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Heroes of the Storm |OT| Pretty sure that Abathur is AFK

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Haha, you may be right.

I'm in the minority I guess. I've never really had a super huge issue with QM people. I think I just got lucky and got my MMR just high enough before Beta hit to avoid the various incoming tides of new folks each time.

Mainly the only time I have issues in QM is the week when a new patch/new hero hits, and I'm never sure if it's all the new heroes in games or me just not adjusting properly for a week or two to the patch changes.


Haha, you may be right.

I'm in the minority I guess. I've never really had a super huge issue with QM people. I think I just got lucky and got my MMR just high enough before Beta hit to avoid the various incoming tides of new folks each time.

Mainly the only time I have issues in QM is the week when a new patch/new hero hits, and I'm never sure if it's all the new heroes in games or me just not adjusting properly for a week or two to the patch changes.
I don't mind QM people in QM- it comes with the territory.

I mind QM people in HL who are missing incredibly basic knowledge about the game (Tass/Ty not being full-healers being the big one that insta-loses games.)

ZPs goes in on Reddit

The following breakdown of the ranked system comes from my own experience, the experience of other top players on competitive teams, and observations from other top streamers (ie: Chu, BKid, Seouja_, Erho and others) -

The new ranked system from observed behavior works on the following observed metrics -

1.) Minimum Blizzard MMR to hit Rank 1

2.) Top players are currently far beyond the internal minimum to hitting Rank 1.

3.) No skill bonus in hitting Rank 1 on the last few ranks, regardless of how high your Blizzard MMR actually is.

4.) Relaxed matchmaking that currently prioritizes faster games over even matches. This results in high mmr players almost always having the deck stacked against them.

What does all of the above mean? It means that players who were previously extremely high in Blizzard MMR effectively cannot hit Rank 1 (barring a lucky spree), while players that are barely hitting the minimum MMR are in the sweet spot to do so.

This wasn't a problem last patch because extremely high MMRs were rewarded via the skill bonus mechanic that made wins worth more in accordance with their MMR relative to the rest of the system. So even though top players were more likely to get bad games in where the matchmaker was against them, they were more heavily rewarded for games not being stacked in their favor.

There's a few solutions to this problem

1.) Bring back skill bonus for players that are at high internal MMR.

2.) Make the matchmaking strict so people are more likely to get into good games. The current lenient ultra fast matchmaking results in TERRIBLE games.

3.) Show real MMR numbers at the very least. So people can actually be fairly ranked. (And note: Hotslogs is ridiculously inaccurate relative to Blizzard's MMR, so pls don't go there in the comments)

This is a problem that needs to be fixed immediately however, because right now hardly anyone in the high end community is actually enjoying pubbing under the new system. It's terrible, ill thought out, and to the point of making many players I talked to consider quitting.


Some of the responses from people in that thread are beyond moronic. I almost feel like creating a reddit account to reply - calling ZP_Tv, one of the nicest streamers around, a "salty whiner" and that maybe he just isn't as good as he thinks.

Because yeah, the fact that no-one in the top 200 of players can hit rank 1, but people with 3000 MMR can, is completely fine. Turns out Tempostorm aren't that good afterall!

I watched one match and Chu got *1* point for winning, at rank 3. That's beyond dumb.
Going in on reddit is like going full retard, you never go full retard. Even the sub-reddits that people aren't auto-subscribed to when they create a reddit account are just a few steps removed from you average youtube comment section. The whole format as well as upvoting and downvoting posts kind of sinks a lot of discussions.


Some of the responses from people in that thread are beyond moronic. I almost feel like creating a reddit account to reply - calling ZP_Tv, one of the nicest streamers around, a "salty whiner" and that maybe he just isn't as good as he thinks.

I was gonna post the same. Sure, he's salty. This affects him and his bottom line I'm sure, but salty or not he's right. He is inarguably a top player and has been on some good teams. The fact that a random redditor has the gall to say "how do you even know you a rank 1 material" is both hilarious and disturbing.

