yeah i hope im surprised, would love to see stitches picked
I dunno if I can categorize what I think are uninteresting mechanics, uhh like I think multishot is really awful, but I think it's great w/ the talents
sometimes it's a synergy thing, I do think chain lightning is like...ok so he has chain lightning...
but at the same time I like psi storm (maybe because I played starcraft?) which is kind of similar to those things, maybe because of the visual?
oo I'm gonna say it probably has to do with kit interaction tho (w/ aesthetics mixed in), slam, bw q, and firestomp fit in weird to me. like hooking someone in and then being like ok what do I do, guess I'll slam the ground, or yea bro I just slammed u into a wall and chokeslammed u, time to stomp the yard are all really simplistic interactions imo, a lot of it has to do with how they don't do anything besides put a bit of damage down I guess. I have no idea why bw has q as a spell, feel like a suggestive pollen dmg skillshot w/ cc/buff would make sense, I just don't understand why it's there outside of some lore I might be missing
when I found out that diablo could spend a talent point so he could make the flames COME BACK....cmon.... (can't even press w again to control it)
edit: after looking at the numbers some more, the buffs to diablo and chen also look pretty decent. Full souls diablo at 20 should now be 7.8k hp, and a chen going block at 4 can have 25% reduced ability damage and dodge 100% of a basic attack every once every four seconds. maybe he'll be strong in the current meta vs sonya, raynor, jaina.
also the medic talents look fucking rediculous.
edit: Whoa heroes nexus has artanis abilities and talents already too.. have you guys seen this:
yeah I feel like chen buffs = will see chen in a lot of games, but I dunno how many pros play chen outside of eu (feel like I've seen it a bunch in asia but I could be projecting). dunno about diablo, would put muradin as "premier gank warrior", but I loved diablo in etc/diablo meta
uhhh I'm super hype for artanis right now, I had no idea he was the "Hierarch of the Daelaam" or that there was a thing called the Spear of Adun, like if I knew sc2 was all bout this kind of hokiness and penis jokes I would have picked it up immediately