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Heroes of the Storm |OT| Pretty sure that Abathur is AFK

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The amount of gold you get per match in this game seems miserly.


That's after buying the monk for 15,000 and the goblin mount this patch. I have spent $60 on this game and own every single hero. I make more than 15,000 gold every hero release and can just instantly buy them. Sure I had to spend $60 and play a lot of games. But it's nice being ahead of the curve. Don't ever have to spend a single cent on this game now. Even the crazy 20,000 gold mounts that they release aren't enough to dent the piggy bank!

But for any normal person who does not play a lot? Yeah gold gains suck.


The amount of gold you get per match in this game seems miserly.

Yes but the other ways you get gold are all pretty generous.

Relative to other f2p games, this and Hearthstone tend to give much more gold out in rate-limited ways. A casual player and someone who plays for hours every day are actually going to get pretty similar amounts of gold, because almost all of everyone's gold comes from daily quests that you can complete every three days. People who play all the time only progress a couple times faster (about 3x in Hearthstone, unsure about HotS).

And overall HotS is giving out quite a lot of gold relative to the rate at which it releases content. It's pretty easy to be able to afford each new hero as it comes out, especially if you wait til they drop to 10k.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Approximately 1 month ago, I'm positive that I said something about how pleased I would be if the absolute trash of this game removed. As of today, my opinions are intact. I would rather have a player base of 1000 good players. Actually, I would rather see myself fighting the same 5 people over and over again - then deal with what we have today.

I hope the Heroes community starts to diminish as the years pass by so my dream can be a reality.


If I make sure not to miss any daily quests, I generally always have enough gold every two to three weeks that a new hero pops up to buy them for their inflated first week price. I definitely have enough by the time they drop to 10k.

I can't really complain about that.

Support build Monk almost feels like an off-tank.

Yeah, it feels like he can, if not outright 1v1 someone, at least keep them busy for a really, really long time as long as he Never Stops Punching.


They definitely refunded gold for certain things, just took a look and got twenty seven thousand now. That's probably twenty three more than I had previously.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I just got 8k but I don't remember double buying anything. On the one hand, this is good because I actually need 71k to get the rest of the heroes I'd like. On the other hand, there is no other hand! Free gold!

Edit: Oh, I understand now. I got Nexus when I had Lili, and I got Starter when I had Raynor and Malfurion.


I am in the top 5%, so yeah. I am a good player.

It's still egoistic. Sure we all are HC-gamers here in GAF and probably in the top 10% of the player base, but does that mean shit? We are still very far from professional gamers and make tons of mistakes. Hating on noobs tells more about yourself than the noobs.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
It's still egoistic. Sure we all are HC-gamers here in GAF and probably in the top 10% of the player base, but does that mean shit? We are still very far from professional gamers and make tons of mistakes. Hating on noobs tells more about yourself than the noobs.

A response from you (shocking!). Not comparing myself to a pro, which is why I said 5% and not 0,2%.


I actually think the amount of gold you get is perfect. I spent 10 bucks in the beginning but it turns out I really wasn't necessary.
sitting at 30k now and not sure what to buy next. but I am also not someone who needs every hero, I am fine with the handful I really like to play.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
The top 5% probably isn't the same as the Top 1000 though.

You don't even meet your own criteria.
Bleh, percentage details wasn't the point. My point still stands - I'm still better, mechanically and theoretically than the majority of those who play this game. Had I been able to clone myself in order to play with 4 other copies of myself, I'd do that.

Edit: Egotistical? Absolutely! But I think you're lying to yourself if you're convincing yourself that it's fun to play with people who seem to be 6 years old. Either that, or you're just not playing this game seriously enough to even care.


But then if you cloned yourself, you'll just be trying to pick the same characters or go into the same lanes as your other clones are trying to.

You'd never get anywhere.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
But then if you cloned yourself, you'll just be trying to pick the same characters or go into the same lanes as your other clones are trying to.

You'd never get anywhere.

5-0-0 push, go!


But then if you cloned yourself, you'll just be trying to pick the same characters or go into the same lanes as your other clones are trying to.

You'd never get anywhere.

Did anybody ever make a multi-home setup with 5 PCs, where one uses one keyboard and mouse to control a 5 man party, or should I say 5-man-deathball?


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
It's a free to play game if you hadn't noticed :)
So is Dota 2...
I know this isn't a fair comparison, but Dota's been my MOBA of choice for over 2 years now. League's f2p model will never agree with me
almost all of everyone's gold comes from daily quests that you can complete every three days.
Haha, I find this funny.

I did just discover the ways you can get more gold by leveling up heroes, which you're clearly going to be doing naturally over the course of the game, so I'm sure all thing's considered it won't be too bad. I just wish this game had a Smite style one time fee for all heroes instead of trying to mix and match in bundles. I'd easily pay a full game price to just cut all the f2p bullshit, aside from cosmetics, which I think are always fair game to charge money for.

