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Heroes of the Storm |OT| Pretty sure that Abathur is AFK

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Watched most of the championships this weekend but Game 5 of TS vs C9 was definitely my favorite. BHB is my favorite map and C9 picked my 2 favorite picks on this map _and_ my favorite builds for each hero.

Muradin with Stormbolt Buff Build is so awesome; 1 shots coin camps late game and he's just a force to be reckoned with vs casters with this build.

Jaina with the Shotgun build is so much fun; you get insane camp soloing ability, awesome survivability and really good burst damage without having to get in close range.

Most of all I was happy to see C9 take a major championship off of TS. Back when TS and Glaurung broke up it was strange to see them take such little time in filling their roster spot. Zuna is ok, but he seems by far to be the weakest link on TS and it's unfortunate that it was mostly his overextension that cost them a shot at the title. I would not be surprised to see TS replace him by next Blizzcon.


So what if they added non-ranked HL draft style where you can have mirror match ups and the weekly free heroes are allowed to be picked?

you think that would make people who want to play with 3/4 stacks in draft mode happy?


So what if they added non-ranked HL draft style where you can have mirror match ups and the weekly free heroes are allowed to be picked?

you think that would make people who want to play with 3/4 stacks in draft mode happy?
I don't think you let mirrors happen (gotta start taking the training wheels off somehow) but it's definitely something that needs to be implemented, and Browder's said it's planned but no ETA. The lack of it is causing noticeable pollution in HL, and it gives those 3-4 stacks somewhere to go.


I don't think you let mirrors happen (gotta start taking the training wheels off somehow) but it's definitely something that needs to be implemented, and Browder's said it's planned but no ETA. The lack of it is causing noticeable pollution in HL, and it gives those 3-4 stacks somewhere to go.

you have to allow mirrors or you're gonna need to force people to own a bunch of heroes.... and then it's just hero league.


you have to allow mirrors or you're gonna need to force people to own a bunch of heroes.... and then it's just hero league.
10 isn't a lot, especially with free rotations allowed. A few 2Ks and you're set. HL will be going up to at least 14.

It's not hero league because you're keeping the people who don't want to be in a ranked mode out of the ranked mode. This is important, because those people shit up games.


10 is alot more then 0, and people aren't playing HL for the ranking.
Minimum 6K if you need 3, 20-30K if 10.

That's less than the total amount of free gold available for levelling up + L5s.

The only way not to have that many heroes by the time you start drafting is if you're buying mounts with your money. It's a complete non-issue.



I'm talking about an unranked draft mode: no level requirement, no # of heroes owned requirement, no limit on party size. Literally just QM with drafting. That way people can stack with 3/4 and still play a draft without causing any issue.



I'm talking about an unranked draft mode: no level requirement, no # of heroes owned requirement, no limit on party size. Literally just QM with drafting. That way people can stack with 3/4 and still play a draft without causing any issue.
So am I.

With SEVEN FREE HEROES each week, you literally have to not spend any money at all in order to not be able to play. You have to be so incredibly stingy, as to not spend any fake gold money, even on the 2K heroes each week.

There is no person, aside from a brand new player, that this will affect. This player likely won't have access to QD anyway, because they'll be level-walled from it.


I don't get it.

are you saying draft mode shouldn't be free?
StarCraft Raynor
Diablo (franchise) Valla
Warcraft E.T.C.
Warcraft Muradin
Warcraft Li Li
Warcraft Malfurion
These are your 2K heroes.

In order for this person who owns all 6 to not be able to play QD, blizzard would have to put 4+ of them into the free rotation. I don't think Blizzard even does that right now.

All you need is 3 for QD the vast majority of the time.


ok so I think i get it now. You're just saying that the way the free hero rotation works means that most of the time you'd only have to own 3 heroes in order to play unranked draft without having to allow mirror match ups. right?

But it's a little more complicated then that because it's gotta be 10 players who each have at least 3 heroes who aren't in the free rotation AND are all lvl 15 in order to get the full 7 to choose from AND somehow have two full team comps that make sense out of that limited hero pool with no mirrors. The whole thing completely falls apart when uther is the only support in free rotation.

Just let mirrors in because who gives a shit it's unranked, and the requirement is so low already might aswell just make it zero.

then you also solve a bunch of complaints all at once:

Can't play draft mode with my friends
Can't play draft mode with out spending money
Can't play draft mode until I'm high enough level
Game is pay to win because whoever owns the most heroes can make the best draft
I don't want to play ranked because i'm nervous, but I still want to play draft mode because QM sucks.
people are ruining my rank by doing daily quests in HL

easy answer: draft mode for everyone

it's basically just all pick except you take turns picking. (if you're familiar with dota)
They could even make it blind pick (that's a league thing) by hiding the enemy teams draft, even better!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
i am so fucking bored


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Gazlowe (level 12)
Kharazim (level 15)


Yoshi will also tell you not to get Muradin so I don't know how trustworthy his words are.

