We're waiting for you, sir!
Gathering power is great, but I take the gravity talent at 4 myself against certain heroes or comps. Defo agree there. But if you are so pressured at 16 to not take ignite, then there's no real point to Kael compared to other assassins. If you've gone into a quick match and find yourself in that type of game, then of course you are right and living is better than nothing at all.
But what I would say is this - there's a reason the pro scene has Kael taking flamestrike range at 13. Chain Bomb just isn't worth it anymore for most games with the hotfix, and the flamestrike range turns him into an artillery piece. You are FAR better taking that at 13, and Ignite at 16, than the other way around. Ignite *is* Kael right now really.
One support versus zero support was only a win rate bias of like 43% to 57%.
I just noticed I don't have my Wonder Billie mount anymore.
Did they remove it? The one for buying stuff in alpha?![]()
I dont see that as an unmeaningful distance, but the correlation that ppl draw from it is really simplistic imo, it translates to a really unproductive conversation
@alur, weve gone through this before, i dont believe that mmr distance has an effect on the actual hero situation, im fine to agree to disagree on that. Hero kit difference isnt situated in skill, a kit is a kit, tass has good waveclear and bw doesnt, etc
I need more friends that play this game (NA region). I play mostly in the late evenings (central time).
I'm also not very experienced so I'd appreciate playing with friends who don't mind teaching me a thing or two.
Quote to reveal my ID!
Tass is constantly played in tourneys but thats neither here or there. I am not making an argument against supports, i dunno if im being clear. I am against the idea that your team has less of a chance winning in qm with tass vs. A dedicated healer, feeding into a we lost before the game started mentality. I think ive posted about this before, but there is a real danger in out of context statistics (we've discussed a supposed correlation between anub's beetle build and his high pub winrate for example, which would trend thinking towards yo this build is the best; it's not). I have no problem saying it's easier for the majority of hots players to win if they have a healer and the other team doesnt, but i prtty firmly believe this had less to do with the heroes and more to do with how ppl play, like that is the main thing im saying. Tassadar offers so much, it's really discouraging to read a slew of posts talking about how it makes ppls hearts sink when they see him instead of like rehgar or something.
Blizzard has also consistently deemed non-problematic heroes as problematic and made moves to change those heroes in big ways before reconsidering. They are still finding a balance between statistics, community complaining, and actual reality of the heroes.
When i say i have never lost because i lack heals on my team i mean that the onus here is on decisionmaking, that ppl are conditioned to play as if they have a healer. Ive won a lot of games where im tass and im the only support w/ a healer on the other team, like thats anecdotal but the idea here is that these situations are no less winnable, like not even remotely, just as having two warriors with no support vs. A team with support can be totally fine. I largely prefer a team with tyreal/anub vs. Rehgar for example.
Another problematic thing is this inordinate focus on roles vs. Kits which ive tried bringing up. The best healers are the best because of their kit, not their healing power...but ppl have a hard time grasping that.
The reason I play Kael'thas versus other assassins is because I like Kael'thas and you don't know what kind of match you're in for, what kind of teammates you'll have or how they're going to play until you're in it. I'll give those talents a try but I'm not averse to picking Arcane Shield if I need to. And in recent games I've needed it.
I wasn;t saying Tass isn't played (although he's dropped off a lot outside of promote it seems). I was arguing the point that Tassadar is bad as your solo support - which he is. Sorry, but point me to the game where a pro-team takes Tass as their sole support.
Of course you win games where you are Tass and the enemy team has a full healer - no-one is saying that. Heck, 43% of the time you win when you have no support! But you undoubtedly have a disadvantage in that match up, and that's the reason he is universally agreed as not being up to the sole support job. you can win, but why make the match harder for yourself?
It's great you love him, and can play great on him and win games because your so good on him. Again, no-one is saying you can't. but that doesn't change the fact he can't fill the role of a normal support, and that on average you are better off having a full support to go with him. Which, ultimately, is the crux of the matter and goes back to my original point (and many others) - he shouldn't be listed as a support anymore. He doesn't fill that role, and in quick match when he's your sole support versus a team that has a proper healer you will face a harder match than you would otherwise.
Can't believe this loss on Mines. We had the game, then blew it. Sorry to the GAFfer I partied up with, just had to quit battlenet after the match and step away from the laptop.
Let us pray to the prime evils that the D3 map bounces it out of the game forever.mines is notorious for bullshit games, probably the least balanced map.
Any guides,/advices or builds for Johanna? She is really nuts about CCs and nightmare fuel for stealth enemies
I'm surprised there are still so many quitters in a game where you have to exit to desktop!So got in a game.
Everyone else goes bottom.
I point out we need people in every lane.
They basically laugh.
I leave match.
I'm surprised there are still so many quitters in a game where you have to exit to desktop!
