It's kind of strange to think that Apple is just finally designing for the wealthy, when that's been one side of the narrative for almost 2 decades now. But there is the other side that says they are future proof and well built with high resale value. There are people in the thread saying they are still using their MacBook from 2008.
Hell, people have been complaining about Mac prices since the first Macintosh. I think some people don't have a long history with the brand – Macs always fluctuate in price as they adopt new technologies and then those costs come down.
I don't think people understand how expensive the top-end Macs used to be. Part of this was PowerPC vs Intel, as well as U.S. labor vs Chinese. For instance the Mac Quadra 900, released in 1991, started at $15k adjusted for inflation. But even when we get to the first MacBook Pro in 2006 (Intel chip and Chinese built), the 15" started at almost $3000 adjusted for inflation. Not really much different than today's MBP.
I mean this round is especially painful, no argument here, and the adapter situation makes it harder to swallow, but it's not way outside the norm for Apple's pro line. For professional uses, it pays for itself fairly quickly. I do feel bad for the Brits who got that Brexit pricing though.
p.s. fun fact: The most expensive Mac ever was the
IIfx, which in 1990 started at $9,900. That's $18,287 adjusted for inflation!! It was a beast though.
I'm warming up to the idea of the touch bar.
2. I edit a lot of scientific documents with special characters, and I always have to either use the character viewer or copy/paste from another document to get the characters I want. If I could put those characters on the touchbar, life would be that little bit better.
It remains to be seen whether the uses I described will be possible or allowed by Apple, though. I wonder what the potential for third party hacks and customization of the touchbar will be.
Depends on the app you're using. I've looked at the API docs briefly and they seem to give app developers quite a bit of freedom and power to do interesting stuff. So if you have an app you use to view those docs, contact the developer and let them know. If it's an Apple app you're using, well I don't know, but there does seem to be some customization available.