but how do I get out of these lower levels if all I get is games where people start bitching on the first lost team fight and quit, or we have one or two people afk, or that guy that just lanes, etc?
im actually asking lol
Odds are you don't. It takes a ton of work once you get stuck. It's called elo hell for a reason lol. Like I said, there's a reason my main account is gold in HL and probably only has had 10 HL games played on it since it launched in February after we ruined our MMR. You just wait til the season reset and try to improve in the meantime.
You also have to understand that not only do they suck but you are there for a reason too. The hard part for all of us is realizing we aren't pro and no matter how much we kick and scream we also do inefficient or dumb things in every game as well - we just don't call ourselves out like we do randoms. Chasing too hard, being too far forward at initiation so you get burst down easily, going for an objective or mercs or boss without checking mini-map, staying to "just get this turret" and getting ganked or watching your team get rekt 4v5, etc. Shit happens. Most of the time we think our reason for it happening is more valid than another person's though.
You just have to improve, whether by narrowing your hero pool to only heroes you win 50% or more with, improving positioning, choosing more efficient talents, studying replays, watching tourneys, etc. If you love Azmodan but have a 42% win rate but could grab Zagara whom you have a 53% win rate with over the same amount of games, the answer is clear on who to pick...but most people don't follow that logic.
The easiest path is to group with GAF or friendly randoms and build a stable of reliable players you can grow with. I assume (could be wrong) you solo most of the time so that definitely doesn't help unless you're playing strong solo heroes for your MMR bracket.
It just feels like a huge waste of time, im not learning anything because there is nothing to learn when most games are 4v5 from the start
I get that and it does feel that way, but if I've learned anything about moba it's that we greatly exaggerate the toxicity, afking, trolling, and bad play we encounter. What feels like 50/50 good vs horrible is really more like 70/30 or even less. The bad just sticks out.
I disagree there's nothing you can learn. Some games sure - you get stomped quick and it's done...but honestly those are the good ones IMO. Most games even when the enemy knows it's 4v5 because you have a bot they still wait way too long to go for the throat and the game goes 20 mins anyway. With a game that long you can try new talent builds, work on your attack move/stutter step on creeps and mercs, try to sneak in a 1v1 or set up some ganks (if you die it's already over anyway right? No big), focus on your positioning to survive and contribute when they push, etc etc. and then of course the replay afterward.