Going in on reddit is like going full retard, you never go full retard.

While I agree with what you're saying for the most part...just like I said to Yoshi a while back - how about we go easy on the derogatory and exclusionary terms here, eh?

That should not be acceptable. If you were someone who were to live with, raise, or care for someone who was actually mentally retarded by the definition, I think you'd feel differently about flippantly throwing it around.


To quote Blizzard's Q&A on this: just play more games.
No, 20-30 aren't enough. Let's talk when you pass 100 with a decent win-loss ratio. Getting few points for wins and losing a lot for losses is how WoW arena points worked for years and none of the Gladiator-titled players ever complained. Always the wannabes.

Jesus fucking christ on a bycycle, how dumb are people?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Thread feeling more and more like a proper moba thread

While I agree with what you're saying for the most part...just like I said to Yoshi a while back - how about we go easy on the derogatory and exclusionary terms here, eh?

That should not be acceptable. If you were someone who were to live with, raise, or care for someone who was actually mentally retarded by the definition, I think you'd feel differently about flippantly throwing it around.

I'll refrain from making references to Tropic Thunder in the future.



I'll refrain from making references to Tropic Thunder in the future.


Everyone is aware of where it's from. I think the objection is still a reasonable one unless the reference is actually relevant. Like, the context there is that this is advice being offered by someone unironically in blackface. Charitably, the movie is largely about mocking the attitudes the characters-as-actors have. I feel like what you wanted to communicate was just "Reddit is terrible and full of stupid people and it's a bad idea to try to have a discussion there", and then you tacked on "haha remember Tropic Thunder?" It looks an awful lot like unironic endorsement of RDJ's character's advice, right? I think it's pretty understandable for people to be bothered by "going full retard" being used just to mean "doing something stupid".


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Okay so Kerrigan pulled in as Kael chain bombed and Jo did the suck in move as they went off.

The color-changing life bars made it confusing.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Told ya he wasn't dead.

Now he's even more dead-lyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....YEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH~

I'm dying :lol :lol :lol

edit: Summary of what I've missed with HL news while I was asleep?
0-3 tonight in QM. Nearly all of them 30 minute matches where 2 crappy teams decided who wanted it less. In all matches my team had 2 supports no tanks while the other team had a standard tank-sup-spec-assassins(x2). Gd it


Decided to plunk down the 10k gold I got for free (and what I had before) on Khaz. He is hot fire. Still want to learn him before I take him into QMs but he's one of the most fun characters I've played.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Dis goin be gud. Too bad I'm not home yet.

Where you at homie

Also, when are we playing together? Got some time today :D?


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Someone give me some quick and dirty tips for the Dragon Knight map. My group has yet to win a game on this map and tonight we were on the receiving end of the most embarrassing beat down of our HotS careers on that map. Our opponents had something like a 5 level lead on us and finished the game about as fast as we finish games against beginner AI bots...

We never know how to properly split our people between the 2 shrines. It always feels like the enemy outnumbers us at both, even tho that's impossible. It's so, so hard to control both and have someone able to take the center point after.


NA is going to crush regionals

these korean teams are bad.

From what I've watched MVP Black and Team Snake both are pretty strong. FWIW Zoia said he expects MVP Black to easily reach finals on their side at PAX and that he is legitimately a bit afraid to face them.

Someone give me some quick and dirty tips for the Dragon Knight map. My group has yet to win a game on this map and tonight we were on the receiving end of the most embarrassing beat down of our HotS careers on that map. Our opponents had something like a 5 level lead on us and finished the game about as fast as we finish games against beginner AI bots...

We never know how to properly split our people between the 2 shrines. It always feels like the enemy outnumbers us at both, even tho that's impossible. It's so, so hard to control both and have someone able to take the center point after.

