We just got BoE.
Hey Rennbot, I'm going to focus on your second question as that's my main focus.
For Infernal Shrines balance we spent a ton of time working out the different balance hooks on the Punishers. So I'm going to pull out some of our major balance factors we analyzed and discussed during it's development.
The AoE stun used to have a large damage component built into it. This created a lot of snowballs in our internal play testing and was quickly removed. With this change we added a little more of the damage into the Punisher's themselves.
We both reduced and increased the Punishers stun many many times as we iterated upon his power level. Our biggest take away was the stun at lower numbers didn't feel very impactful and consequently the reward felt unimportant.
While we wanted to maintain the Punisher's damage levels we decided to add counter-play instead of removing damage. He switches to the nearest enemy hero. So after the initial stun and I believe 1 to 2 hits of guaranteed damage on the primary target your allies can jump in and soak the damage.
While testing we also saw lots of baiting tactics get developed as players learned the maps to pull Punisher's into areas where it was harder for the attacking team to follow up on the Punisher.
We will continue to evaluate the feedback of the map and reduce the power levels if necessary.
For the Affixes we definitely wanted to pull out the ones that were the most iconic, played well (read: were impactful), and have unique game play from each other.
We tested a few others as well.
We discussed waller, but well Leoric was in development.
Jailer (this never got put in, but was discussed a fair bit)
Edited to improve format because I'm a reddit Noob.
Spoiler: You adjust VP."Overall we are happy with where Zeratul's current balance. However, he is a bit of a problem for us in the competitive side of things. We are actively discussing if and what we would need to do to keep him amazing for the majority of players while lowering his power at the professional level. Not sure when we will have that answer, but he is on our radar."
As a frequent victim of Zeratul's I'd say let him keept Wormhole, just make it a level 20 talent.
wow just got battlefield or eternity. I guess they hotfixed it while I was taking a break
iunno they say he's balanced
How do you build kaelthas now?
Also, I'm getting hammered. And enemy of the state is a good movie
Yea, I have that effect on women
Giantbomb Quicklook hots: http://www.giantbomb.com/videos/quick-look-heroes-of-the-storm/2300-10619/
Yea it's like the prime example of the kind of audience blizzard is looking to attract to the game.
Wrestling fans?
No no. 30 year old man children
I want to slam my dick and balls between a door and a wall right this instant
Maybe they just sent out the gold for double-buys? (It'd be nice to have Diablo refunded.)So I just received like 8000 gold and I have no idea why.
Maybe they just sent out the gold for double-buys? (It'd be nice to have Diablo refunded.)
QL put some of the players I've seen in perspective tho, like Dan's idiotic solo play and charging the enemy base for no reason.
But then again I never played a moba and even in my first games I wasn't doing that >_>
Do NOT watch the quicklook expecting any sort of competent play in the slightest, you'll just get angry.
I'm surprised Brad wasn't screaming lol
Hey everyone. Decided to give this game a try (downloading as I type). My first MOBA-type game.
The amount of gold you get per match in this game seems miserly.
Too bad you can't transfer gold, cause i have 30k and don't feel like spending it.
I mean...Raynor's gonna Raynor but damn Dan...
Placed into rank 9. I guess I am ok with that, time to grind back to rank 1!