You don't want to give that impression (that healing is overrated) but you are denying the usefulness of it while saying its the hotness. I don't even begin to understand your side of this discussion. We are right...but we are wrong?
We know that A) good healing is even better pound for pound for bad and average players because it cleans up their mistakes and B) as Maledict pointed out no one ever goes with a no support or Tass only comp in competitive. Again, we aren't talking about Tassadar with his support buddy in Hero League or wherever, we're talking about solely Tassadar in Quick Match queued in solo and getting placed against a healing support. The Tassadar whose winrate the last 7 days is barely above Stitches, but I forget, you don't put stock in those stats, nor apparently do you the ones Blizzard provided. /shrug
Tis a convenient way to be right in a discussion, I gotta say.
Wow, boi can wave clear. Those first 5 minutes stronk. What about the rest of the game? Need dat waveclear to keep those lanes pushing rite? Good thing we don't have 20 other heroes who can do a similar job without the drawbacks and still have a real support or at least Tyrande. Wow, boi can hit yung D. Cept we have talents or skills on every support and some other heroes for that. Wow, boi can give you that shield...that expires after 8 seconds (the length of the cooldown) unless you talent it where you get to keep a whole 50%! That sure sounds better than Uther healing me every 12 seconds for more than 1/4th of my health, lemme tell you.
As it stands, right now there is very little he can do that you want in a random game that someone else wouldn't have been better served doing which is the whole point of this discussion. He's just not where he was. All the nerfs have added up and the chickens are coming home to roost Bobby Boucher.
As for this discussion you say we've been over and over again (which is another thing you disregard or can't entertain - which seems to happen often), that above me sums up exactly why I bring it up.
Your average player is not thinking about "what's my win condition" or "damn boi this Tassadar can gimme dat shield to engage". They fight, as most players do, they lose as the majority of teams without a real support do, and then they say "Wish we'd had Brightwing/Uther/Rehgar instead". There's not a lot of learning or introspection going on.
Your point of view on everything is like a literal deep dive into shit most people never consider when playing this video game. ~60% or more of the player base will never even make it past like 2200 MMR. You have to realize that people don't approach it the same. Its not that your advice or perspective is bad, its just that some of this stuff you say is like coming from a brain surgeon trying to explain to the phlebotomist how to perform an embolization to stave off an aneurysm. They nod and smile and forget that shit and go back to taking blood.
I dunno, I feel like i've given good reasons why those stats are misleading + i don't recall ever saying healing was bad but i mean maybe i snuck that in there somewhere, so I take it back if i did. I do think ppl are conditioned to depend on healers and often play as if they have a healer when they don't...(back to dmg complaint: complaining about lack of dmg, lack of warrior, lack of healer, etc. it never ends)
I don't understand why it's so hard to understand that the support matchup winrate doesnt specifically correlate to role makeup, just as getting a bunch of beetle talents on anub and having a high winrate on anub doesnt necessarily show this a->b correlation, I don't know how to make that more clear, like it's just how statistics work.
waveclear is important throughout the entire game and having it is better than not having it, i dunno how to explain that better either. But I see again here that you are kind of concentrating on comparing tass to a more traditional healer, or I dunno have some notion that I'm trying to argue that he fulfills their role better somehow, I don't think I was trying to do that.
I feel like you widely base your conclusions on hotslogs stats rather than considering kits and how heroes work together. Tassadar can do things other supports cant, you can value it or not but I don't really know how you can contest this. Hotslogs winrates don't matter when comparing kits, all they literally show is what heroes ppl are winning with, there is absolutely no conclusions to be drawn besides this, it's part of why ppl were kind of sad that blizzard were all like yeah illidan's winrates are fine he good (but did the opposite with chen, where he put out low numbers but did well in comp. play, so yah, blizz inner working not exactly revealed here)
Also, and I think this is why our mmr convo never goes anywhere lol, you seem really dead set on talking about how one particular set of set of players might play vs. another set: my thing, which I'm repeating agggaaain, is that this has absolutely no relevance to hero kits. We had this discussion about illidan in the last thread, again: if illidan works better at higher mmrs because he can dodge cc with his q, but lower mmrs dont really do that, it has nothing to do with what is packed into his kit. If lower mmrs dont know who to shield or heal, it also has nothing to do with the x hero; the statement "well maybe in THIS mmr" has nothing to do with what a hero can do. Like I'm trying to say water is made out of that sweet h2o and ur on about how no one you know drinks water, ppl didn't buy that much water in the last fiscal quarter, and only the most elite drink water anyway
i def agree that I talk about stuff ppl don't think about, but I don't think that's a bad thing, and my main point is still that you are not automatically closer to losing if you have tass instead of a healer, tass is a good hero who brings a lot to the table, and a lot of ppl go into game thinking about how they have been handicapped and thats total booty
like put even more simply, I am for ppl going into games w/ stitches and not thinking "this guy has such a low winrate, hes squishy, what the fuck are we going to do" and thinking stuff more like "yeah if stitches can land a good hook I think we have a really good shot at winning this, I'll try not to engage before he has a chance to hook", thinking about what heroes can do vs. how they are not other heroes