Since we were discussing Yoshi's top 5% comment, I decided to go back and check through HOTSlogs and recalculate where the brackets fall now that we are launched a-la kirblar did a while back in beta.
I doubt I'm the only one who finds where they fall on this list interesting, but if so you can ignore.
Master (requires 150 uploads): 1.1% of players (higher than 98.2% of players)
Diamond (requires 100 uploads): 9.7% of players (higher than 89.6% of players)
Platinum (requires 100 uploads): 12.75% of players (higher than 75.75% of players)
Gold (requires 50 uploads): 15.71% of players
Silver (requires 20 uploads): 21.73% of players
Bronze (requires 10 uploads): 40.40% of players
Total players: 429,729 (99.3%)
Master (requires 150 uploads): .008% of players (higher than 99.092% of players)
Diamond (requires 100 uploads): 6.9% of players (higher than 91.19% of players)
Platinum (requires 100 uploads): 10.65% of players (higher than 81.54% of players)
Gold (requires 50 uploads): 14.29% of players
Silver (requires 20 uploads): 22.4% of players
Bronze (requires 10 uploads): 44.86% of players
Total players: 113,154 (99.1%)
The percentages for each bracket only added to ~99.3% for QM and ~99.1% in HL since I rounded and because I don't think they actually add to exactly 100% to begin with.
Did you also get an email from Blizzard?Wow. That gold refund gave me basically the 20k I spent on ole Gobbo mount back. Thx Blizz
Wow. That gold refund gave me basically the 20k I spent on ole Gobbo mount back. Thx Blizz
Do you still happen to have the absolute numbers ready?
(yes I know, I could look them up, but maybe you already have it ready in copy/paste-able form)
Did you also get an email from Blizzard?
Did you get an email?
You mean the actual number of players in each bracket? Yeah I have that if you want.
No e-mail that I saw. I was at ~53,000ish gold before buying the Treasure Goblin. Down to ~33k. Now I'm up to 54,000. Was I supposed to?
Weve begun adding this Gold to players accounts today. If youre among those players mentioned above, be sure to watch out for an email from us at the address associated with your account to find out how much Gold youll receive.
This process may take a few days to complete, so you may not see fresh Gold in your account right away. Well update you all right here in this thread once weve finished sending out Gold.
Yes, that's what I meant.
I you have them ready, and it is not a big inconvenience, it would be nice of you to post them here.
Just been doing some bot matches to screw around as Abathur and complete some dailies and a few things struck me. First, bot match queue times are instant, I'm talking 5-8 seconds versus the 80-100+ I have just for Quick Match. How many people are just queuing for bot matches over Quick Match and Hero League?
Also totally feel you that there isnt really any need to call ppl trash
Sometimes, the need is real
For AI matches the matchmaker has almost nothing to do. MMR or skill are not an issue, yet. Only thing that matters, is that no hero is selected twice, and optionally that all people have the same difficulty selected, which is not a must.
It is never 5 seconds for me, the countdown usually starts instant.
It would just be nice if the bots smacked players down a bit more for obvious mistakes rather than constantly backing off. It might make transitioning to playing against actual people easier if you have a little more map awareness/gank paranoia instilled in you because of bot deathball smack downs.
I've always had it. Highly unstable 40fps no matter what, even on low. I am able to get used to it, but if I switch to it after playing LoL (rock solid 120fps) it's so painful. The thing that really sucks is other Blizzard games run a steady 60fps, so it doesn't make any sense for HOTS to shit everywhere.Anyone has framerate problems with HOTS? I can play Dota 2 and many other games without a problem but HOTS just stutters all the time, even on medium settings.
Anyone has framerate problems with HOTS? I can play Dota 2 and many other games without a problem but HOTS just stutters all the time, even on medium settings.
I miss hooking with Stiches
wait that came out wrong ;_;
I don't understand why it spreads to buildings/minions- it should be heroes- only for the chain.As much as I love Kael, and am really enjoying playing the new Kael, I'm going to suggest that having a set of abilities that instant kills a team if they stand in a minion wave probably isn't healthy right now.
