I can't hold a steady 60fps in this, even with everything on medium on my 970. Is everyone getting slowdown during big melees?
my stability is ass in this game
can't figure it out
I can't hold a steady 60fps in this, even with everything on medium on my 970. Is everyone getting slowdown during big melees?
Unless your playing Blackheart Bay.... Fuck that map so much.
I can't hold a steady 60fps in this, even with everything on medium on my 970. Is everyone getting slowdown during big melees?
I can't hold a steady 60fps in this, even with everything on medium on my 970. Is everyone getting slowdown during big melees?
Tass is one of the best heroes in the game and his shield is essentially a heal
Burrows too stronk ft. Alur.
Tass is one of the best heroes in the game and his shield is essentially a heal
10 games to complete my Daily of win 3. Also experienced some truly awful performance issues on ORD1, as per usual. 3 Kerrigan games, 7 Kael'thas games. 2 of my wins were with Kerrigan and then that awful 7 game losing streak, six of which were as Kael, began.
In that losing streak I learned to love Nether Wind and Arcane Barrier. Arcane Barrier can be so clutch, it can negate Valla's Strafe entirely, eat a Pyroblast, basically allow you to survive the initial burst damage from a gank or teamfight going horribly wrong.
I can't hold a steady 60fps in this, even with everything on medium on my 970. Is everyone getting slowdown during big melees?
Johanna is exactly as amazing as I envisioned her.
Ya, you gimp your damage WAY too hard by taking it. Your choices for more safety are the range at lvl 4 and 13.The problem with arcane barrier is its tier. Ignite is *so* important to Kael currently, it's the reason he's picked at all. More than any other character he relies on that talent at 16 to be valuable to a team, so picking arcane barrier prevents that. Without ignite, you may as well pick Jaina as she's just better all round (and much, much stronger at the start of the game when Kael is weak).
No it isn't - it's not a heal at all. Tass has zero ability to keep people up after a fight which is one of the biggest things a healer brings. It's fantastic for saving clutch people who are being targeted, in the same way as a heal does, but it has no sustained element at all which is equally powerful.
You can't stay in lane if Tass is your support and your going two on two, because the enemy will get damage in whilst the shield isn't up (or on the person you didn't shield), and you have no way of repairing that damage outside of the now tragically nerfedd healing ward. If you win a team fight, but everyone is low, you can't stay and push like you can with a healer because everyone will be stuck at low health and easy pickings for the enemy team coming back up.
Tass really needs taking out of the support class for quick match.
The idea that ppl suffer with a tass instead of a healer in qm is ridiculous and really emphasizes how healing has forced ppl into particular playstyles. I def disagree with the post-fight thing too, but totally agree with the sustain thing which isnt a big deal at all to me.
I feel like it often is, when you just lose fights you otherwise would have won just because their team has that extra HP.I dont think it's that complicated, ppl in qm should be used to having no healer vs. a healer. I see not having a healer being a throwaway defeat statement, it's never the reason my team lost or the other team lost
He's got 50% on hotslogs now though after the hotfix. Pls no nerf bliz[*]When Kael'thas came out he had a below average win ratio, and now he seems to be doing too well
Either:9 game losing streak continues. This games matchmaking is beyond terrible. I have had the win 3 games daily since Tuesday and cannot even get 3 wins in 3 days.
- play vs A.I. to finish the quest
- group up with NeoGAF. Soloqueue is guaranteed horror.
Definitely group up with NeoGAF. Ever since I started doing that I've won around 65% of my games and the game becomes much more enjoyable.9 game losing streak continues. This matchmaking is beyond terrible. I have had the win 3 games daily since Tuesday and cannot even get 3 wins in 3 days.
> wake up
> talk on teamspeak first thign
> currently in a match with a premade
You guys make my life complete
- group up with NeoGAF. Soloqueue is guaranteed horror.
njean is my battlenet username.
How do I group up with gaf?
Oh and on the 10th game I finally won a round.
njean is my battlenet username.
9 game losing streak continues. This games matchmaking is beyond terrible. I have had the win 3 games daily since Tuesday and cannot even get 3 wins in 3 days.
we'd need that number behind it in order to add you (US or EU?)
You can also add yourself to the list in the OP or add some of us to play.
Joining the NeoGAF chat channel would be a start.
How do I do this?
Tanks that deal no damage are not god in QM.
AnubWhich tanks actually do deal damage? Tyrael and...?
Which tanks actually do deal damage? Tyrael and...?
Who are considered the better tiered assassins? Been playing as Raynor because he was cheap.
Who are considered the better tiered assassins? Been playing as Raynor because he was cheap.
Valla is a steal at 2k gold.
Muradin as well.Anub