I know complaining about matchmaking is tired, but ugh.
My team's muradin: Player level 12, 35 games played.
My team's nova: Player level 18, 35 games played
Enemy valla: Player level 40, rank 1 hero league, 1735 games
okay, hotslogs updated and I gues the mmr match checks out:
Enemy team's hotslogs mmr:
1700/3350(valla)/1526/1575/777(wut) = avg 1785
My teams mmr:
2838(me)/1490/1700/1234/1700 = 1792
Problem is that valla farmed my whole team all game and I couldn't carry nearly as well. I feel like the 777 guy is what ruined the matchmaking, because he only has 3 games played and was obviously better than a 777 mmr.
Even though the mmr averages out to be about even, putting anyone on my team against a 3350 valla is kind of silly.
They really ought to add a GAME IS READY Confirmation Pop-Up like DoTA or LoL.
Would solve alot of AFK problem I feel.
Well this is the problem with the system. It matchmakes on averages and that doesn't tell the whole story. There is the whole problem of mmr meaning nothing if the player is playing a hero they haven't played before. There is the issue where newer players are going to be worse at the game even if they get lucky and win a few games pushing them up to higher mmr levels.
QM will never be perfect due to selecting an hero first, but HL should be better than it currently is..
They really ought to add a GAME IS READY Confirmation Pop-Up like DoTA or LoL.
Would solve alot of AFK problem I feel.
Well this is the problem with the system. It matchmakes on averages and that doesn't tell the whole story. There is the whole problem of mmr meaning nothing if the player is playing a hero they haven't played before. There is the issue where newer players are going to be worse at the game even if they get lucky and win a few games pushing them up to higher mmr levels.
ZPs makes Stitches look so good.
One of his top winning heroes before the nerf yeah? Stitches would be a cool hero to see more often
My next game:
My teams avg mmr: 2605
Enemy team avg mmr: 1707
Total stomp, ended 5 levels ahead of them. :-/
They really ought to add a GAME IS READY Confirmation Pop-Up like DoTA or LoL.
Would solve alot of AFK problem I feel.
Yep. He was hitting hooks left and right.
RIP. Lost Haunted Mine with 13% left on the core. I'm surprised it even came down to a base race given how often our team got picked off. Not sure if it would have been closer to ditch casting carapace on the core and instead hat somebody who was attacking.
Social media up this kind of crap. Ignore what Cooby says- the more public pressure, the better.
I have been topping all 4 stats with Leoric along with having the best Kand constantly saving teammates. He struggles at getting mercs, but otherwise he is kind of a god.
Please no..Destiny, Call of Duty, and other Activision franchises could be added to Heroes of the Storm
Destiny, Call of Duty, and other Activision franchises could be added to Heroes of the Storm
Destiny, Call of Duty, and other Activision franchises could be added to Heroes of the Storm
Destiny, Call of Duty, and other Activision franchises could be added to Heroes of the Storm
Same, I play this for the Blizzard characters. The day they add some Call of Duty or whatever shit, is the day I uninstall this game and try my best to forget about it.I would drop HotS like a flaming sack of dog shit if it became Activisions MOBA/Smash Bros mash-up. I don't mind Blizzards own games being used in HotS, it's why I like it, but the moment Spyro Skylanders, Tony Hawk and other Activision ilk are in this shit, it's jumped the shark.
Tony Hawk vs Diablo, GOhey, at least it's more characters to get to 10, right? lol
Tony Hawk vs Diablo, GO
Crash might live!!!! Some of the alien races from destiny honestly wouldn't be too bad IMO.Destiny, Call of Duty, and other Activision franchises could be added to Heroes of the Storm
Crash might live!!!! Some of the alien races from destiny honestly wouldn't be too bad IMO.
Also hello HeroesGAF!!!! This is my first post here after a bit of lurking and I have a few questions, but I just took some dopey drugs for an illness so I'm gonna wait until I can comprehend the answers. I just wanted to pop in and say hello before that.
Itll be the new one. You can't even buy the old one, new one replaced it and becomes available next week.19 August to 25 August
Azmodan -- Sale Price: 4.99 EUR / 3.69 GBP / 4,500 WON
Azgul'dan Azmodan Skin -- Sale Price: 4.99 EUR / 3.69 GBP / 4,500 WON
Demonic Tyrael Skin -- Sale Price: 4.99 EUR / 3.69 GBP / 4,500 WON
edit: wait, Demonic Tyrael? Old or the new skin?
Destiny, Call of Duty, and other Activision franchises could be added to Heroes of the Storm
Alright guys, I read the Dutch original and I'll give you the central points.
- The name 'Activision' is only ever used by the writer of the article, not the Blizzard employee. I assume the former misinterpreted the Blizzard games mentioned as being 'Activision games'.
- Interviewee mentions only SC II and Overwatch. He says Artanis is an example of how two teams (SC II and HOTS) love eachothers' games and are excited to work together.
- Usually it would take 6 months to a year for a new hero to make it into HOTS, but Artanis was an exception to this rule because the HOTS team was approached by the SC people.
- The same exception could be made for Overwatch heroes, if that team also approaches the HOTS team.
- If you pre-order the next SC expansion, you get Artanis in HOTS
Destiny, Call of Duty, and other Activision franchises could be added to Heroes of the Storm
EEewwwww, that sounds like a horrible idea. Why not add non Blizzard cards to Hearthstone too? Why stop there, add a Call of Duty battleground level to the WoW expansion, have Tony Hawk became a Terran unit in Starcraft too!
Activision, don't fuck with Blizzard, they know how to do what they do and they do it just dandy without your meddling or interaction. If it aint' broke don't go trying to fix it!!!!
Yeah, there is no way that'll happen.
They should make an original character called the blizzard wizard
The cool kids could call him the blizz wiz
Got this mount with random on the PTR. Never seen it before.
I don't play PTR so i ask. Impressions on how the monk is? I watched the video blizz had but he seems a bit squishy.