You leave him on the bench until they fix him.How do I play Stitches well enough that I don't feel embarrassed every time I use him?
You leave him on the bench until they fix him.How do I play Stitches well enough that I don't feel embarrassed every time I use him?
How do I play Stitches well enough that I don't feel embarrassed every time I use him?
I miss him too.
Nope. In terms of support, she's basically at the Tassadar level now if healing is your thing. I'd honestly prefer a Tyrande in that slot now - at least her single heal makes a noticeable change to my health bar after 13.
Yeah but that isn't exactly ideal imo. If someone's ran in and done something stupid already, which happens 90% of the time in pugs, you cant do anything as bright wing anymore. Hence why tyrande could even be considered better healing wise. She can atleast use her heal and protective shield to fix the mess.BWing is slightly better than the public perception of her reflects. Her healing is not great in the early game but she's good at preventing burst, provided you can guess correctly which teammate is about to get slammed. The warp shield is awesome and lasts 20 seconds. By the end game she's really good.
I'd rather be Tyrande too, though, but not because of the healing.
Sometimes I find the lack of items in HotS frustrating, this game is so geared towards disables and there's not a whole lot you can proactively do about it as a melee hero. I just wish there was a talent that was the equivalent of the Black King Bar so I could manfight with Thrall and not worry about being stunned six ways to Sunday in every teamfight.
I think I find everything about HotS frustrating (to say the least).
I really had no idea. You always seem so calm!I think I find everything about HotS frustrating (to say the least).
I think I find everything about HotS frustrating (to say the least).
I think I find everything about HotS frustrating (to say the least).
I should play more bwing since healing is my favorite thing. I assume even with nerfs she is still viable? I have my pocket Uther and Rehgar if Li Li is taken but still, variety
Shit once you get to Rank 1 in HL, you only get 10-20 points per win. It says 'Next rank 900 points away' so...that'll be fun.
I dislike Nova.
A lot.
Fucking invisible cunt.
There was an Abathur trying to do sneaky things while we were pushing.
He enjoyed my full map teleport stun a lot I think.
I dislike Nova.
A lot.
Fucking invisible cunt.
With your help today, we can stop abathur abuse like the above. Please donate a bush for Abathur to hide in today. Call 1-800-ABATHUR today.
You find everything about anything frustrating.
That's the trap for these games. Like I've said before, you get to a point where you're comfortable with the game and you start tracking your stats and MMR and become self-aware. Then it feels like all you can see is mistakes in random pugs and their play. This is the point where a bunch of people get salty or burn out or get so salty they burn out.
If you go back in thread far enough you'll see several folks spiral into it, including me and Rhaknor. Milly got there a bit too. You really do have to just focus on your play and/or what you have fun with and stop worrying about hotdogs and what randoms do or don't because it's out of your control. Helps you find the love again.
the best ever
Looks like Tassadar, Mecha Tassadar, and Kaiju Diablo go on sale next week
The best skin!
Looks like Tassadar, Mecha Tassadar, and Kaiju Diablo go on sale next week
The best skin!
Looks like Tassadar, Mecha Tassadar, and Kaiju Diablo go on sale next week
The best skin!
Are the LV reasonable for QM? I was going to buy a 10k hero tonight and the entire way to 10k I was planning on Sylv but I'm wondering LV are a reasonable option. They appear godly when in the right hands, but those hands seem few and far between...
Lv have been fairly nerfed since the recent patch iirc. Might want to wait it out
Man, get on that Abathur train.
... oneYou're telling me you've never broken a fightstick playing 3rd Strike?
Are the LV reasonable for QM? I was going to buy a 10k hero tonight and the entire way to 10k I was planning on Sylv but I'm wondering LV are a reasonable option. They appear godly when in the right hands, but those hands seem few and far between...
The PLEYZ got picked up by Panda Global Gaming.
Also McIntyre said on stream we'd know his new team in 10 minutes (he was leaving) but I see nothing anywhere.
The Li Li/Malf stuff is really interesting.hero notes
Jaina top-4 on every map
Lost Vikings top-2 on Garden of Terror, Haunted Mines, and Sky Temple, but much worse on every other map
Murky top-5 only on Battlefield of Eternity and Dragon Shire
Li Li less than 55% win-rate only on Blackheart's Bay and Tomb of the Spider Queen
Zeratul top-10 on every map except Sky Temple
Zagara top-10 on every map except Garden of Terror and Haunted Mines
Uther top-5 only on Tomb of the Spider Queen and less than 55% only on Battlefield of Eternity
Leoric top-6 on Dragon Shire, Haunted Mines, and Tomb of the Spider Queen, but much worse on every other map
Anub'arak 3rd on Cursed Hollow but much worse on every other map
Tyrael's best maps are Cursed Hollow and Haunted Mines
Malfurion top-10 on Battlefield of Eternity, Blackheart's Bay, and Tomb of the Spider Queen, but less than 55% on every other map
The Butcher 5th on Sky Temple but much worse on every other map
Sonya 9th on Sky Temple but much worse on every other map
Kerrigan top-10 on Battlefield of Eternity and Garden of Terror but much worse on every other map
Chen 6th on Blackheart's Bay but much worse on every other map
Gazlowe 9th on Tomb of the Spider Queen but much worse on every other map
Sgt. Hammer 7th on Battlefield of Eternity but much worse on every other map
Good writeup on Reddit highlighting hero-specific maps:
The Li Li/Malf stuff is really interesting.
Best hero in-game by a mile for solo-queue. (Zeratul needs more coordination to be stronger for the VP setups.)Brb picking Jaina