I'm happy with my guitar-playing cow for now anyways. He's kind of all I need.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I think I just played with the best Vikings player that I've ever had the honor to play with.

4 levels ahead massacre on Garden of Terror. It was ridiculous.


So is Dota 2...
I know this isn't a fair comparison, but Dota's been my MOBA of choice for over 2 years now. League's f2p model will never agree with me

Haha, I find this funny.

I did just discover the ways you can get more gold by leveling up heroes, which you're clearly going to be doing naturally over the course of the game, so I'm sure all thing's considered it won't be too bad. I just wish this game had a Smite style one time fee for all heroes instead of trying to mix and match in bundles. I'd easily pay a full game price to just cut all the f2p bullshit, aside from cosmetics, which I think are always fair game to charge money for.

I'm happy with my guitar-playing cow for now anyways. He's kind of all I need.

The second worst thing League of Legends ever did was condition people into thinking this kind of F2P model isn't really scummy. Obviously not every company has the infrastructure to monetize DotA 2 in the way Valve did, but Hi-Rez is a much smaller company than Blizzard, and they still found a way to make hella bank off their game without locking core content behind a gargantuan paywall. I would gladly give Blizzard $30 to have access to every HotS hero for now and forever, but with their current model I really have no interest in giving them money for anything.

A positive side effect of not spending real money on this game is that you don't feel the burn when you spend ten bucks on a hero only to have Blizzard completely neuter them in the next balance patch (RIP Sonya, Nova, Hammer, Nazeebo, Arthas, Stitches. You were too good for this world and this game).


Hi-Rez has that model not because they are wonderfully generous, but *because* they are a small company. They needed cash flow, and they need something to get people to pick their game out from all the others. You aren't going to get a game like Heroes by having people pay $30 and done forever.

And nobody has the infrastructure to make a game like Dota 2 except valve. They have a unique market position and are exploiting it superbly, but not even Blizzard can do what they do.

Personally, despite my reservations, HoTs seems to be quite generous. I have almost all the heroes, 45K in the bank and I just bought the monk for gold. If you play it a lot and want heroes, you'll get enough to get them all. If you don't play it much then you'll get enough gold to buy a couple of your favourites and then have the rotation heroes on top of that.


Sorry, I don't understand, why couldn't we get "a game like Heroes" with Smite's pay model?

Because games don't exist in a vacuum. "Blizzard polish" costs a lot to maintain. Blizzard has the physical and mental power over people (gained over decades of work) so they can charge extra compared to many other games. It's all perceived value and production values in the end.


HotS isn't any more polished than Smite is. In fact, I'd argue that it's a lot worse in terms of skin support, league play, and competitive infrastructure.

The only reason Blizzard charges out the ass for HotS content is because LoL gets away with it. The idea that we have to pay a premium for that ~~special Blizzard touch~~ is beyond stupid. There are better games from other companies that basically give you everything either for free, or for dirt cheap.


HotS isn't any more polished than Smite is. In fact, I'd argue that it's a lot worse in terms of skin support, league play, and competitive infrastructure.

The only reason Blizzard charges out the ass for HotS content is because LoL gets away with it. The idea that we have to pay a premium for that ~~special Blizzard touch~~ is beyond stupid. There are better games from other companies that basically give you everything either for free, or for dirt cheap.

Smite has been out longer. The competitive infastructure for heroes isn't even fully released yet. We are still in pre season.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?


Having 7 dudes a week is more than enough to play with, and I've had plenty of gold to buy the ones I like the most. I think the system works great.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?

Two days from release, not bad! It's too bad I got to 10 on a loss when I was just having a good win streak ._. I went with this build:

1. Transcendence
4. Protective Shield or Foresight when we were up against Nova/Zeratul-combo
7. Echo of Heaven
10. Seven-Sided Strike
13. Fists of Fury
16. Circle of Life
20. Storm Shield

Overall, I felt that Kharazim was the most fun support in the game for different reasons. His mobility is insane; when I started using Q on friendly targets in order to get out of sticky situations, everything changed for me. I don't agree at all with the fact that Divine Palm is the "generally accepted ultimate" for Kharazim. I personally feel that 7SS saved either my ass in 1v1 or the entire party multiple times. I tried Divine Palm in like 10 different games and never felt that I got massive value out of it. I honestly think that Divine Palm will get worse as time goes by because people will simply stop hitting the guy who gets buffed. In fact, I'm already noticing that it's happening right now and we're only 2 days since the patch was released.

So a short summary of Kharazim:

+ Mobility
+ One of the best 1v1 ultimates in the game
+ Ridiculous heals when group is stacked

- Terrible solo laner

Kharazim is the only support that has ranked above "medium fun" for me.