This is the best guide and info on Dragon Shire you're gonna get: https://tempostorm.com/heroes-of-the-storm/guides/how-to-play-dragonshire-like-the-pros

Straight from the horse's mouth, uncut and pure.

Where you at homie

Also, when are we playing together? Got some time today :D?

I was out to dinner and the like with the family.

How would we play together? What about the ping? THE PING I SAY!


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Thanks for the guide! Forwarding to everybody in my crew.


I was getting a weird bug with Sylvanas where several times in a game my Wailing Arrow's cooldown would be 10 seconds rather than 90. It got a little silly. But sometimes the cooldown would be 90 seconds and I'd have to wait forever to use it again.
NA is going to crush regionals

these korean teams are bad.

Snake, Black and DK look to me like they are no question in the same playing field as C9, TS, Liquid, Na'Vi and Fnatic

However, the actual Chinese teams, eStar and EDG, do not appear to be at that level.

I think the reason for the weird play in that match at times was just the new patch


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I was out to dinner and the like with the family.

How would we play together? What about the ping? THE PING I SAY!
Come to EU ffs! Fuck the ping!


Man sucks to be stuck in ranked solo queu forever.

And a DC ally in my placement matches ;__; RIP MMR

TWO DC's in a row! Bronze league here I come!
Snake, Black and DK look to me like they are no question in the same playing field as C9, TS, Liquid, Na'Vi and Fnatic

However, the actual Chinese teams, eStar and EDG, do not appear to be at that level.

I think the reason for the weird play in that match at times was just the new patch

I wouldn't go as far as saying they are not in the same ball park at all, the play style is just so different there that it is almost impossible to say how it will turn out when they meet NA and EU play style. This is imo one of the most interesting things to see how it turns out when they finally play against one another...


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Okay just played and picked Shadowstalk but it didn't work at all like previous times.

First time, it didn't seem to go off at all. It seemed like possibly Kael stuffed it? I had no idea that was possible.

Second, I activated it as we were running and then Tyrael hit me in the back with a basic. Not an ability, a basic. If that is possible what is the point of "stealth"?

Third, through the match I saw no less than 3 times my team getting hit with basics and target-select attacks in the Shadowstalk period. Do you lose it if you attack, even though it still shows the blue outline as if you were still stealthed? (this wouldn't explain the Tyrael thing as I never attacked, but was just running)

Shadowstalk looking like total garbage tier right now. If it's purely visual that is completely stupid.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
They wouldn't have to improve it if they simply made it work like it sounds from the description.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Man sucks to be stuck in ranked solo queu forever.

And a DC ally in my placement matches ;__; RIP MMR

TWO DC's in a row! Bronze league here I come!
You're EU, aren't you? We could play later this week if you want!


They wouldn't have to improve it if they simply made it work like it sounds from the description.

Maybe it's bugged? It's supposed to stealth and reveal enemies, right? I know it was working before the patch for sure.

They said it's a pretty underwhelming ult though.


It's possible that the Attack was already in flight when you hit your Shadowstalk button, which would put people into stealth then immediately break them out of it. And yes, if people attack the stealth is automatically broken.

It is a very poor ulti currently - it's has a place against very specific heroes, but that's about it. For example, if the enemy team has Nova, draft Tyrael and Tyrande and take Shadowstalk and Judgement. Nova is now perma dead.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
It should be stealth even if you attack. Then they'd probably want to shorten the duration even though skillshots and AoEs would still hurt, but as it is, it's almost worthless. But no, when basic and targeted attacks hit, stealth was and had been in full effect. It was like 2 seconds of chase then the attack despite full stealth.


Illidan has multiple ways to break people out of stealth, and he also has a burning rage equivalent at level 4, Immolation, that does the same as burning rage to stealthier and is picked by almost every Illidan as a default talent.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Wow, so Shadowstalk is even more worthless than thought.

I just got chased down by a Muradin who didn't land any slows and I was very surprised. Hardly anyone seems to pick Landing Momentum.
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