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Heroes of the Storm |OT| Pretty sure that Abathur is AFK

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Since we were discussing Yoshi's top 5% comment, I decided to go back and check through HOTSlogs and recalculate where the brackets fall now that we are launched a-la kirblar did a while back in beta.

I doubt I'm the only one who finds where they fall on this list interesting, but if so you can ignore. :p


Master (requires 150 uploads): 1.1% of players (higher than 98.2% of players)
Diamond (requires 100 uploads): 9.7% of players (higher than 89.6% of players)
Platinum (requires 100 uploads): 12.75% of players (higher than 75.75% of players)
Gold (requires 50 uploads): 15.71% of players
Silver (requires 20 uploads): 21.73% of players
Bronze (requires 10 uploads): 40.40% of players
Total players: 429,729 (99.3%)


Master (requires 150 uploads): .008% of players (higher than 99.092% of players)
Diamond (requires 100 uploads): 6.9% of players (higher than 91.19% of players)
Platinum (requires 100 uploads): 10.65% of players (higher than 81.54% of players)
Gold (requires 50 uploads): 14.29% of players
Silver (requires 20 uploads): 22.4% of players
Bronze (requires 10 uploads): 44.86% of players
Total players: 113,154 (99.1%)

The percentages for each bracket only added to ~99.3% for QM and ~99.1% in HL since I rounded and because I don't think they actually add to exactly 100% to begin with.

Do you still happen to have the absolute numbers ready?
(yes I know, I could look them up, but maybe you already have it ready in copy/paste-able form)

Wow. That gold refund gave me basically the 20k I spent on ole Gobbo mount back. Thx Blizz
Did you also get an email from Blizzard?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Wow. That gold refund gave me basically the 20k I spent on ole Gobbo mount back. Thx Blizz

Did you get an email?


Do you still happen to have the absolute numbers ready?
(yes I know, I could look them up, but maybe you already have it ready in copy/paste-able form)

You mean the actual number of players in each bracket? Yeah I have that if you want.

Did you also get an email from Blizzard?

Did you get an email?

No e-mail that I saw. I was at ~53,000ish gold before buying the Treasure Goblin. Down to ~33k. Now I'm up to 54,000. Was I supposed to?


You mean the actual number of players in each bracket? Yeah I have that if you want.

Yes, that's what I meant.
I you have them ready, and it is not a big inconvenience, it would be nice of you to post them here.

No e-mail that I saw. I was at ~53,000ish gold before buying the Treasure Goblin. Down to ~33k. Now I'm up to 54,000. Was I supposed to?


We’ve begun adding this Gold to players’ accounts today. If you’re among those players mentioned above, be sure to watch out for an email from us at the address associated with your Battle.net account to find out how much Gold you’ll receive.

This process may take a few days to complete, so you may not see fresh Gold in your account right away. We’ll update you all right here in this thread once we’ve finished sending out Gold.
Just been doing some bot matches to screw around as Abathur and complete some dailies and a few things struck me. First, bot match queue times are instant, I'm talking 5-8 seconds versus the 80-100+ I have just for Quick Match. How many people are just queuing for bot matches over Quick Match and Hero League?

Second, holy shit do people learn super bad habits when it comes to aggression, positioning, chasing, staying in lane for too long with low health, pushing too deep, you name it because the default setting for the bots is too easy. The bots peel off of so many kills, even when they drastically outnumber a seriously wounded player for, I dunno, reasons. They back off of easy kills, gimme kills. The bots are so passive it basically instills in the minds of new players that they should be more aggressive than they actually should be.

But they're bot matches, so what are you going to do?


Thank you Alur!

Just been doing some bot matches to screw around as Abathur and complete some dailies and a few things struck me. First, bot match queue times are instant, I'm talking 5-8 seconds versus the 80-100+ I have just for Quick Match. How many people are just queuing for bot matches over Quick Match and Hero League?

For AI matches the matchmaker has almost nothing to do. MMR or skill are not an issue, yet. Only thing that matters, is that no hero is selected twice, and optionally that all people have the same difficulty selected, which is not a must.
It is never 5 seconds for me, the countdown usually starts instant.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
if you arent good at videogames you are a useless person and you have no place in society, didnt you know?


Sometimes, the need is real

Per Reddit, Babel from Singapore is on the squad for this weekend's NA Open after getting insanely positive feedback, and Ultimate Evolution is on a 50s cooldown right now (lol)
For AI matches the matchmaker has almost nothing to do. MMR or skill are not an issue, yet. Only thing that matters, is that no hero is selected twice, and optionally that all people have the same difficulty selected, which is not a must.
It is never 5 seconds for me, the countdown usually starts instant.