Don't know much about this specific champ(haven't been playing heroes too long) but I can attest that you don't need heals to be a good support, it's more about utility. From an LOL background, there's good healing support options, but the play-making or defensive abilities of champs like thresh and janna are great picks too. I understand this is a lot of people's first moba and takes sometime to see all the possibilities.Haha i dunno where this thing came from that i love tass, i havent played him in a minute. Like i said, i dont disagree that the majority of players do better with a healer in the support role, im contesting the idea that the game becomes necesarily more difficult when your only support in tassadar. I agree totally that he doesnt fill a sustain healer role which is what hots players think of when they think support, but theidea that the game has suddenly become harder to win is foreign to me, but seemingly totally natural to a lot of ppl. Tassadar offers a slew of things that other supports dont (one example i gave previously was if i was on a team with nova and tass, what the hell am i going to do with a healer here, what lane ami going to, etc.), just as bw offers a slew of things that uther doesnt.
Im fine w/ taking tass out of support classification, but if you have read my posts in the last thread youd know that i am against the role system and role-based matchmaking in general, with one of the biggest reasons being that it forces blizzard to put gimmicky heals on future supports, and another being that it makes ppl think of heroes and roles as these essential things (like a hero league situation where ppl think yo we nees this filled, we x amount of assassins and warriors, etc.)
So the only way to unlock heroes is with in game gold or real money?
So the only way to unlock heroes is with in game gold or real money?
correct.So the only way to unlock heroes is with in game gold or real money?
I rather do something else with my time than play with a bunch of folk that outright mock and shoot you down when you point out that they're doing it oh so very wrong.
Was nothing but a troll group.
So the only way to unlock heroes is with in game gold or real money?
So got in a game.
Everyone else goes bottom.
I point out we need people in every lane.
They basically laugh.
I leave match.
I don't judge you. It's not even about winning or losing. It's about not wanting to play a game with a terrible team that doesn't give a shit about anything. I have quit when I didn't even want to win with the kind of team I was put on, and I don't see what is so horrible about it when an AI playing for them is still more help to them than they'd ever extend to me.So got in a game.
Everyone else goes bottom.
I point out we need people in every lane.
They basically laugh.
I leave match.
Don't know much about this specific champ(haven't been playing heroes too long) but I can attest that you don't need heals to be a good support, it's more about utility. From an LOL background, there's good healing support options, but the play-making or defensive abilities of champs like thresh and janna are great picks too. I understand this is a lot of people's first moba and takes sometime to see all the possibilities.
Supports in Dota/LoL and in HotS may use the same word, but other than that they have nothing to do with each other. Being a Support in Dota/LoL means you can perform your role with minimal gold and/or levels. HotS has no gold and uses shared experience, so this usage of the word couldn't even be applied if you wanted it to. It has nothing to do with "this being a lot of people's first moba."
Don't know much about this specific champ(haven't been playing heroes too long) but I can attest that you don't need heals to be a good support, it's more about utility. From an LOL background, there's good healing support options, but the play-making or defensive abilities of champs like thresh and janna are great picks too. I understand this is a lot of people's first moba and takes sometime to see all the possibilities.
So got in a game.
Everyone else goes bottom.
I point out we need people in every lane.
They basically laugh.
I leave match.
I generally am not a fan of MOBA's, but I like this game. They seemed to have simplified the genre, but kept the depth and nuance. Good times.
I am on such a massive tilt right now, and I feel so sorry for the people that has to endure my bullshit on Teamspeak. The reason why I had to bail out of the group and mute Teamspeak was for your own good. Trust me. I need a 30 minute break or I'm going to end up doing/saying things that I will regret very, very quickly.
I dont want to give off the impression that healing isnt the hot in this game, because it is.
But i mean more relevently, what im trying to go towards is less shit we have no healer fuk this vs. Yomang...this tass waveclear and utility is da shit...lanes in the bag...o wait they thought they were going to come at us while we were doing mercs but i popped the yung d and saved all of us...oh dood u cant normally engage all that well but i threw a shield on you which let you get in there...im manager tass promoting minions because thats my responsibility...
Another example: i get severe cognitive dissonance when im part of a team getting wiped and someone says "we have no dmg"...like whyd u engage then dawg...whyd u not play to our win condition dawg....dawg...
Same when talking about tier lists, with ppl adhering to dat shit like its dat holy text, like lemme see dat tychus pick on sky temple in wca finals cuz laser works here u feel me
So the only way to unlock heroes is with in game gold or real money?
My man, I don't see a request! Yoshichan#2623It's all good.
We had a fun hero league game in which we just stomped the opposition.
PS: You should accept my friend request bud.
heres a fun game: how many valla and illidens can you play with in a day who get their deaths into double figures inside 15mins??
My man, I don't see a request! Yoshichan#2623
15K first 2 weeks, 10K after. To drive cash sales.So future heroes all will be 15k gold from now on? why Johanna is so expensive
So future heroes all will be 15k gold from now on? why Johanna is so expensive
Gold builds up fast, especially early on when you are just starting out. Level the free rotation heroes to 5 and do quests. Then Buy the heroes that interest you the most and have fun!