Stupid sales killing my wallet I meant
Hence the crying
Ah. Nonsense! Just think of the money you're saving.
Stupid sales killing my wallet I meant
Hence the crying
Not sure how to play Kerrigan since she has to be up close but is pretty squishy and doesn't have a great escape though sprint helps later on.
About to hit 50 games in quickmatch and it's only getting better so far. Won five of the last seven games.
One thing I've observed that's bothering me is that there is too much tit for tat going on. Whenever the team I'm in gets a good push in and kills most of the enemy team they engage way too long. I think my team could have won one of the two games I lost recently if it weren't for that. We were on garden terror, slightly behind in xp and seeds but the two big plant guys were still on the map. After pushing the enemy into their base, killing most of their team they just continued to push to the core until the enemy team respawned and wiped them out. If we had killed the plant bosses to get the terror we probably would have won the game. Granted this does not happen in every game, some people/teams do know when to disengage but more often then not it's a wasted opportunity to get merc camps or go for the objective.
it's only available for garden of terror at the moment
also, I dunno if you know this, you can click the arrow all the way on the left to get a dropdown w/ more info
Not sure how to play Kerrigan since she has to be up close but is pretty squishy and doesn't have a great escape though sprint helps later on.
How do you guys level up fast?
I need to get to level 12 for some diablo 3 goodies.
It's so, so, so, so hard to win games solo queue. So hard. How does anybody ever even do it? Is it even possible?
HL or QM? I found that I had like a 40% win rate on solo QM but much higher on HL.
Storm Bundle only way to get cyber wolf? Tempting, too bad pax is right around the corner ;_;
All these bundles are weak as hell![]()
._. which means what exactly?At least they're dynamic now.
._. which means what exactly?
You can pick up whatever you need for cheap. Like the storm bundle I'm only lacking wrath sonya and it was $2.49.
So I finished my placement matches...
Rank 36.
Does anyone know the accuracy of this? It seems ridiculously low, seeing as rank 25 is the average according to their definition of the ranks. I was expecting somewhere between 25 and 15.
It's set conservedly intentional. It puts you in a rank based on your MMR at the end of the placement matches presumptively.
That's dumb as hell, so now I basically have to grind my way up 10-20 ranks? This ain't better than it was before at all.
Edit: What the %??& is the point of placement matches then? Just give me my rank right away if it's that shallow of a system.
I'm on quite thestreak right now and I'm not even angry. Does this mean my body is adapting and that I'm becoming Buddha?loss
I am?It's because you're playing murky
I did not know that, thanks!
I've been playing a bunch of Tyrande lately and I really like her a lot in lane, and I've found her to be really good at roaming and ganking when I land my skill shots. But she seems to get really crappy and useless as games wear on longer. I've tried skilling her as much as I can for healing and my healing numbers are never impressive, so god help my team if we don't get a 2nd healer/support on it. I've tried skilling for more damage and she's even less impressive there (which is what I expected). The only saving grace for that hero seems to be Hunter's Mark which stays great the entire game, but there aren't really many ways to make it more useful other than the first tier trait that lowers its cd. Still it will never stop being fun to land stuns on fleeing heroes.
Hmm, I thought someone said you got more points for playing Hero League solo? I just solo'd one and won, got 100p which seems to be the standard amount that I've gotten even in a party (with 2).
Do you get less points for being in a 3-4 man, but maybe not in 2 man, perhaps
I am?
Ok it's decided.
Murky will be the one that I play after Monk (2-3 days after patch goes live).
Finished my placements and got rank 6. I have a feeling I'm gonna be stuck between the rank 3-6 range forever now. How can I find out what my MMR is and what is the sweet spot figure it should be?