4 levels ahead is NOT enough against us, guys. You have to try harder! =]
Entertaining as usual!
- play vs A.I. to finish the quest
- group up with NeoGAF. Soloqueue is guaranteed horror.
It is the latency from your computer to the server.
The game is built around SC2 networking code for some BS reason for its superior "hit detection" and server loading ability.
So when you lag or lose package, it feels like your frame is dropping because the server is trying to catch up to where your character hitbox should be.
Oh quick question: has anyone ever tried to find the best video options to see cloaked characters?
I've switched to the highest video options lately and noticed that it is WAY harder to see cloaked charakters. Before, I was always the first one to spot them but lately I tend to overlook that pesky Nova every now and then.
I cannot remember which options to change back in order to spot them again.
Oh quick question: has anyone ever tried to find the best video options to see cloaked characters?
I've switched to the highest video options lately and noticed that it is WAY harder to see cloaked charakters. Before, I was always the first one to spot them but lately I tend to overlook that pesky Nova every now and then.
I cannot remember which options to change back in order to spot them again.
i have no idea what they can do about cloak but it seems like something that impacts gameplay balance in a way that it shouldn't.
You're all talking about increasing or decreasing the settings to be able to see the shimmering easier... and here I am, forced to play on the lowest or the game drops down to single digits during intense fights :/
I played League on the slowest goddamn ugly settings for hours and hours... while still dropping to or below 10ish frames every teamfight. Those were hard times.You're all talking about increasing or decreasing the settings to be able to see the shimmering easier... and here I am, forced to play on the lowest or the game drops down to single digits during intense fights :/
I dont think it's that complicated, ppl in qm should be used to having no healer vs. a healer. I see not having a healer being a throwaway defeat statement, it's never the reason my team lost or the other team lost
it's never the reason my team lost or the other team lost
Damn, you guys weren't kidding about 50-40 being ELO hell.
The hell is this.
Im fine w/ the argument that ppl use healing as a crutch excuse and will complain about lack of healing vs. other real gameplay mistakes they are making, but thats not just tied to inexperience, its tied to an unwillingness to make things work
I absolutely think it's bogus that someone thinks they lost because they took too much damage and no healer was around to patch them up. The whole point of healers is to allow greediness and tassadar does that just fine
Was the Kel'Thuzad model posted?
Im not against the strength of healers, but the idea that teams are naturally worse off w/ a tass, who has a healing move, compared to like a lili or some other devoted healer. I have never lost a game because of a lack of healer, i totally stand by that. Ive played plenty of games where ppl pretended they had a healer where they didnt.
Im fine w/ the argument that ppl use healing as a crutch excuse and will complain about lack of healing vs. other real gameplay mistakes they are making, but thats not just tied to inexperience, its tied to an unwillingness to make things work
I absolutely think it's bogus that someone thinks they lost because they took too much damage and no healer was around to patch them up. The whole point of healers is to allow greediness and tassadar does that just fine
my stability is ass in this game
can't figure it out
Does anyone hate a passive Lili player?
Somehow, Lili plays by a passive player makes me rage more than anything in this game, even worse than bad position from Kael.
Lili is there to bail/run, spam QQQQ, put serp on aggressive player to secure kill, blind people, kung-fu hustle in and out brah...spam those MFING BUTTONS!
Yeah, sorry for the rant.
Lili is just so good when playing aggressive but people play her like a crappy ass healer.
The problem with arcane barrier is its tier. Ignite is *so* important to Kael currently, it's the reason he's picked at all. More than any other character he relies on that talent at 16 to be valuable to a team, so picking arcane barrier prevents that. Without ignite, you may as well pick Jaina as she's just better all round (and much, much stronger at the start of the game when Kael is weak).
What's is your build for Lili, I am probably one of those trying to play Lili as a crappy healer with lukewarm results.
It's not always about picking what has been decided to be the best talent build for the character, sometimes it's about picking the best talent build for the match you are currently playing. Ignite is the usual talent pick for me at that tier...when I'm not getting focused down by multiple heroes, a shitton of CC or heroics. Ignite is nice and all but it's not going to spam cast Living Bomb through Chain Bomb on heroes and minions if you're dead. My DPS wasn't dramatically impacted either, you can still do a lot with Living Bomb, Verdant Spheres and Chain Bomb.
Ideally I would pick Gathering Power over Netherwind, Ignite over Arcane Shield or a second tier of my heroic over Bolt of the Storm but sometimes solo queue doesn't afford you those luxuries.
But what I would say is this - there's a reason the pro scene has Kael taking flamestrike range at 13. Chain Bomb just isn't worth it anymore for most games with the hotfix, and the flamestrike range turns him into an artillery piece. You are FAR better taking that at 13, and Ignite at 16, than the other way around. Ignite *is* Kael right now really.
What's is your build for Lili, I am probably one of those trying to play Lili as a crappy healer with lukewarm results.
I'm going to have to try that out at some point (range on Q). I never really knew that Kael was bugged until I read it was hotfixed.
Lot of talk on THH about how Spellshield and Imposing Presence both likely need reworks in response to how Kael gets no pushback while Hammer gets run over by a bus.You become the games ultimate poker. He makes Hammer look feeble (although obviously he's a lot easier to kill than Hammer).
Basically, once you hit 16 you stand a mile away from the fight, and every 7 seconds throw a precision strike on the enemy team. It's great fun, and a lot safer than his usual play.
Lot of talk on THH about how Spellshield and Imposing Presence both likely need reworks in response to how Kael gets no pushback while Hammer gets run over by a bus.
They were still in shock at 3-0ing them and they thought C9 was thrown off by the setup. Apparently, only 1 of the sound-proof booths arrived, so everyone could hear everyone. And that meant Zuna was REALLY REALLY REALLY LOUD, as well as causing issues where people could hear focus fire/gank targets.How over the top was Zoia about TS winning WCA?
So aside from Valla at 2k what are some other good low gold buys? I'm thinking Anub at 4k? I'm sitting on 15k gold right now and while I don't want to spend all of it just yet (I'm gonna wait for some price drops) I would like to buy one or two more characters to add to my rotation.
Sorry, this isn't something that boils down to a personal opinion - Blizzard gave us the numbers, and we have a vibrant pro scene every week. Objectively teams without a healer only win roughly 40% of the time versus teams that do have a healer.
If teams without support were fine, you would see them in tournaments - I cannot EVER recall a zero support team (although there have been 0 warrior teams, or 0 specialist teams).
Healers are critical for this game, and no-one considers Tassadar an equal support to any of the other healers barring Tyrande. No-one is saying that you cannot win matches with him, or even without anyone - 40% of the time, you'll still win after all with 0 supports. But over time, the odds are definitely stacked against you if you don't have a healer, or if Tass is your only support.
(Again, if Tass were viable solo, you would see him in tournaments. You never, ever do).
Well, I'm back from my massive break! The sun was nice.
Is EU-GAF ready to do this shit? My Jaina is ready to shrek!
So aside from Valla at 2k what are some other good low gold buys? I'm thinking Anub at 4k? I'm sitting on 15k gold right now and while I don't want to spend all of it just yet (I'm gonna wait for some price drops) I would like to buy one or two more characters to add to my rotation.