and an unranked draft mode would be a good complement.
I don't know that I'd ever play ranked again if we could be so lucky. Already got my r1 screenshot, lol, I'm good for a while.
and an unranked draft mode would be a good complement.
QM-style random quality of players might send you back.I don't know that I'd ever play ranked again if we could be so lucky. Already got my r1 screenshot, lol, I'm good for a while.
I don't mind QM people in QM- it comes with the territory.Haha, you may be right.
I'm in the minority I guess. I've never really had a super huge issue with QM people. I think I just got lucky and got my MMR just high enough before Beta hit to avoid the various incoming tides of new folks each time.
Mainly the only time I have issues in QM is the week when a new patch/new hero hits, and I'm never sure if it's all the new heroes in games or me just not adjusting properly for a week or two to the patch changes.
The following breakdown of the ranked system comes from my own experience, the experience of other top players on competitive teams, and observations from other top streamers (ie: Chu, BKid, Seouja_, Erho and others) -
The new ranked system from observed behavior works on the following observed metrics -
1.) Minimum Blizzard MMR to hit Rank 1
2.) Top players are currently far beyond the internal minimum to hitting Rank 1.
3.) No skill bonus in hitting Rank 1 on the last few ranks, regardless of how high your Blizzard MMR actually is.
4.) Relaxed matchmaking that currently prioritizes faster games over even matches. This results in high mmr players almost always having the deck stacked against them.
What does all of the above mean? It means that players who were previously extremely high in Blizzard MMR effectively cannot hit Rank 1 (barring a lucky spree), while players that are barely hitting the minimum MMR are in the sweet spot to do so.
This wasn't a problem last patch because extremely high MMRs were rewarded via the skill bonus mechanic that made wins worth more in accordance with their MMR relative to the rest of the system. So even though top players were more likely to get bad games in where the matchmaker was against them, they were more heavily rewarded for games not being stacked in their favor.
There's a few solutions to this problem
1.) Bring back skill bonus for players that are at high internal MMR.
2.) Make the matchmaking strict so people are more likely to get into good games. The current lenient ultra fast matchmaking results in TERRIBLE games.
3.) Show real MMR numbers at the very least. So people can actually be fairly ranked. (And note: Hotslogs is ridiculously inaccurate relative to Blizzard's MMR, so pls don't go there in the comments)
This is a problem that needs to be fixed immediately however, because right now hardly anyone in the high end community is actually enjoying pubbing under the new system. It's terrible, ill thought out, and to the point of making many players I talked to consider quitting.
Some of the responses from people in that thread are beyond moronic. I almost feel like creating a reddit account to reply - calling ZP_Tv, one of the nicest streamers around, a "salty whiner" and that maybe he just isn't as good as he thinks.
Going in on reddit is like going full retard, you never go full retard.
To quote Blizzard's Q&A on this: just play more games.
No, 20-30 aren't enough. Let's talk when you pass 100 with a decent win-loss ratio. Getting few points for wins and losing a lot for losses is how WoW arena points worked for years and none of the Gladiator-titled players ever complained. Always the wannabes.
Very.Jesus fucking christ on a bycycle, how dumb are people?
While I agree with what you're saying for the most part...just like I said to Yoshi a while back - how about we go easy on the derogatory and exclusionary terms here, eh?
That should not be acceptable. If you were someone who were to live with, raise, or care for someone who was actually mentally retarded by the definition, I think you'd feel differently about flippantly throwing it around.
I'll refrain from making references to Tropic Thunder in the future.
Told ya he wasn't dead.
Now he's even more dead-lyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....YEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH~
edit: Summary of what I've missed with HL news while I was asleep?
snake vs. mvp black
Dis goin be gud. Too bad I'm not home yet.
NA is going to crush regionals
these korean teams are bad.
Someone give me some quick and dirty tips for the Dragon Knight map. My group has yet to win a game on this map and tonight we were on the receiving end of the most embarrassing beat down of our HotS careers on that map. Our opponents had something like a 5 level lead on us and finished the game about as fast as we finish games against beginner AI bots...
We never know how to properly split our people between the 2 shrines. It always feels like the enemy outnumbers us at both, even tho that's impossible. It's so, so hard to control both and have someone able to take the center point after.
Where you at homie
Also, when are we playing together? Got some time today?
NA is going to crush regionals
these korean teams are bad.
Come to EU ffs! Fuck the ping!I was out to dinner and the like with the family.
How would we play together? What about the ping? THE PING I SAY!
Snake, Black and DK look to me like they are no question in the same playing field as C9, TS, Liquid, Na'Vi and Fnatic
However, the actual Chinese teams, eStar and EDG, do not appear to be at that level.
I think the reason for the weird play in that match at times was just the new patch
You're EU, aren't you? We could play later this week if you want!Man sucks to be stuck in ranked solo queu forever.
And a DC ally in my placement matches ;__; RIP MMR
TWO DC's in a row! Bronze league here I come!
They wouldn't have to improve it if they simply made it work like it sounds from the description.
That wouldn't affect when Illidan attacked my stealthed teammate.Did Tyrael having Burning Rage? That breaks stealth automatically if he is near you.
You're EU, aren't you? We could play later this week if you want!