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Heroes of the Storm |OT| Pretty sure that Abathur is AFK

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And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Alright perfect! Add me on Yoshichan#2623


Maybe it's bugged? It's supposed to stealth and reveal enemies, right? I know it was working before the patch for sure.

They said it's a pretty underwhelming ult though.

I'd have a hard time ever taking it myself, but my girlfriend swears by it. She says the extra map awareness it gives on several maps is just too much to pass up.

My own ultimate choices that seem to be unpopular are that I always take Haymaker on Muradin (the combos are too good with it), and I actually think Pyroblast isn't too bad given the high chance for some of your team mates to have stuns or roots to combo with.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Playing as Kerrigan in the mines, just killing group as 4 enemies come out of fog from the left. Things are on CD since I used them on the minions so I activate Maelstrom to hurt them as I exit top to get the skulls instead of them. Teammate Diablo enters view top, bodyblocks me while trying to attack them or something (but he's melee?) so I end up forced into tanking for him and dying because he's a moron, then he does his heroic which hurts them some I guess but he died anyway.

I did have a Tassadar save me with a clutch shield earlier today, but these bad team choices seem to far outweigh good team choices. Like the time this morning a teammate on bay decides to run forward and fight a 4v1 instead of run backward to pick up 12 coins someone just dropped, which was pinged a few times.


I'd have a hard time ever taking it myself, but my girlfriend swears by it. She says the extra map awareness it gives on several maps is just too much to pass up.

My own ultimate choices that seem to be unpopular are that I always take Haymaker on Muradin (the combos are too good with it), and I actually think Pyroblast isn't too bad given the high chance for some of your team mates to have stuns or roots to combo with.

Pyro is being picked by pros now, I'm afraid you're no longer a hipster rebel... ;-)


Pyro is being picked by pros now, I'm afraid you're no longer a hipster rebel... ;-)

No, no, I am, because I don't even play Kael'Thas very often :p

Although, I play more Falstad than any other hero, and I was smug for quite a while that he seems invincible to nerfs, because he's an incredible hero and no one ever complains about him, but I feel like things are going to shift and he's going to become super popular one of these days and get looked at real closely by Blizzard.


No, no, I am, because I don't even play Kael'Thas very often :p

Although, I play more Falstad than any other hero, and I was smug for quite a while that he seems invincible to nerfs, because he's an incredible hero and no one ever complains about him, but I feel like things are going to shift and he's going to become super popular one of these days and get looked at real closely by Blizzard.

Falstead was my first level 10, and whilst h's a lot of fun and not as bad as some assassins it definitely feels like he could use a small tweak upwards. I would be astonished if he was nerfed considering his current place and role in the meta, and the fact that gathering power just vanished for him as well.

If anything, a small boost to his power is what i expect - compared to Valla / Jaina / Kael etc he's just a tiny amount short. Although the auto attack build is fun against double tank comps... :)
Okay just played and picked Shadowstalk but it didn't work at all like previous times.

First time, it didn't seem to go off at all. It seemed like possibly Kael stuffed it? I had no idea that was possible.

Second, I activated it as we were running and then Tyrael hit me in the back with a basic. Not an ability, a basic. If that is possible what is the point of "stealth"?

Third, through the match I saw no less than 3 times my team getting hit with basics and target-select attacks in the Shadowstalk period. Do you lose it if you attack, even though it still shows the blue outline as if you were still stealthed? (this wouldn't explain the Tyrael thing as I never attacked, but was just running)

Shadowstalk looking like total garbage tier right now. If it's purely visual that is completely stupid.

Haven't really seen many people play Tyrande, and don't think I've ever seen someone pick this. I picked it almost exclusively during beta(or alpha whichever it was), but back then it gave movespeed, which made it useful even if the stealth didn't work. Global movespeed was really great for a lot of stuff, similar to Centaur ult for ppl who play dota, but a lot less powerful, because obviously everything is OP in dota. Looking at it now, I can see why people don't take it anymore, seems pretty garbage.

They probably should rework Tyrande some anyway, at least give her a bit more consistent healing so she can do the whole solo support thing better.


Falstead was my first level 10, and whilst h's a lot of fun and not as bad as some assassins it definitely feels like he could use a small tweak upwards. I would be astonished if he was nerfed considering his current place and role in the meta, and the fact that gathering power just vanished for him as well.

If anything, a small boost to his power is what i expect - compared to Valla / Jaina / Kael etc he's just a tiny amount short. Although the auto attack build is fun against double tank comps... :)

Hrm, I disagree a bit. Whenever I'm playing him, I feel like a more powerful Valla. He's got more AA dps, and his basic kit is very similar, with few things he does worse, but several things he does way better.

- Hammerang deals its damage in a line rather than Mutishot's cone, but also applies a slow.
- Lighting Rod is at least as good as Hungering Arrow, because although you need to stay near the enemy, at least you know all the hits are going to the target you picked.
- Barrel roll trades a bit of distance for some shields versus vault, so it's comparable

His trait, tailwind, is nice, but the flight from his mount matters far more, and gives him insane mobility on maps where it's key. And Hinterland Blast blows Valla's heroic ability choices out of the water. And I say that despite the fact that I love Valla's Rain of Vengeance.


Falstead was my first level 10, and whilst h's a lot of fun and not as bad as some assassins it definitely feels like he could use a small tweak upwards. I would be astonished if he was nerfed considering his current place and role in the meta, and the fact that gathering power just vanished for him as well.