I hope their fix for him is "You can only take damage from a minions living bomb once per second". That stops the minion wave insanity but preserves the fundamental "don't group up" thing Kael has going. If they just stop bomb explosions full stop, like Sylvanas unstable Poison, it really will kill the ability in a sad way.
As much as I love Kael, and am really enjoying playing the new Kael, I'm going to suggest that having a set of abilities that instant kills a team if they stand in a minion wave probably isn't healthy right now.
I hope their fix for him is "You can only take damage from a minions living bomb once per second". That stops the minion wave insanity but preserves the fundamental "don't group up" thing Kael has going. If they just stop bomb explosions full stop, like Sylvanas unstable Poison, it really will kill the ability in a sad way.
This is why they nerfed Unstable whatsitsname on Syl.Whilst I don't think powerwise it's much of an issue (It's less damage than the old chain bomb spread thing, and whilst the radius is nice you could still do the evaporate minion wave thing with it), I think it *feels* really bad and unfair. To die because you were stood in your own minion, so rveen worse - your own Nazeebo cast Wall of Zombies, leaves a bad taste in the mouth.
I do love "Raid Boss" Kael mechanically though- it's hilarious and completely alters what you have to worry about positioning wise.
I do love "Raid Boss" Kael mechanically though- it's hilarious and completely alters what you have to worry about positioning wise.
This is why they nerfed Unstable whatsitsname on Syl.
Protective Shield is generic and would be kinda dumb/wasted on buildings anyway with that long cooldown- Tass getting to Shield buildings is a specific perk of using him. Kael's current stuff is totally something they'll hotfix out.Sometimes I don't get why they let one hero have something and another hero not. Like yeah the Kael bombs vs Sylv unstable poison on minions, or Tass shields working on buildings but Tyrande shields not (why would anyone pick her shield in that tier?)
yepQuestion, if I preorder Legacy of the Void (normal, digital edition) Do I get the starcraft hero for free?
Sometimes I don't get why they let one hero have something and another hero not. Like yeah the Kael bombs vs Sylv unstable poison on minions, or Tass shields working on buildings but Tyrande shields not (why would anyone pick her shield in that tier?)
nah it'll be Artanis (
nah it'll be Artanis ( hope is the female protoss then.
Told ya he wasn't dead.
Now he's even more dead-lyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....YEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH~
I think the void mount is exclusive to the deluxe edition but Artanis comes with all versions.if you get artanis even with the normal version the digital deluxe loses quite some value, he was the only reason I even considered buying it, but now I am all the happier I get him anyway
I pictured you making your avatar's pose after typing that![]()
if you get artanis even with the normal version the digital deluxe loses quite some value, he was the only reason I even considered buying it, but now I am all the happier I get him anyway
ZP_TV: I might be public enemy #1 here, but in chu's defense. The ranked system is entirely screwed right now
ZP_TV: There's not a single top player on my list that's actually rank 1 now
ZP_TV: only casual players who barely met the minimum mmr requirements actually hit rank 1 post patch
ZP_TV: anyone who's mmr was way above the normal threshhold
ZP_TV: can't hit rank 1
ZP_TV: im just mentioning how screwed the system is
ZP_TV: i've gotten hosed by it, bkid got hosed, erho got hosted, syracuse got hosted, I got hosed
ZP_TV: dreadnaught/kaeyoh got hosed
ZP_TV: the system is baaaad
HORSEPANTS: how many rank 1s are there
HORSEPANTS: at the moment
HORSEPANTS: i havent seen anyone
ZP_TV: as far as i've seen horsepants
ZP_TV: i have some casual viewers who i play with from time to time
ZP_TV: that hit rank 1
HORSEPANTS: yeah im seeing chu go up by like 11
HORSEPANTS: losing 100
ZP_TV: basically if your mmr barely meets the minimum requirements
ZP_TV: you'll hit rank 1
ZP_TV: if your mmr is beyond it
ZP_TV: you'll just get screwed
ZP_TV: i think i'm at 5? I had 6 hours of lilipocalypse