Oh ._. sorry ♥Now Yoshi, I wouldn't say something like that to YOU.![]()
Out of curiosity, anyone playing HoTS on a MacBook Pro? I have one from a couple of years ago that I play on. I was kind of hoping it would be able to handle this game on high settings, but when I tried it gave me serious frame rate issues.
No. You aren't paying attention.Holy Hell, all of Dice's complaining....is about AI games???!!!!!![]()
I literally never complained about anything in the design of the game except the matchmaking.Dice, no offense, but the way you complain about every detail of HotS,
Due to the players, I think I am coming to agree.I think you just don't have fun playing the game and you should stop and play something else.
This is the apathy that leads people to never try, never learn, brush off anyone who would like to, and ruins the whole experience.You are taking it way too seriously, it's just a video game dude.
Thanks for assuming I'm blowing a casket every game. I'm not. Mostly confounded and annoyed. Here is a nice example.Either play to have fun, or stop playing before you have a stroke.
Here is a nice example.
We're playing battlefield of eternity. We're winning and the enemy is on a bare core. Me and a Butcher are up there attacking core and enemies which we can do since we have good CC and damage between us and self heals and the enemy is on staggered death timers so we repeatedly 2v1. We get the core to 30% before we have to leave.
The rest of the team was off doing what? Killing minions to get the waves to move up (because you do that always in LoL), and dumb shit like a Zeratul trying to do mercs himself and taking fucktons of damage.
"We don't need mercs, we just need all of us here"
"cool story"
"Me and Butcher got it to 30% just by ourselves"
*angel & demon pop up*
The 3 morons go to do that objective, both wasting more time (the mercs were sent to die) and allowing the enemy team to consolidate and put us at risk.
"Just have fun" you say. That shit is not fun. That is ignoring the the whole point of the game, wasting time on pointless shit, putting teammates doing well under too much pressure so they have to back off what was and should have remained an advantage, and risking a comeback loss with associated MMR drop for everyone.
Was I raging? No. I was just sickened by their shitty selfish attitude and didn't want them to win. Internally I was rooting for the other team at that point and disinterested enough I just wanted to turn it off. It was simply lacking fun and annoying when it could have been a pleasant fulfillment of our prior good play. I'm not a person who simply cares about winning or losing. I just want the game to be played how it is intended with common sense and the chips fall as they may.
Players like that are 20x worse than toxic angry people who still actually have a sense of how the game is played and try. If I wanted to "just have fun" dicking around doing stuff that had nothing to do with the point of the game, I could play practice mode.
So let's say 200 matches at 30 minutes. 100 hours of bullshit to maybe get somewhat competent games and god knows if it'll stay that way if I keep a more casual pace after that point because it already went to shit after no considerable loss streak once. Doesn't sound good to me. If that is the "put up or shut up" proposition then maybe the game is just shit because of what the new playerbase has made it. If that's really the only way that Blizzard can do things and absolutely nothing else, then yeah maybe I just need to finally call the hope dead.
I'd rather lose than win with a team like that. I'd rather quit because "It's just a game, it's not worth it" but the game doesn't have a surrender because OH MY GOD just dropping it with an apathetic, undeserving team is a crime against humanity or something.
So the game punishes you for not being that altruistic savior by keeping you in that hell if you don't try your damnedest to the very end through a couple/few hundred games, or it might just keep you there anyway if you can't make up that much of a difference for shit teams often enough. So it's a masochistic wishing well? You really have to go through all that just to even get to a point where you're even playing the game you are playing with other people who are? Is it really that good once you get there or is that such an investment that the only way to get there is to be so invested that it's such a part of your life that you've made friends with others that invested the same so you can be a team?
It's really strange to me because bad players in other genres still seem to care to grow. What's up with most MOBA players?
Maybe I'll just fuck off and play Diablo until Overwatch is out if this genre really is so irredeemable.
