I work at a production company. We mostly edit/do post work and my boss is probably one of the only few people who use Final Cut Pro X and loves it. My coworker and I were talking about the event and how neglected its making us 'professionals' feel
It kinda dawned on me that Apple's next step is ARM, right? They don't care about professionals, no more cinema displays, no Mac Pro update, and they're tired of waiting on Intels new chips to release their products. As soon as they get to a certain point where power/performance/battery is 'good enough' for college kids and whatnot, I think they're gonna switch. And that made me feel awful.
Absolutely. When the time is right.
Every tech company in Silicon Valley has wanted to execute this strategy since forever. Making everything in-house as much as possible.
That way R&D department doesn't get slashed and gutted.