Alright perfect! Add me on Yoshichan#2623
Maybe it's bugged? It's supposed to stealth and reveal enemies, right? I know it was working before the patch for sure.
They said it's a pretty underwhelming ult though.
I'd have a hard time ever taking it myself, but my girlfriend swears by it. She says the extra map awareness it gives on several maps is just too much to pass up.
My own ultimate choices that seem to be unpopular are that I always take Haymaker on Muradin (the combos are too good with it), and I actually think Pyroblast isn't too bad given the high chance for some of your team mates to have stuns or roots to combo with.
Pyro is being picked by pros now, I'm afraid you're no longer a hipster rebel... ;-)
What are the good combos with muradins haymaker? (Serious question)
No, no, I am, because I don't even play Kael'Thas very often
Although, I play more Falstad than any other hero, and I was smug for quite a while that he seems invincible to nerfs, because he's an incredible hero and no one ever complains about him, but I feel like things are going to shift and he's going to become super popular one of these days and get looked at real closely by Blizzard.
Okay just played and picked Shadowstalk but it didn't work at all like previous times.
First time, it didn't seem to go off at all. It seemed like possibly Kael stuffed it? I had no idea that was possible.
Second, I activated it as we were running and then Tyrael hit me in the back with a basic. Not an ability, a basic. If that is possible what is the point of "stealth"?
Third, through the match I saw no less than 3 times my team getting hit with basics and target-select attacks in the Shadowstalk period. Do you lose it if you attack, even though it still shows the blue outline as if you were still stealthed? (this wouldn't explain the Tyrael thing as I never attacked, but was just running)
Shadowstalk looking like total garbage tier right now. If it's purely visual that is completely stupid.
Falstead was my first level 10, and whilst h's a lot of fun and not as bad as some assassins it definitely feels like he could use a small tweak upwards. I would be astonished if he was nerfed considering his current place and role in the meta, and the fact that gathering power just vanished for him as well.
If anything, a small boost to his power is what i expect - compared to Valla / Jaina / Kael etc he's just a tiny amount short. Although the auto attack build is fun against double tank comps...![]()
Overdrive has needed to be killed and rolled into his L10/20 ult damage for a billion patches now. It's just bad gameplay.Falstead was my first level 10, and whilst h's a lot of fun and not as bad as some assassins it definitely feels like he could use a small tweak upwards. I would be astonished if he was nerfed considering his current place and role in the meta, and the fact that gathering power just vanished for him as well.
If anything, a small boost to his power is what i expect - compared to Valla / Jaina / Kael etc he's just a tiny amount short. Although the auto attack build is fun against double tank comps...![]()
Close your eyes and imagine how much money I would pay for a white nightsaber mount. Just imagine...
Can't see anything beyond smacking someone into your team. But people play around that and you'll just melt if you jump into the enemy team...
Close your eyes and imagine how much money I would pay for a white nightsaber mount. Just imagine...
Come to EU ffs! Fuck the ping!
I actually could somewhat when I was on the East Coast. It was like 120-150 then. Now that I'm on the West Coast I'd imagine it's over 200 ms. RIP in peace the dream.
haha these casters
It was really fun despite playing with TEN THOUSANDS YEAR OF RAGE!!!
Ya, probably. Segregating ranked play is just blatantly important to making people's experiences not suck.kirblar, I'm guessing that comment in ZPs reddit thread was easily your most upvoted ever? heh
That ZPs thread makes me wish there was a Heroes version of scrubquotes.
People who insist on 100% positivity drive me up the wall.
No, but preferably you'd want someone with a better auto. Helps Tenderizer out though.Is giving Stitches a hat a bad idea? I did that a couple times in a match and a lot of the team laughed. But when they saw the chain + spike combo they were in awe. I know there are better heroes to hat, just depends on the circumstances. And I love hatting people and then saving them from a gank.
I would point more to people's desire for this, something which someone like ZPs isn't going to be able to provide:
It's 100% the US production staff at fault here. I hate how everyone wants to be ESPN.i cant with these casters right now.
I understand what they're trying to do, and I realize it's "their job", but the false exuberance is just really getting to me today.
1 caster for play by play, 1 for analysis, you don't need to fill every second of air time and you don't have a yell.
It's like having two john maddens casting the cowboys vs the cowboys in the red zone.
It's 100% the US production staff at fault here. I hate how everyone wants to be ESPN.