Weekly Sale: July 14 21, 2015 PDT
Nazeebo -- Sale Price: 4.99 EUR, 3.69 GBP
Harlequin Nazeebo Skin -- Sale Price: 4.99 EUR, 3.69 GBP
Elder Chen Skin -- Sale Price: 4.99 EUR, 3.69 GBP
More money to spend. I need that Zeebro skin. I don't have impulse control anymore.
Blizzard will never win, lol. People were calling for US10 to be turned off last night on Reddit.
Is there any reason to not /afk and let them win fast goldwise if it's an obvious loss.
Basically is there any reason to keep prolonging a loss?
Weekly Sale: July 14 21, 2015 PDT
Nazeebo -- Sale Price: 4.99 EUR, 3.69 GBP
Harlequin Nazeebo Skin -- Sale Price: 4.99 EUR, 3.69 GBP
Elder Chen Skin -- Sale Price: 4.99 EUR, 3.69 GBP
More money to spend. I need that Zeebro skin. I don't have impulse control anymore.
Gold-wise? Nope, no reason. It exposes you as a dick though.
In a game where noone talks does that really matter?
Blizzard will never win, lol. People were calling for US10 to be turned off last night on Reddit.
Is there any reason to not /afk and let them win fast goldwise if it's an obvious loss.
Basically is there any reason to keep prolonging a loss?
Also, what's with these long ass load times? Also nobody has ever talked in any of my games.
Yep. I gave them the what for on the forums and on reddit about it.
Disable US10 after one day of Verizon FIOS users complaining...meanwhile TWC/Cox/etc customers have been suffering through this every night on ORD1 since early June and the first instance was in May yet no disable of ORD1. Which ones are the bigger ISP? Not the ones that got the help that's for sure.
I hope they have already re-enabled US10 and don't plan on keeping it offline. That would be par for the course with some of us and our luck with this game.
The peering "agreements" between ISPs in the US and the gaming of the border gateway protocol to force packets to route longer ways around is the ultimate source of all this.
You'd think net neutrality regulations would help somewhat but it's a pretty crappy state of affairs still.
I think the biggest problem is, that customers can't really do anything about it.
A bad peering unfortunately isn't a reason to cancel your contract. I tried it once.
And even if you are aware of the problem, it is almost impossible to inform yourself about it before picking a new ISP. And of course that situation might change everyday.
From what I hear and read between the lines, many people in the U.S. don't even have a choice between ISPs, right?
I get you, I haven't actually afk'd yet, it just feels like I'm wasting time and effort 90% of the time.
Take the opportunity to get better at something, or get some more xp for the time you are having to spend in there. That's what I usually do.
There is a very real problem with lack of choice, it's also an issue of infrastructure at a technical level. Canadian ISPs started later and installed dark fiber even before it was really feasible to use it. Much of the US is still stuck on copper wiring to the local loop and to each house![]()
I can't help but compare Blizzard to Valve.
I've never seen anyone complaining in NA about how various US ISPs hand off each others traffic or pointing at dated local infrastructure as cause of problems playing Dota 2, CS or TF2. Valve has spent over a decade building up a back end to support their client, store and games, they have server clusters in many states and pretty much every province. You would think Blizzard was doing the same with battle.net and WoW alone.
FWIW I haven't had any ORD1 issues on Time Warner since like a week after they acknowledged there was an issue.
Lend me your internets please.
The first time it happened in May it was solved in 2 days time for me. Sometime in early June it came back once or twice a week. By mid June it was every night during peak time and has continued that way until last night when our team got put on US10 repeatedly.
Apparently you can block ORD1, but I'm sure you knew that. Then we'd get US8 and I don't think that would help as much either. Not sure how it would go about placing you if we were in a group either and you had it blocked.
We’ve reviewed the evidence and determined that this action should not have been taken, so we have reactivated your license for play effective immediately.
We strive to make Battle.net a fun, fair, and safe environment for all players, and we’re sorry that this error became part of your experience with our service.
I just received an email - my account has been reopened and I received a 7 day stimpak "As a token of appreciation for your patience and understanding"
Anyway: Valve's service may feel a lot better to players than Blizzard's, even if it isn't actually Blizzard's fault.
But I am not sure, how that can be communicated. In the current debate about ISPs trying to become service providers and net-neutrality Blizzard and co. could actually become big forces to lobby for net-neutrality, if they aren't already.
Because they are powerful enough to have a voice, while customers almost don't have one.
I feel I have hit a plateau in my skill level for the game (~2500 HL, ~2700 QM). I dont really know what to do to improve myself and make that leap to next level of play.
Yup. No one watches respawn timers.The most infuriating thing about SoloQ is that no one listens to the call for retreat. Everyone is so greedy and doesn't want to run away with the gains they've already made. Something about being near the core that makes people want to keep fighting forever until you get overrun by players fresh off the respawn timer.
I wish there were more groups doing HL in the Gaf channel
Hey everybody I'm in Las Vegas and drrrrrrrreunk