The solution here is more inhouses
The one thing bot matches taught me: Chen is a problem hero design wise for a lot of players, I've had 3-4 bot losses specfiically with him on the team.,and that's way more than with any other hero on free rotation.
Just a ballpark number for the most basic placement standard, which also happens to be a massive investment of trudging through BS IMO. The point is just to show how absurd it is, and that is even with a conservative number.I dunno where you keep getting this 200 matches thing. Maybe from us discussing it earlier and me referencing that?
I've never uploaded. I haven't played HL, it's just where my G3 friends play, or at least have thus far, but that will probably change if they can only duo at most.Either way 200 matches isn't a guarantee of anything even if you are working hard to improve. At the risk of more qq about cyberstalking, your hotdogs says you are Gold with 193 games played. I imagine you don't upload yourself or don't upload anymore because I'm fairly certain you've played more QM than that, and you've referenced HL and it's not even listed.
That's the thing, I don't think I am really good or anything. If I were really good the constant 2v1 situations I'm forced to hold because my shitty team doesn't understand balance and can't even make progress on free lanes wouldn't bother me so much. I just want basic comprehension of the game among my team.If you are better than that skill bracket you will go up though. If you are as appreciably better as you seem to think, you will go up quickly.
I don't know why you constantly take these things out of context. I have never given up on a team until they have thoroughly disregarded the game themselves. I don't just see a bad play and assume. My "giving up" is a policy I have taken on that I'm not going to try and hold up a game that others have thoroughly demonstrated they won't. I'll only fight for a team that is fighting. I won't solo 1v4 or 1v5 defend a fort for a team that isn't coming to help me in the lane when I could counterpush. Same for getting objectives or stopping turn ins or whatever when I'm outpowered. It is indeed futile to make a futile effort that is so because you are left to yourself as the only person who has any sort of a mind for consequences. I will not be the sole arbiter of victory; partially because it is a team game, and partially because that means by it's design that I literally cannot be. It's a policy I took on AFTER dozens of games of struggling 100% to the bitter end for no reason because it's pointless if your team has no awareness or care and doesn't respond when you offer it to them.The game isn't holding you back or keeping you in any hell. You are holding you back. We've told you this time and again. You are so concerned with what everyone else is doing you aren't even focused on what you are doing. You've said before you'll mail it in early if someone does something stupid. You won't help lanes if they piss you off. You are talking about not wanting to give it 100%. If you aren't going to give it 100% every game, then what do you expect? LOL. FFS man. Read some of what you write.
I think so because they say so. They just do what they want and directly verbalize total apathy to any consequences. How many times have I repeated myself saying that I don't mind if players are unskilled if they are at least trying? What do you think I meant by that? And as I said the other week, this is not every single game, there are victories and "good losses" and in between, but the bad is common enough and bad enough to spoil the whole pursuit. And I have tried everything across the spectrum of "tone" to try and see what is most effective in swaying people. It seems far more dependent on them simply being willing people than however I particularly phrase things.You assume because they play badly or make stupid decisions or don't listen to your commands that they don't care? Maybe they just think you are wrong? Maybe you come across as brash or desperate?
As I said before. I have had plenty of "good losses" where it seemed perfectly well enough that we were simply outplayed. I can recognize my mistakes and learn from them. You don't hear me complaining about those because they are reasonable so they aren't of particular note, they are as the natural learning experience should be. But when I get games where it seems like the matching is just like "You know what? Fuck you. You get the antisocial garbage team from hell and your opposing team will actually work together" it is incredibly hard to have some pure view of only working on myself like that will make it all better. Rather, it just seems like the matching system is a pile of shit and you could have a world class pro in my spot and they'd get their asses handed to them all the same.All I know is you are the one here regularly having these issues and seeing no improvement. Others have these issues and these same shit games as well, but most realize the majority of the losses have more than one spot where it went wrong and you only ever seem to blame the randoms. If you don't want to take the time to step back and improve yourself and your play you can't go around complaining about others who "don't care" as what you are doing is the definition of not caring - particularly when there's nothing in the world you can do to fix the others so fixing yourself is the only recourse.