The bot matches defaults to Adept (medium), which is super passive. Played on Veteran, also super passive, going to try Elite next. I'm hoping for a similar experience to Dota 2's Impossible bots.

Impossible bots in Dota 2 are pretty dumb as well but they're useful to a point in that they will harass the shit out of you when you try to last hit. They will dive the player, they will throw out inhumanly timed CC to stun lock you. It's decent practice for actual laning, learning to last hit under constant pressure, how to get out of bad situations early and the like. And once laning ends they deathball like there's no tomorrow, which limits their useful to practice against because of the other strategies players can and do employ. Like ganking or split pushing teams.

It would just be nice if the bots smacked players down a bit more for obvious mistakes rather than constantly backing off. It might make transitioning to playing against actual people easier if you have a little more map awareness/gank paranoia instilled in you because of bot deathball smack downs.


It would just be nice if the bots smacked players down a bit more for obvious mistakes rather than constantly backing off. It might make transitioning to playing against actual people easier if you have a little more map awareness/gank paranoia instilled in you because of bot deathball smack downs.

The only thing I've seen bots do since the patch that reflects what you said about the crazy CC happened yesterday or the day before.

Milly79 and I have been running melee assassin + Monk comps to some great success. He was on Kerrigan on a Dragon Shire and a Nova disconnected right as we went in for a gank. The bot dodged not one but two Kerrigan combo's before the player came back. Was pretty crazy watching how impeccably the bot timed and moved to avoid it and other CC. Too bad it was still brain dead otherwise and died anyway, but it was interesting.


I was dicking around with Kael against the elite bots and had an AI stitches that was regularly hooking me from outside the fog of war. Got ganked like 5 times in a row. They're also great at IMMEDIATELY dodging any AoEs.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I miss hooking with Stiches :(

wait that came out wrong ;_;


Anyone has framerate problems with HOTS? I can play Dota 2 and many other games without a problem but HOTS just stutters all the time, even on medium settings.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I lost a game to adept bots last night. Some of the people playing this game are borderline deficient.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Anyone has framerate problems with HOTS? I can play Dota 2 and many other games without a problem but HOTS just stutters all the time, even on medium settings.
I've always had it. Highly unstable 40fps no matter what, even on low. I am able to get used to it, but if I switch to it after playing LoL (rock solid 120fps) it's so painful. The thing that really sucks is other Blizzard games run a steady 60fps, so it doesn't make any sense for HOTS to shit everywhere.


Neo Member
I've been playing just over a week and have been having a blast with this game. For me, it cuts out the fat from the MOBA genre and is generally quite exciting, most of the time. That isn't to say it doesn't have its own issues though.

I have managed to make it to 3k mmr on Hotslogs, and rising, in quick matches. It's not uncommon to get a team mate who is pretty terrible, as a consequence of the mmr averaging to speed up match making. If you are good, however, you will still win a lot more games than you lose. Mechanically most heroes are pretty simple and it is more your general game sense that seems to win matches.

Anyone has framerate problems with HOTS? I can play Dota 2 and many other games without a problem but HOTS just stutters all the time, even on medium settings.

Friend of mine is getting around 15fps using a Macbook Pro from 2009. He is able to run LoL at 60fps on it.
Elite bots sorta feel like you're in a one sided quick match in that they'll actually kill players who are low health, obviously out of position and deserve to die--which is good--they occasionally deathball but they're still super passive. Elite should be like the baseline and Adept should be the easiest setting. I can't imagine how much more passive the bots can get.

I miss hooking with Stiches :(

wait that came out wrong ;_;

Bwaha, you're a fat hooker.


As much as I love Kael, and am really enjoying playing the new Kael, I'm going to suggest that having a set of abilities that instant kills a team if they stand in a minion wave probably isn't healthy right now.

I hope their fix for him is "You can only take damage from a minions living bomb once per second". That stops the minion wave insanity but preserves the fundamental "don't group up" thing Kael has going. If they just stop bomb explosions full stop, like Sylvanas unstable Poison, it really will kill the ability in a sad way.


As much as I love Kael, and am really enjoying playing the new Kael, I'm going to suggest that having a set of abilities that instant kills a team if they stand in a minion wave probably isn't healthy right now.