If anything, a small boost to his power is what i expect - compared to Valla / Jaina / Kael etc he's just a tiny amount short. Although the auto attack build is fun against double tank comps... :)
Overdrive has needed to be killed and rolled into his L10/20 ult damage for a billion patches now. It's just bad gameplay.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Close your eyes and imagine how much money I would pay for a white nightsaber mount. Just imagine...

Can't see anything beyond smacking someone into your team. But people play around that and you'll just melt if you jump into the enemy team...

Yeah, I'm having difficulties figuring out any myself... Though now that you mention it... Perhaps early game flying someone, diablo style, over your walls would be at least inconvinient :)

Edit: ... Early mid game that is...


kirblar, I'm guessing that comment in ZPs reddit thread was easily your most upvoted ever? heh

Come to EU ffs! Fuck the ping!

I actually could somewhat when I was on the East Coast. It was like 120-150 then. Now that I'm on the West Coast I'd imagine it's over 200 ms. RIP in peace the dream.


EU Road to Blizzcon August - Round of 8 now airing.

Khaldor and (I believe) Kaelaris casting in English. Lots of others in other languages.

Twitch link.


NA Road To Blizzcon August - Round of 8 now airing.

Babael has joined the cast team, currently casting with Solidjake and 4CJ.

Twitch link.


I think people who first pick monk, without any comment, should be killed by hanging. Slowly.

Seriously, he's a great hero in a proper team built around him and what he does. Blind first picking him is utterly moronic, and I'm really sick of losing the game at the draft screen at the moment which seems to be happening far too often.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
GGs Zoukka! It was really fun despite playing with TEN THOUSANDS YEAR OF RAGE!!!


i dunno who babael is but he's doing a great job hyping stuff up that other casters usually miss out

yeah na, I was watching them get like 5 pick predictions wrong in a row haha


Babael is awesome. I have always had a Solidjake/Cooby soft spot and I also like FCJ overall, but Babael just worked them in this first segment. Definitely not out of place.


I'm 8-6 into my placement matches in HR so far, 6 more to go. Been all solo queue and was doing great til I got stuck with some of the worst team comps I've seen with people who didn't know how to play a combination of these not so straight forward heroes (TLV, Gaz, Abathur, etc) and lost 4 in a row. But then I rebounded and won 4 in a row.

This is literally the only game I've played since I started playing it in July, up until this game I was starting to lose interest in gaming slightly and this one got me reeled back in more than I have been in the past couple years lol. Always Blizzard titles...


mg really looks like they are outclassing cog here, cog seems so thirsty for random shit in this game and dont care about cds and shit
good call to not contest the 3rd curse tho


kirblar, I'm guessing that comment in ZPs reddit thread was easily your most upvoted ever? heh
Ya, probably. Segregating ranked play is just blatantly important to making people's experiences not suck.

WTF is this Cog comp I'm tuning into. There's no damage!


That ZPs thread makes me wish there was a Heroes version of scrubquotes.

People who insist on 100% positivity drive me up the wall.


That ZPs thread makes me wish there was a Heroes version of scrubquotes.

People who insist on 100% positivity drive me up the wall.


mg lacks ways to deal w/ zera gonna be interesting to see how they cope

lol that would have been fine if zera didnt stick around mid for no reason


mg probably got ahead of themselves in this draft, trying to set up a comp to play against uther/tyrande/kerributch when zeratul was there all along
cog letting mg get into their ideal fight situations now mebbe tilting

mg looked really impressive to me this series, really decisive shotcalling, smart rotations, and in general just reserved in a smart way that cog wasnt
would love to see mg make it and face cog again
Is giving Stitches a hat a bad idea? I did that a couple times in a match and a lot of the team laughed. But when they saw the chain + spike combo they were in awe. I know there are better heroes to hat, just depends on the circumstances. And I love hatting people and then saving them from a gank.


Is giving Stitches a hat a bad idea? I did that a couple times in a match and a lot of the team laughed. But when they saw the chain + spike combo they were in awe. I know there are better heroes to hat, just depends on the circumstances. And I love hatting people and then saving them from a gank.
No, but preferably you'd want someone with a better auto. Helps Tenderizer out though.
I would point more to people's desire for this, something which someone like ZPs isn't going to be able to provide:


on the other hand you have the nickhots method

jaximus (another "failed" league player), playing for complexity, i didnt know dis


i cant with these casters right now.

I understand what they're trying to do, and I realize it's "their job", but the false exuberance is just really getting to me today.

1 caster for play by play, 1 for analysis, you don't need to fill every second of air time and you don't have a yell.

It's like having two john maddens casting the cowboys vs the cowboys in the red zone.


Damn HOTS is unplayable after the Butcher patch. I keep getting a message that my connection is fucked up and the framerate stays at 20 and gets to the lower 10s during teamfights. Lots of people complaining on the forums too. Must be a connection problem since when testing heroes I get a rock solid 60fps. Even bot games are fucked up for me


i cant with these casters right now.

I understand what they're trying to do, and I realize it's "their job", but the false exuberance is just really getting to me today.

1 caster for play by play, 1 for analysis, you don't need to fill every second of air time and you don't have a yell.

It's like having two john maddens casting the cowboys vs the cowboys in the red zone.
It's 100% the US production staff at fault here. I hate how everyone wants to be ESPN.


It's 100% the US production staff at fault here. I hate how everyone wants to be ESPN.

the production values are hot. i like that.

but the "everything must be hype, there will be no dead air" mentality is wearing me out. ESPN doesn't do that shit.

they need to watch some league and dota casts.

or put this shit on fox news
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