Gotta have Yoshichan, Zafir, or someone from EU GAF do the commentary. The accents make the game.
I have never given up on a team until they have thoroughly disregarded the game themselves. I don't just see a bad play and assume. My "giving up" is a policy I have taken on that I'm not going to try and hold up a game that others have thoroughly demonstrated they won't. I'll only fight for a team that is fighting. I won't solo 1v4 or 1v5 defend a fort for a team that isn't coming to help me in the lane when I could counterpush. Same for getting objectives or stopping turn ins or whatever when I'm outpowered. It is indeed futile to make a futile effort that is so because you are left to yourself as the only person who has any sort of a mind for consequences. I will not be the sole arbiter of victory; partially because it is a team game, and partially because that means by it's design that I literally cannot be. It's a policy I took on AFTER dozens of games of struggling 100% to the bitter end for no reason because it's pointless if your team has no awareness or care and doesn't respond when you offer it to them.
Since we're on the topic of Vs AI games...
They can get really strange when you're the only human player.
Me and Zafir collab! THE HYPE IS REAL!
Wait, you play in total AI games where you are the only human and it's AI vs AI? I've never done that, didn't even know you could, LOL!
AI vs AI is truth. Games are shorter on avg due to lack of feeding
Yeah, and if you're the only human player, you can actually pause the game by bringing up the menu.
Do you get the same XP as a human vs AI game? Still 10g per win? I think I'll try this out tonight out of pure curiosity.....
Do you get the same XP as a human vs AI game? Still 10g per win? I think I'll try this out tonight out of pure curiosity.....
Yup. Yup. Lack of stress is fantastic for koing dailies.Do you get the same XP as a human vs AI game? Still 10g per win? I think I'll try this out tonight out of pure curiosity.....
Out of curiosity, anyone playing HoTS on a MacBook Pro? I have one from a couple of years ago that I play on. I was kind of hoping it would be able to handle this game on high settings, but when I tried it gave me serious frame rate issues.
I have a 2013 MBP with the following stats that handles it pretty well:
Yup. Yup. Lack of stress is fantastic for koing dailies.
Me and Zafir collab! THE HYPE IS REAL!
I'm not so sure about that but /hype ;DThe new Tastosis for sure.
I'm not so sure about that but /hype ;D
We should definitely do some inhouses though. Maybe even do a cross region one when the PTS is up.
Dont really get the playing like lol comment unless yall are talking about not understanding how soaking works or sitting in lane until structures go down but that's not lol specific. Lol players should easily transition due to how objective heavy lol is
LoL's systems let you treat it as 5 solo games that aren't interacting very much, and it emphasizes laning to a degree HOTS doesn't. Laynor is the end result- thinks he's doing a good job because he's keeping his lane pushed out and that everyone else just needs to worry about their own shit.Oh i didnt mean you specifically, just that the sentiment seems to generally be accepted in da thread
Don't believe the haters, Rexxar is a lot of fun. Very micro intensive warrior. You don't have a lot of nuking power, but the moving speed on attack talent allows you to chase anyone effectively.
Brian u run Adblock on gaf??
But to me that's a fundamental misunderstanding of hots mechanics rather than a wholesale import from league or dota (like if you think about the purpose of being in lane, last hitting for gold vs. soaking exp they are just different mechanics for the same purpose). Like i dont think ppl are gonna be like "thats how it works in league tho" u know?
That's the second time in two days I've heard this mention of me streaming. Where are you guys getting this???
Yeah chen is really for specific ideal situations and needs a lot of help to do what hes supposed to do
But what about the potential for drunk McIntyre casting of GAF games?Just don't mod turdburger that guys a douche
He'll annoy me until I give out all my insider knowledge