Should I be concerned that three of my favorite heroes to play (Tyrael, Hammer, and Falstad) are what Zuna considers Tier 3?
And I'm surprised to see Abathur up at Tier 2, another one of my favorite heroes to play.
Not at all
Should I be concerned that three of my favorite heroes to play (Tyrael, Hammer, and Falstad) are what Zuna considers Tier 3?
And I'm surprised to see Abathur up at Tier 2, another one of my favorite heroes to play.
Tyrael's good, but he's comp-dependent.
When you are trying to isolate someone and melt them w/ burst.What team comp does he excel in? He's one of my favorites as well, but I never know when is the right time to select him in Hero League.
Hopefully they just keep tuning up the #s on BW until shes seeing normal play again.91k healing in 21mins compared to bwing's 42k on the other side
Monk is fun![]()
If you can isolate one person with 7-sided it's going to take half their HP off. But in a group setting, it's sided strike might see more play than I thought, especially as people get smart about NOT killing the stasis target. I saved myself with stasis but the other 2 times in the match I used enemies disengaged and it didnt heal. I mean its still fine, the teammate didnt die, but 7sided seems to be reallyh good aswell, against 1 or 2 people (more than that not so much)
If you take Kerrigan's ravage talents, she takes on a really dynamic play style. They keys are:
Clean Kill - If your ravage kills an enemy, its mana cost is refunded, its cooldown is immediately reset, and the next one hits harder.
Adaptation - Ravage can be used to jump to friendlies, for half the mana.
Eviscerate - Increases Ravage range by 40%.
So, you're going to do considerably less damage than most normal kerrigan builds. But you have the ability to jump people who are hurt and running away, and then you can either jump to a new enemy, or jump out on a friendly - right away. This is especially beneficial if you're on a map with Diablo, The Butcher, or stealthies.
The thing is, you really can't initiate with a ravage. You need to roll in and do your sweeping grasp combo, stay on the outside, and wait for someone to get hurt enough that you think you could kill em with a ravage. Overdrive helps, too.
I'm still working on this, but I like the style.
I'm surprised they haven't pulled High Templar Zera from the store, he's just a recolor of base Zera
Rank 17 after the placement matches where I got like 13-7.
Yeah, not a good sign of how the system works.
Also, it looks to me like the CD on ravage resets if the enemy dies soon after you use ravage, but it doesn't actually have to be ravage that kills them.
Very high mobility
More healing than any other healer in the game
Strong AoE heal on low cooldown
Extremely powerful healing heroic
AoE pseudo-cleanse
Great at Skirmishing
Only healer with the option to get relentless
Supports his team in more ways than just pure healing
Great passive healing while gathering objectives
Has avatar skin tints for both skins
Melee that must auto attack in order to turn healing from good to great
Very high skill cap
No AoE/Waveclear of any kind
Mediocre laner overall
One of the neat things about the ravage build for kerrigan is that it's mana free on a kill, it resets its CD, and it heals you for 10%, and all of that works on minions. So, between just two minions, you can heal 20% of your health for free.
Also, it looks to me like the CD on ravage resets if the enemy dies soon after you use ravage, but it doesn't actually have to be ravage that kills them.
People are still picking gathering power on KT and Nova. Maybe, maybe it might be a worthwhile pick on KT with how he can melt creep waves and heroes standing in them with Fission and Chain Bomb but you can't die. It's just such a waste of a talent if you die like two or three times. You die at the wrong time once late-game, it's a waste. Plus you're betting on the game going long and passing on immediately useful level 4 talents. I don't get why people are still picking it.
Rank 17 after the placement matches where I got like 13-7.
Yeah, not a good sign of how the system works.
Remember, 24/25 is average.No, I meant I expected rank 30 or something. 17 is way too high, considering I didn't ace the placement matches.
Dunno why people pick it on Nova. It doesn't affect her AD, does it? She doesn't really have a skillset that screams "MORE DAMAGE FOR IT WOULD DO GOOD"
From what I've seen and played so far the only hero where gathering might be worth it is nazeebo. Only because you can get pretty tanky and have ice block and do most of shit from a safe distance aswell.
Does anyone know if the new Starcraft hero that comes with Legacy of the Void preorders is for all LotV preorders or just the special physical and digital editions? Not like the game is dropping soon but I'm curious - the Blizzard website seems to imply he will be on your account if you get either.
I wouldn't ever take GP on anybody now. Definitely not Naz either. No matter which build you go, unless you have a perfect game with no deaths you'll get more value out of Spider Cluster long term.
I believe everyone gets the hero (just like all D3 RoS owners got Valla). It's the mount that is exclusive.
Have you played much Nazeebo since the patch, Ketch? He's pretty damn good now IMO. Winrate was already good last patch, but now the damage is even easier to do along with the walls.
I kind of see now how people who play League clones can buy just one or a small handful of heroes and stick to only them. After playing 4 or 5 games with ETC I never want to play any other hero in HotS. He's like tanky Enigma. Just yolo into team fights and start a mosh pit. So gud!