We'll have to ask Alur about that; might have experience in that area.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
There's a difference between buying a (cheap) character, KNOWING that he's a solid tank (Muradin) - compared to Rexxar, in which you THINK that he'll play as a "ranged tank" but just ends up being nothing more than a creep-depusher and camp-demolisher ala Gazlowe.

There's a reason why my 'list' isn't a list based on how good the character, but rather how fun s/he's been playing as from 0-10. Muradin just wasn't my cup of tea, and is that really that much of a big deal? Let's please not forget that I have 28 lvl 10 characters and only one of the 28 falls into the utter shit category (hint, my next character that I'm leveling is in the same category as Muradin). That's not bad at all.


Random thoughts about the Americas finals:
- Man, C9 loves their Tyrande. On BHB, that owl interruption on TS' Rehgar turning in ~14 coins near the end was beautiful. I'm not sure how much it would've mattered at that point but the denial and frustration certainly didn't help TS!

- C9 Fan on Aba on DS > TS on Aba on BHB. Fan sniping the top shrine on DS repeatedly, while using bush mines to scout TS' Leo's position was well played.

- C9 Dreadnaught (?) on Rehgar missed some big Ancestrals, especially on BoE. I don't think it was on CD and in some cases the target wasn't even bursted down but he waited too long...maybe he thought the target could get away without burning his CD? Losing Joh when your bottom keep is getting pushed is rough. Yes, Milly I know I'm one to talk about Rehgar plays lol.

- Oh, Zuna... His games on Butcher and Leoric were a gross blend of his aggro/over-extension, bad positioning and probably being on tilt, and C9 capitalizing on the above and rightly focusing him down. Not a finals-worthy performance...

- While both teams often ran two warriors, there was a surprising lack of peel for their assassins in many team fights.

- Sonyas and Arthas' everywhere! I've been playing a lot of Arthas lately, having previously underestimated him, and like what I see. He has some solid sustain and CC.

- I'm glad C9 finally managed to topple the reigning TS with their 45-1 run. Buuut, I wouldnt have complained if TS won on DS and Tyrael's Charger went on sale! Are mounts even included in the sale promo for the winning team?

- Uther OP


I haven't logged in for a month, should I get Rexxar?

I found Rexxar extremely fun to play, definitely a different flavor than other heroes. The QM matchmaking curse, the bugs at his launch, and my own noobness on him held me back, but I enjoyed it.

I pretty much never play more than 10 or 15 QM/HL games (I just AI with that hero after that unless we are just going yolo) on anything I don't win or do well with on my main account, though, so my experience with Rexxar includes only about 12 QM games and the rest AI. My recommendation would be if you solo a lot then I wouldn't get any warrior other than Leoric. You rely so much on your team in that role and IMO it's the hardest of the 3 main roles to perform well. Leoric is the exception because he can "carry" to whatever degree you can carry in HOTS. Rexxar as a solo warrior is definitely not a fun time if they ignore your bear, and people seem to have learned quickly to go for Rexxar and not the bear.

Ketch (among others) definitely enjoyed him more than most anyone and wrote up a ton of posts about him if you're looking for some deeper perspective.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Do you mostly play Versus AI or Quickmatch Yoshi? Just wondering where most of your experience in game lies.

QM, transitioning into HL fully in October.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
wat holy shit the hype


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Blizzcon 2015 mount confirmed then (the kodo, back left)

From Heroes of The Storm Twitter:

Youtube video with in development heroes/skins/mounts


"We’ve been working on some exciting new Heroes, Skins, and Mounts. We’re thrilled to be able to give you a sneak peek at a few things that are currently in development, including Lt. Morales and Artanis!"

my Wallet just committed suicide.

Medic alternate skin is the best since Steampunk KT and it's even better than that, Artanis basic looks amazing, I assume the Nexus Beast is the Blizzcon reward.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Marshal Raynor, Buccaneer Falstad, and Vulture are awesome. I can pass on the rest.


Dat Blizzcon Kodo to match my other Blizzcon mount.

It was always a shame kodo wasn't any good. This one is better.

Can't watch the rest yet.


The Apothecary skin...

Marshall Raynor is boss. Been waiting on something like the Vulture for a mount for some time.

Lots of great looking stuff.

I do question how many more variants we can get on these chargers, doe. Headless Horseman's was kind of a given if they did something for Halloween, but now Raynor gets his own charger too? They must sell those hero + mount + skin bundles even better than I assumed.
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