God fun: Zagara, Kael'thas, Sylvanas, Jaina
High fun: Thrall, Kharazim, Zeratul, Valla, Kerrigan, Falstad, Tyrael, Leoric
Medium fun: Nazeebo, Butcher, Johanna, Tychus, Anub'arak, Malfurion, Arthas, Illidan
Low fun: Li Li, Raynor, Nova
Trash: Muradin


Yoshi took all my matchmaking luck to prove he was top 5%
Know that feel.

Wish people in HL wouldn't pick fotm heroes when they aren't that good at them. I'd rather people pick a lower tier hero that they're good at than pick KT or Jaina or something and die a lot.

A lot of people don't seem to follow patch notes either. KTs taking the old build (with the new fs talent). I don't really know why you'd take GP on Kael anymore really. If you've got that many stacks in GP then you're winning already regardless of it.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I just played my first game as Tyrande (dressed up as my main girl Maiev, of course) and I honestly think that she's really fun to play as. Very good range, combined with some crazy damage burst if you get her mark on + stun.

Question #1: is there any reason to heal yourself with Q? Am I getting the same amount of healing by healing someone else? It seems to apply to me as well, so I'm wondering if I get the same amount that I would normally get by healing myself.

Question #2: it is perfectly fine to go with Tyrande in HL despite having someone else in the group pick another support, right? From what I understand, Tyrande isn't a 100% dedicated healer - which makes sense since her only ability is her Q and it isn't that strong.

But yeah, even though I seem to like Tyrande... running around as Maiev only makes my heart hurt. I'd pay so much money... so much fucking money, in order to slice some fools up as an assassin Maiev.




1) You should always heal something else, even a minion, if at all possible. The only reason to ever directly heal yourself is if there is literally no-one else around.

2) You should always pair Tyrande with another support generally. Whilst her heal is useful (and if talented at 13 heals for a surprising amount), she can't do the job of a full support. She's a playmaker hero with her stuns, mark and arrow.

Seeing someone try to play Tyrande as a teams solo support in hero league makes me sad. It's doable, but it's hard and you are giving ourself a disadvantage for no reason.

Tyrande works really well with other stun characters and all in character s- Butcher / Tyrande for example is a great combo.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Modèle Super Sonya -- Prix réduit : 4,99 €
Super Sonya for €5 seems like a decent price. Especially because of the cartoon effects!


As expected, all of this makes sense! Thanks for the clarification, Maledict!


Approximately 1 month ago, I'm positive that I said something about how pleased I would be if the absolute trash of this game removed. As of today, my opinions are intact. I would rather have a player base of 1000 good players. Actually, I would rather see myself fighting the same 5 people over and over again - then deal with what we have today.

I hope the Heroes community starts to diminish as the years pass by so my dream can be a reality.

You are playing the most casual friendly MOBA game and hoping all the casuals eventually go away? Good luck with that.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
5€ for a fucking videogame SKIN is not a decent price. And thats the sale price!

Oh I buy them, but fuck off with that decent price bullshit


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?




Played 5 placement matches this morning with some friends. 3 out of the 5 games my team first picked Raynor, Thrall, Nova. 5/5 games the other team first picked Jaina and Kael'thas.

Is this my life now?


Why do people never seem to attack the enemy Li Li? Bitch is keeping their team alive.. Maybe don't try and kill Johanna?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Yoshi, can you replay Muradin please?
Haha, something is telling me that you're not satisfied with him being at the lowest ranks on my list :)? I mean, I'm giving every hero the same privilege by getting him/her from 1-10, that's around 50 matches or so. But you might be right on this one! I was only playing assassins before switching to Muradin and he was in fact my first non-assassin that I played. Maybe the transition was a bit rough on me? Because I really, really like Tyrael, Johanna and Leoric!

Speaking of heroes... does anyone remember when my Murky deadline is? I remember promising Alur that I'd play Murky (I even gave him my Yoshi-word on that!) but I can't for the sake of me find the post where I actually gave a set time.


Haha, something is telling me that you're not satisfied with him being at the lowest ranks on my list :)? I mean, I'm giving every hero the same privilege by getting him/her from 1-10, that's around 50 matches or so. But you might be right on this one! I was only playing assassins before switching to Muradin and he was in fact my first non-assassin that I played. Maybe the transition was a bit rough on me? Because I really, really like Tyrael, Johanna and Leoric!

Speaking of heroes... does anyone remember when my Murky deadline is? I remember promising Alur that I'd play Murky (I even gave him my Yoshi-word on that!) but I can't for the sake of me find the post where I actually gave a set time.

I think that deadline passed about two months ago.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I think that deadline passed about two months ago.
No, no. That one, I remember (I said that I would play Murky before traveling to Japan). I never gave my word on that one though!

The one I'm talking about is something that happened recently, like a week ago or so!
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