To me medic is fine atm, w/ medivac needing a fix
I don't know, yesterday I had a game on Cursed Hollow and that felt OP on that map.
Brightwang is alive and well, boizzzz.
Brightwang is alive and well, boizzzz.
Sylvanus, Nazeepo, and every other fluff damage/healing character saiz hai
Dat QM matchmaking...![]()
Dat QM matchmaking...
how will this game run on my new mac book air? its 13" model 4gb ram. really interested in giving it a try.
Starter pack was 16.99 with the bestbuy gamers club discount. It comes with Zagara, Sonya, Li Li, Jaina, and Zeratul. Sonya and Li Li are a lot of fun, havent tried the others out yet. I'll PM you my battletag. I usually play from 7pm est to 10pm.
should be good to go
i'm running it on a 2013 13'' rMBP, 720p and high textures and i get a smooth framerate. it's really polished and well-optimized.
feel free to PM me your battletag if you want to dive in. i'm new to the game but enjoying it a lot.
played all those characters out in Try mode - seems like a good deal. i'll pick that up tmrw
added you on, btw
So basically whichever team gets Butcher + Abathur + Morales right now wins. I see myself taking a break for a while.
edit: talking about Quick Match here
Wait wait waaaaiiiit.I was saving up 15k for Medic (I'm actually pretty close) but I might just wait until the two weeks are up.
Should I bite now or wait for a buff?
I was saving up 15k for Medic (I'm actually pretty close) but I might just wait until the two weeks are up.
Should I bite now or wait for a buff?
Wait wait waaaaiiiit.
That's up to how much you like to support. She's definitely got a different play style but I find her very fun to play and have had good success with her. She's definitely high risk compared to the other supports. And as the thread has detailed, you'd be much better off playing her in a party than solo due to how comp can really hurt her right now.
I wouldn't hold off waiting on a buff. As some have outlined above and on reddit, there's plenty reasons why she might not get one even though it may seem like she needs it. She could be buffed in the next patch or not at all in the next three.
I would hold off another week and a half and only play 10k for her, though, or because you can get better value for your gold elsewhere.
If you paid 15k you could buy Uther + Brightwing or Uther + Rehgar instead, or Kharazim + Lili + Malf and have gold leftover, etc etc and several other combinations. Way more bang for your proverbial "buck" if you like support.
Thanks for the feedback guys!
I'll think things through before buying her for 15k. I love supporting, and to be honest it's probably better to expand my pool than just go for Lt Morales
Thanks for the feedback guys!
I'll think things through before buying her for 15k. I love supporting, and to be honest it's probably better to expand my pool than just go for Lt Morales
Who gives a shit about this guys opinion?Former Riot employee comments on Hero balance...
I feel like this is gonna go places.
Some days ago we had a lose on Sky Temple but i dont know why frankly, we just had to secure one temple to win.
We were two on the temple, the temple was firing for us and then one ennemy sonya leap on us stunning us, the temple continued firing for us two shots and then stops all of a sudden, despite the two of us never leaving the center of the shrine.
So if someone can enlighten me because I believe i do not understand how cap and decap work on the shrine.
Was an enemy stealth hero possibly standing on the shrine?
When i watched the replay it seemed not, i canno rewatch now game tells me my Hots version cannot play it. But in light of what you are asking me, does it mean that : if the shrine is capped and we are two on it, then two ennemies come in, the shrine will be neutralized ?
Who gives a shit about this guys opinion?
*I wrote "supposedly", because I don't think her identity is confirmed,Please keep in mind this isn't how we balanced Champions either. It was Guinsoo or someone important would approach you & be like, "Hey. So I'm gonna give you 2 weeks with this champion, Annie. She's doing really bad. So get back to me in 10 days & let me know what you think, and I'd go over mass statistics for all skill levels, solo queue, team queues, tournament play, basically everything, and would decide what to change that would effect the bracket it needed a buff in while not making it too strong or weak in the other brackets. This was just a fast write up I did so you can see specifically why certain Heroes are way too strong or weak and what can be done to fix them(Yes other stuff might be wrong with them too, but these are the safest things to balance that need to be addressed)
I think that is correct.There only needs to be one enemy
brian > Oh well good to know. I don't know how i did not understand this earlier...
For the two posts above me, yes QM sucks today for me too, shitty Nova everywhere... i think i'm doomed and i will stay in this 2400-2600 QM MMR range forever (maybe it's my true lvl, but with all the morales dying with terrible positioning and novas missing all their Q spell, i need my friends back ).
HotS getting 3 panels at BlizzCon
Heroes of the Storm: Hero Design (Friday, 1 hour, Main Stage)
Join the Heroes of the Storm development team to take a closer look at all the new Heroes coming to the Nexus.
Heroes of the Storm: State of the Game (Saturday, 1 hour, Panel)
The Heroes of the Storm development team discusses how the game has evolved and where it is going next, including upcoming changes for heroes, battlegrounds, and talents.
Heroes of the Storm: Battlegrounds (Saturday, 1 hour, Main Stage)
Journey in the battlegrounds of the Nexus with an in-depth look at the new locations and objectives you'll conquer in Heroes of the Storm.