So after buying Leoric last week and Uther just now, I'm sitting at 7.7k gold left. Currently almost player level 39, and I have 3 quests and goblin so I should be able to get to 10k gold fairly easy...
Which is why I come to you now GAF, help me decide on an Assassin to purchase. Most of the ones I seem to be interested in are 10k gold, are any of the 7k and less Assassins worth it or just save up for a 10ker? I mainly play Warrior, but looking to pick up some DPS too.
Currently for Assassins I only own: Thrall, Valla and Raynor. Does Slyvanas fill in for DPS as a Specialist, she seemed like fun, but also 10k.
Kael'Thas or Jaina. Sylv lost a good bit of her damage output so she's better at siege damage than hero damage for now.
Kael'Thas or Jaina. Sylv lost a good bit of her damage output so she's better at siege damage than hero damage for now.
She does a lot of hero damage, but it's like nazeebo - steady poke, rather than what she had previously where she could solo gank a *lot* of people very rapidly using the two activated abilities plus her ultimate.
She does a lot of hero damage, but it's like nazeebo - steady poke, rather than what she had previously where she could solo gank a *lot* of people very rapidly using the two activated abilities plus her ultimate.
So after buying Leoric last week and Uther just now, I'm sitting at 7.7k gold left. Currently almost player level 39, and I have 3 quests and goblin so I should be able to get to 10k gold fairly easy...
Which is why I come to you now GAF, help me decide on an Assassin to purchase. Most of the ones I seem to be interested in are 10k gold, are any of the 7k and less Assassins worth it or just save up for a 10ker? I mainly play Warrior, but looking to pick up some DPS too.
Currently for Assassins I only own: Thrall, Valla and Raynor. Does Slyvanas fill in for DPS as a Specialist, she seemed like fun, but also 10k.
The worst thing about her is that she was perfect (minus her nonexistent siege damage) before the damage buffs.
Another gosugamer article, this time on hero picks between regions:
Asia has always been ahead in terms of meta understanding. They were way ahead on Zeratul; he was top banrate on Asia long before Vortex whipped him out in ESL S2 playoffs and turned him into permaban on NA/EU as well.
I also think they're ahead of the West with how they handle the emergence of poke heroes this patch. I think they're onto something with Valla over Kael'Thas. Arrow build has ridiculous burst and she can self-sustain through poke with it. And in fights if a tank tries to engage or AFK on her she just sustains through it and puts a fuckload of damage onto them.
I also really like their Tyrael usage because his W can help you sustain through poke and Tyrael played right means you'll get the engagement your team wants. I don't understand why the western meta isn't first picking Valla and going with Tyrael over Muradin when teams are obsessed with picking shit like Kael and now Nazeebo.
I think Arthas's popularity is because he combos so well with Jaina, is a counter to Zagara creep and because the ranged assassin pool is so limited. Arthas does decent damage himself and if he lands a good W, your Jaina is going to be doing way more damage. So with his own damage and boosting his team's damage he essentially provides the damage of a solid ranged assassin.
Arthas is also just nutty on Spider Queen.
Arrow Build = take +Heal (not mandatory, but recommended), then +1 hit on Arrow, then Arrow refreshes on Vault. Suddenly, if you're chasing someone down, Valla can just murdify them.
Leoric’s Drain Hope will no longer deal more damage than intended to player-controlled Dragon Knights or Garden Terrors after learning the Crushing Hope Talent.
Hotfix notes:
Leorics Drain Hope will no longer deal more damage than intended to player-controlled Dragon Knights or Garden Terrors after learning the Crushing Hope Talent.
Zeveron should have beaten Tempo Storm 2-1 last night - they were using Leoric in the first two games before TS banned him out. And then they threw away the third game by not running immediately to the turn in point after capping the boss.
Warriors having waveclear is a pretty slippery slope
Awww, I loved watching their HP crumble to dust. Oh well, honestly I was expecting them to make it so you couldn't target them at all with it anymore, so I'll take what I can get. Leoric destroys dragon knights and garden terrors.
Very GG's to @compLexityLive ! We go on to face @Zeverongg or @Tempo_Storm
I totally agree with the asia meta> west meta too, what they do makes a lot more sense to me, and leoric coming out should shift it even harder towards multiple warriors in a game imo
A lot of the power of the na meta seems kind of rooted in taking advantage of misplayd and positioning errors, in the ts vs. zev game on spider map last night i feel like zev outdrafted and had a better strategy than ts but just outplayed themselves over and over
is their chinese hots with english comentary that I'm missing out on?
Oh when i say warrior i mean tank, i dont really count sonya as a warrior, i was thinking more along the lines of early access to it like johanna. Warriors get some through burning rage, but johanna and leoric are kind of unique in their clear and the former is one of the best primary tanks and latter seems poised to take the spot of best secondary tank.
hmm. where do you think tyreal fits? To me, leoric seems like a less damage more tank version of a tyreal. But yea I think leoric fits in that 3rd "utility" role after you've got tank healer and 2 dps.... even though he doesn't really have much actual utility beyond seige damage.
Has anyone played on Windows 10 yet? Knowing that I'll likely be upgrading tomorrow, I'm curious how HotS performs.
Oh Leoric no doubt outdamages Tyrael. Just his W makes him a huge tank buster, agianst tanks like Muradin or Diablo who rely on having alot of health. his Q is amazing for slowing/aoe damage.
hows old Tyrael doing these days anyway? I really enjoyed the few games I played with him months ago when I got him to lvl 7 (or 8 not sure)
He hasn't changed?
Works well in 2 tank comps, not so great at solo tanking.
Leoric's actually reminiscent of Chen some, in that body-blocking is huge for him via Wraith Walk/Entomb.
The rise of Sonya awaits.