I hope their fix for him is "You can only take damage from a minions living bomb once per second". That stops the minion wave insanity but preserves the fundamental "don't group up" thing Kael has going. If they just stop bomb explosions full stop, like Sylvanas unstable Poison, it really will kill the ability in a sad way.
I don't understand why it spreads to buildings/minions- it should be heroes- only for the chain.


you can't put a price on sparks
As much as I love Kael, and am really enjoying playing the new Kael, I'm going to suggest that having a set of abilities that instant kills a team if they stand in a minion wave probably isn't healthy right now.

I hope their fix for him is "You can only take damage from a minions living bomb once per second". That stops the minion wave insanity but preserves the fundamental "don't group up" thing Kael has going. If they just stop bomb explosions full stop, like Sylvanas unstable Poison, it really will kill the ability in a sad way.

I'm probably going to agree with you as well. I was doing ridiculous damage last night and I felt like I was actually playing well.

That means the hero is OP most certainly lol


They will probably hotfix it, and I suspect you are right Kirby - it will only work on heroes.

Whilst I don't think powerwise it's much of an issue (It's less damage than the old chain bomb spread thing, and whilst the radius is nice you could still do the evaporate minion wave thing with it), I think it *feels* really bad and unfair. To die because you were stood in your own minion, so rveen worse - your own Nazeebo cast Wall of Zombies, leaves a bad taste in the mouth.


The chain bomb spreads to the zombie wall, and when the wall vanishes (either by being cancelled or duration expiring) it counts as them dying, so you get 9 explosions around the ring. It turns your wall into a nuke on your own team.


I do love "Raid Boss" Kael mechanically though- it's hilarious and completely alters what you have to worry about positioning wise.
Whilst I don't think powerwise it's much of an issue (It's less damage than the old chain bomb spread thing, and whilst the radius is nice you could still do the evaporate minion wave thing with it), I think it *feels* really bad and unfair. To die because you were stood in your own minion, so rveen worse - your own Nazeebo cast Wall of Zombies, leaves a bad taste in the mouth.
This is why they nerfed Unstable whatsitsname on Syl.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Sometimes I don't get why they let one hero have something and another hero not. Like yeah the Kael bombs vs Sylv unstable poison on minions, or Tass shields working on buildings but Tyrande shields not (why would anyone pick her shield in that tier?)


I do love "Raid Boss" Kael mechanically though- it's hilarious and completely alters what you have to worry about positioning wise.

I think his design is fundamentally sounds - he punishes peopel grouped up. His trait turns his spells into "anti group" spells (huge flamestrike, multiple living bombs, 3 people stuns), and that's what he seems geared around.

He utterly lacks Jaina's single killing power, but he takes teams apart that stand near each other. He forces you to spread out - and if you don't, boom.
Question, if I preorder Legacy of the Void (normal, digital edition) Do I get the starcraft hero for free?

I do love "Raid Boss" Kael mechanically though- it's hilarious and completely alters what you have to worry about positioning wise.

This is why they nerfed Unstable whatsitsname on Syl.

Reminds me of the good old fire mage in WoW


Sometimes I don't get why they let one hero have something and another hero not. Like yeah the Kael bombs vs Sylv unstable poison on minions, or Tass shields working on buildings but Tyrande shields not (why would anyone pick her shield in that tier?)
Protective Shield is generic and would be kinda dumb/wasted on buildings anyway with that long cooldown- Tass getting to Shield buildings is a specific perk of using him. Kael's current stuff is totally something they'll hotfix out.


Sometimes I don't get why they let one hero have something and another hero not. Like yeah the Kael bombs vs Sylv unstable poison on minions, or Tass shields working on buildings but Tyrande shields not (why would anyone pick her shield in that tier?)

Tyrande's shield is a generic talent, it's not a special ability for her. Tassadar is the *only* support who can do things on buildings - it's part of his kit and mechanic, and he has talents about it as well.

Re Sylv & Kael, I'm guessing they will change it. But if they don't, it's because they are different heroes with different roles - things are completely acceptable on some heroes that would be broken on others. It's about the entire kit - Kael does more damage than Sylv, but Sylv shuts down buildings. You cannot ever compare single abilities or talents between heroes, because they are just part of an overall kit and that changes their value immensely.


if you get artanis even with the normal version the digital deluxe loses quite some value, he was the only reason I even considered buying it, but now I am all the happier I get him anyway


if you get artanis even with the normal version the digital deluxe loses quite some value, he was the only reason I even considered buying it, but now I am all the happier I get him anyway
I think the void mount is exclusive to the deluxe edition but Artanis comes with all versions.


