i've got a family
HoTS family?
i've got a family
i've got a family
Played the new map twice yesterday. Both lasted around 12 minutes. First one we roflstomped, second one got roflstomped. There was zero exchange in both matches, when we won we got 100% of the shrines and when we lost they got 100% of the shrines. KT is ridiculous on that map, he can get all 30 kills solo in like 10 seconds easily. As if we didn't have issues already with him getting first picked all the time, he will be in every single Shrine match. Just gotta build a team comp that can hold back 5 people while KT does his shit for a few seconds. It's also ridiculous that they don't increase the number of kills the winning team needs or anything. I guess they want this map to be a quick one?
When we lost the first shrine in my second match I tried to tell the team to counter push but they decided to get quad killed instead and blamed me for not showing up. That gave them a 2 level lead that never went away.
It also encourages last hitting since only the damage that kills a minion counts.
That's what surprises me most - that they introduced a mechanic that is so last hit orientated (on top of it not scaling) after being so staunchly anti-last hit except on like two heroes.
Yuuuuuuup.I really do think they prioritise speed of finding a game over quality of game.
So Blizzard changed Johanna dinamic animation on her portrait and put a static one where she barely move her head.....wth.
Interesting...they won't be resetting MMR ever, even for the first season or any seasonal rolls thereafter. What's the point of seasonal rolls?
God fun: Zagara, Kael'thas, Sylvanas, Jaina
High fun: Thrall, Kharazim, Zeratul, Valla, Kerrigan, Falstad, Tyrael, Leoric
Medium fun: Nazeebo, Butcher, Johanna, Tychus, Anub'arak, Malfurion, Arthas, Illidan
Low fun: Li Li, Raynor, Nova, Tyrande
Trash: Muradin
He's just the most unimaginative tank that this game could possibly have. For a game that has so much diversity in its character roster, Muradin completely shits all over that. I see absolutely zero reason to play him compared to (example) Johanna.Is Muradin too simple for you or why don't you enjoy his playstyle? I'm on my way to lvl 9 with him and I like him more than Valla so far. Just curious.
Yeah, that's kind of my point.
If they believe we are where we belong then there is no need to reset seasons. Particularly when 92-95% or more of us will just end up right around the same spot (or with bonus points to get there) and the other 5-8% were rank 4 and above and for whatever reason just get cutoff arbitrarily.
They may as well just let us all continue grinding from where we are if virtually nothing is going to change.
If they want to approach it like other games, use the placement for what it is...let us play the games and spit us out where our current performance in those games indicates we belong instead of using past performance as the indicator.
Basically, the system sounds like a half-measure. And you know what they say about half-measures?
You may as well just do what Dota does otherwise, where it's basically just a constant rating which you slowly increase and never resets.
Exactly. No need to reset if we all stay in the same spot.
If they want to keep MMR then they need to look into it in a similar way described above (basically a system similar to how HOTSlogs began weighting on a rolling 2 month scale).
What do a split push Rehgar and a Leorky cause?
We got the first 4 Punishers. Two lanes pushed to core with no forts down...and lost.
Hotslogs uses a 2 month rolling scale?
I thought they just disregard new replays, that are older than 2 months.
But if you already had replays older then 2 months in the system, that MMR is kept.
How does that work?Yep it's a two month window on the ladder.
That's why I was saying Blizz could adopt a similar system. The difference would be that it would require actual weighting of the games with higher returns and losses instead of just the exclusion of old games, but /shrug. They've got other templates to follow if they want to make it worthwhile as well.
From their post it sounds like that's what they are trying to do. Except their hiding true MMR and making it a ladder on ranked points.
With future season rolls, we are planning to tighten up this initial placement so that you receive a ranking that is more closely tied with where your MMR indicates you should be.
Additionally, we’ve taken steps to limit potential rank inflation in the future, so your rank and rating are more likely to stay closely aligned
It works like I was saying. You have to play at least 10 games to show up even if you are previously over the threshold of games that it prescribes for each league.
That's not the way most everyone who has posted here about it has interpreted it, though. That's why we were throwing our hands up like "What's the point?" It says:
Which implies it will not be reset in the future. Then further on it says:
What I draw from that is they are narrowing in on a way to keep rank and MMR tight like people want...but if they never reset MMR, you are also going to have a harder time ranking up once you reach whatever the rank your MMR is slotted into happens to be. It'll basically become what people say the SC2 ladder is - stationary and stagnant. You'd need to significantly improve across a season to see any real gains when the reset occurred.
There's no mention of a soft reset/rolling scale/anything. Just that MMR won't be reset and that in the future it'll be more closely tied to rank. That's why several of us were asking why reset at all if we're just gonna Groundhog Day right back to where we were.
I don't think people are saying it's a good thing you can grind your way to the top. I don't personally think it's a bad thing either though. You can't grind to the top without reaching a certain minimum of MMR (which appeared to be about 2800 before the reset and is now likely higher). All they have to do is set it to what the real value is. We are saying why bother resetting if I'm just gonna continually be in the same spot? May as well just leave it be and let me rise or fall based on my own determination.
They can easily reset MMR or soft reset like League if they want.
They keep your old MMR for the purpose of matchmaking through those 20 games, then based on your performance against similar opponents you move up, you move down, or you go ~10-10 and stand pat.
There is nothing "Season"-like about having everything remain the same from set to set. There's just no reason to even have it because there's no incentive to keep going as a player unless you just love drafting more than you like playing exactly who you want.
How is that any different then if you were to play 20 games right now? You keep your current MMR, and then your MMR will fluctuate based on how you preform in the next 20 matches? Sounds like exactly what they are doing now.. Except blizzard doesn't tell you your MMR, just your rank.
To me, when you say reset MMR, that sounds like everybody goes back to baseline 2k, or whatever it is, which would be really dumb.
How is that any different then if you were to play 20 games right now? You keep your current MMR, and then your MMR will fluctuate based on how you preform in the next 20 matches? Sounds like exactly what they are doing now.. Except blizzard doesn't tell you your MMR, just your rank.
To me, when you say reset MMR, that sounds like everybody goes back to baseline 2k, or whatever it is, which would be really dumb.
Then the reason there's a reset is because you could play 2000 games in a season and accrue enough points to be like rank 5 even though your MMR is actually that of someone who should be rank 20.
A problem for this sort of system is that players can get better at the game. If a player is constantly improving, your system might badly lag their true skill even as it thinks that it's got a very confident estimate. You don't want to weight the very first match a player ever played the same as the most recent one they played if there are 500 matches in between. That first match is probably not very useful at all for judging how good the player is now.
People's concern (and I don't really know how justified this is) about Blizzard's system is that players' old games might be following them around for far too long. People aren't necessarily asking for a total blank slate, but just for the opportunity to show the system that they've significantly improved. They feel like it takes far too long for someone with hundreds of games played to move from some MMR to a higher MMR, even if they really ought to be at the higher MMR. There's a balance that needs to be struck between keeping people's MMRs stable and allowing them to drift in response to real changes in skill.