break.

I'm getting these quite regularly :
- getting an infinite loading screen (can happen in any transition it seems like)
- getting stuck inside a rock or under the ground
- hit-markers not appearing anymore
- my reticle disappearing for the whole mission

and the last one I encountered:
- not being able to swap weapons anymore (started with not being able to swap to primary from support weapon and then it spread to being stuck with my secondary until getting killed)

And the graphical glitches are plenty as well:
- just random vertices pointing to infinite (this always scares the fuck out of me)
- Helldivers joining without a body or head
- Meshes getting offset in animations (like the fire from the pods when you load in a mission slowly moving away from the source and of course the animation of a Helldiver getting out of cryo, clipping through everything and everyone)

Doesn't stop me from playing it, but it's quite something..

Kings Field

Played some transformers missions last night on Helldivers difficulty and I’ll tell you WHAT, that shit is the most intense shit in the game.

We finished the night off with emergency evacuation and had no reinforcements left during evacuation and was up on the hill waiting for the ship and it felt like Terminator 2. It was a bloodbath. We evaced with a Hulk on our dick.

We called it a night after that. What a rush.


Well, I'm kicking a lot of people too. You can only have so many max difficulty runs ruined by low level idiots before you start doing the same. Too many people jumped difficulties with these extremely easy "eradicate" missions.
Join settings like max level difference or something are needed.
It's happening way too frequently now regardless of player level. If people don't want randoms joining there game, set the option to friends only.
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I'm using the backpack and everywhere I look it says to resupply yourself press down on the D pad but nothing is happening. Any hints if I am doing this wrong?


Gold Member
Can you people confirm that the light armour has the same armour value of the medium one?

I know it's bugged but until today i thought it was just about the heavy armour not having the armour surplus but apparently, every armour has the medium armour protection so the light one is the best by default (except for specific perks).

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Can you people confirm that the light armour has the same armour value of the medium one?

I know it's bugged but until today i thought it was just about the heavy armour not having the armour surplus but apparently, every armour has the medium armour protection so the light one is the best by default (except for specific perks).

Yes armor values have been broken since launch, that is why using light armor is the best atm because of speed and stamina.


Tell me a co-op PvE game that doesn't run into this problem? Not every multiplayer is designed around grinding the game on a daily basis. Just like a game like Destiny, HD2 will be incredibly successful around massive content drops. Inbetween content drops, it will still be the go to PvE game to play with friends. There is nothing else really like it on the market

You play 50+ hrs and are constantly bitching about the game. That is pretty funny to me. If you are not enjoying it, put it down and come back after big content updates. You already easily got 40$ out of the game
Fucking A right. "This game is a brilliant concept that I loved and enjoyed for 50 hours. Got bored after over 2 full days played in a couple weeks and am now bored. Mediocre 6/10"


For some reason the game crashes when playing with randoms. Playing solo zero crashes. I also tried playing with a friend three runs with no crashes.

I hope I get to experience full squad gameplay soon as it's the most satisfying experience in this game for me.
In my case (PS5 Slim) I get crashes 99% of the times I play a mission, often a few seconds or minutes just after landing. Independently if playing solo, coop or with friends.


Gold Member
After some test yesterday, the arc thrower is not half bad against insects, it melts everything that is not an heavy and it can remove armours from them (but the aim\damage is kinda random on heavies), range is also impressive and can fry 3 enemies at once if you are lucky.

It is not better than autocannon, railgun or granade launcher but it has the novelty of having infinite ammo so you can basically use it as primary weapon and use the primary weapons for when enemies are too close.

If you still play at difficulty level 4 to 6 and you are bored of using the same 3 weapons, this one is a fun diversion while still being decent (but kinda random)
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I wanted to complete the weekly(?) mission with the sniper rifle, so I joined a game on medium difficulty, just to get the kills.

There were 2 dudes in there already in mission and as soon as I landed one of them made clear that "we are not extracting until we got all the samples. It's all about the samples!". I let him know I understood and asked if we should split up, but he said we should stick together and follow his lead.
He was very talkative and actually pretty nice, complementing us and giving us advice (whether we wanted it or not).

But he was taking his sweet as time and when we finally found all the samples he realized we only had 3 minutes left in the mission and a long walk to the extract. With 1 minute left on the extract timer 2 of us got killed and he now was alone, completely surrounded and running around a building with 15 robots on his ass, yelling "how did this happen? It was all for nothing. Everything we did, for nothing!!".

I think he actually rage quit soon after and I laughed my ass off. Moments like this is why I play this game, I don't care that much about progressing my character, I want the drama. :)

lol. I used to play with this guy on Overwatch the first one at like 2am. I was a Rein main and was very good so he would never bitch at me or the healer. Everyone else though would get his rage anytime a mistake was made or we lost. It was insane listening to this man lose his fucking mind over a video game. Half the fun of even playing was just listening to his xanax fueled rage at other players. I always knew he was about to get off when he started slurring his words and then I knew the night was coming to an end.

Little Mac

Gold Member
Now that the game has been out for a while, what do you guys think of it? Is all the praise justified. Thinking about picking it up for PS5.
Yeah but how do you call stratagems indoor?
You don’t, that will be the challenge.

I imagine small area’s indoor, like an underground hive you can enter to complete a mission. But since you can’t rely on air support, you’ll have to stock up first before entering.
Bring your biggest guns. Resupply. Put some turrets at the exits, so you can lure a bunch of them out.

Would be a real challenge, so maybe only put these underground sections in the higher difficulties.
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