Neo Member
Only had a single day of the old KT but he had some amazing poke from a huge range. New one is dangerous around groups but has to come into skill range to do his dww combo. He is made of paper and a good zeratul can really shut him down. Had fun having illidan using the hunt on me along with a zera popping up to blow me up. I guess a good heroic from uther or monk could help counter that. I think he has a mana shield talent also?


I pictured you making your avatar's pose after typing that :p

I did
or did I?

if you get artanis even with the normal version the digital deluxe loses quite some value, he was the only reason I even considered buying it, but now I am all the happier I get him anyway

I think they are just replicating their Valla giveaway. There'll still be a good number of folks after the mount. Enough to make it worth their while at least.


So I caught this exchange about the new ranking system between ZPs, chu8, and some other higher MMR players in chu8's chat.

It was prompted when chu8's stream was razzing on him for not being able to get to rank 1 when he's only getting 10-14 points per win and losing 100 (aka even worse than it was for those in elo hell before which was 80 per win and 100 per loss). chu8 was discussing how rank 1 doesn't matter to him personally, but it matters as a streamer because someone new to his stream or new to HOTS is going to gravitate to whatever the best rank is for a stream to watch and that's where ZP chimed in.

ZP_TV: I might be public enemy #1 here, but in chu's defense. The ranked system is entirely screwed right now

ZP_TV: There's not a single top player on my list that's actually rank 1 now

ZP_TV: only casual players who barely met the minimum mmr requirements actually hit rank 1 post patch

ZP_TV: anyone who's mmr was way above the normal threshhold

ZP_TV: can't hit rank 1

ZP_TV: im just mentioning how screwed the system is

ZP_TV: i've gotten hosed by it, bkid got hosed, erho got hosted, syracuse got hosted, I got hosed

ZP_TV: dreadnaught/kaeyoh got hosed

ZP_TV: the system is baaaad

HORSEPANTS: how many rank 1s are there

HORSEPANTS: at the moment

HORSEPANTS: i havent seen anyone

ZP_TV: as far as i've seen horsepants

ZP_TV: i have some casual viewers who i play with from time to time

ZP_TV: that hit rank 1

HORSEPANTS: yeah im seeing chu go up by like 11

HORSEPANTS: losing 100

ZP_TV: basically if your mmr barely meets the minimum requirements

ZP_TV: you'll hit rank 1

ZP_TV: if your mmr is beyond it

ZP_TV: you'll just get screwed

ZP_TV: i think i'm at 5? I had 6 hours of lilipocalypse

It's pretty interesting and really lines up with what those of who watch streams have been seeing. A lot of the super high MMR players seem to be getting trapped in rank's 3-6, while others with a more "normal" MMR aren't having as much of an issue.

I personally think part of their issue may be grouping. IIRC you get lesser gains when grouping after a certain point, but I may be wrong on that. It certainly has seemed that way prior to this patch at times.

Anyway, thought it'd be an interesting topic beyond the usual "HL matchmaking sucks" or "I'm stuck in elo hell".

EDIT: gat damn dat double pasta sauce


Dreadnaught has been at 4 for two days now. ZPs has went back and forth between 3-5. chu8 the same, though he was at one point 17 points away from rank 1. bkid also has been streaming and can't get there. Those are just the ones I've seen personally. Haven't checked McIntyre's stream since patch.

chu8 was talking about how it's so restrictive that even when he finally gets the right win streak to reach rank 1 he won't be able to maintain it due to the points gained/loss ratio.

We know they wanted to pare "cuspers" out of rank 1 because it was getting very top heavy on the ladder (probably wanted to expel anyone sub 3k MMR at minimum and more likely something like 3200 or 3400), but it seems they went a little far in the other direction and now people who deserve it can't reach it.

EDIT: Speak of the devil, he made a reddit thread about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofth...the_new_ranked_system_is_broken_and_fails_to/


Neo Member
It's similar in a way to LoL system. Your MMR in ranked never decayed but your league ranks did. Your lp gain would increase to compensate but promo matches would be a pain in the ass. Having to play platinums and diamonds just to get into gold was annoying.

I prefer plain mmr systems but can understand how the ranked system can feel better to casual players.

It would be better if they spread people through the ranks more.


The sooner they move to a DOTA/LOL style system for ranked play, the better. QM will always be there for randomness, and an unranked draft mode would be a good complement.
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