so far i like skeleton king. Don't think he's gonna be top tier though due to his very limited CC. Entomb is okay, but it's really situational... played two games with tomb and two games with black march, and I actually ended up liking march better just for the level 20 upgrade. It does a considerable amount of damage if people do don't run out of it's range immediately... really good for fighting on top of objectives.
I need to play with tomb more, and I think it will be much better in more coordinated games. But right now, just from solo q, i think it's hard to get it off in a way that my teammates could follow up with. maybe I just had an abundance of melee dps on my teams or I just suck.
Otherwise I really like the regen master at one, I think on shorter maps it's better to go block. mana back on Q at one seems useless because the CD is long enough anyway that you're not really running out of mana.
at 4 I think hardened bones is pretty mandatory. hardened bones makes wraith walk a really good escape instead of just a gap closer. It's also doubles as a really good way to tank damage for your team. Walk in Q, maybe W, and then when you get focused wraith walk and take 25% less damage. You don't even have to move anywhere, you're just tanking damage. edit: I think this should probably let you get super aggressive aswell and go after back liners (as long as your team backs you up)
I tried all of the lvl 7 talents except the increased wraith walk duration.... they all seems pretty good. The first aid is nice, but not so good that it's mandatory. The Q range or extra slow are also just as nice and combo well with the lvl 16 double Q talent. I give range the nod over the extra slow though because it has more utility overall due to slowing more enemies and clearing entire creep waves.
I think the level 13 talents are mediocre. The only ones I tried at were draining momentum and spell shield. I'm not a fan of burning rage to begin with (does it work in ghost form?) I wanted to try the other W talent, but it just seemed really situational, really only good for fightng heroes that aren't gonna run away, and everyone is just gonna run away so... I don't know, but drain momentum was pretty good.
at 16 I really like the double Q. it's just really versatile. Good for fighting, good for clearing waves and mercing. synergizes well with the other Q talents and is great for making sure you stay in range for the W. The other talent I tried here was consume vitality, but it was underwhelming.
Then finally at 20 I tried everything but hardened shield. The lvl 20 entomb upgrade seemed kind of meh, but probably because I didn't really get any good entombs off. The lvl 20 march upgrade though was pretty devestating on one cursed hollow map when I hit like 4 people with it and got all those sweet life drains going. Spectral leech was pretty meh, maybe it would be better vs high hp heroes, but it didn't really feel impactful.
overall, after like 4 games, I like him. But he's definetly not a bruiser, and his tankyness/utility probably puts him tier 2 at best. maybe same level as an ETC, slightly better then diablo. He's a sick team up with abathur. and I could see him doing really really well on certain maps or with specific team set ups.
like cursed hallow, battleground, sky temple. dragon shire probably. and I want to try a super annoying never die comp with like leoric, uther, tassadar, abathur and like a nova/zera/ or murky?.
edit: basically agree with everything turdburger is saying except I think leoric is better at tanking damage then you're giving him credit for. life drain from W and the +25% damage resistance at 4 and the first aid at 7 is pretty good. His biggest problem is lack of CC. and entomb has potential.
edit2: here's the best game I had with him
and here's the build I used during it: I tried some new talents here, I think the choices at 1,4,7,10, and 20 are good picks, but I think i'd still rather have drain momentum at 13 and renewed swing at 16.
also, I really like this hero, much more so then johanna.