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Heroes of the Storm |OT| Pretty sure that Abathur is AFK

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jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
anyone have a preferred build/guide for Jaina?

as expected, the hardest AI has become very easy and i am ready to jump into QM

before i do, i want to shore up my knowledge on the character i plan on playing there


anyone have a preferred build/guide for Jaina?

as expected, the hardest AI has become very easy and i am ready to jump into QM

before i do, i want to shore up my knowledge on the character i plan on playing there

You have a couple of options depending on the map and play style you prefer with Jaina; she is one of the most balanced in terms of talents which makes it a bit harder to choose but maps definitely help narrow down the viability. My favorite is the following:

Shotgun Jaina

Great on Blackhearts Bay, Dragon Shire, Tomb of the Spider Queen and Haunted Mines



1. Winter's Reach
Extra range on your Q is great for poke/retreat.

4. Frost Shards
Great for soloing mercs and escaping multiple pursuing enemy heroes.

7. Ice Lance
The primary contributor to the "shotgun" portion of the build, allows you to continually fire your Q for nice sustained crits on chilled targets.

10. Water Elemental
An extra reliable source of chill on a target so your Q can continue to have a low cooldown.

13. Ice Block
Situational, but it's a tossup between Iceblock and Icy Veins; if you're super far ahead and have great peels IV can really up your dps but I lean towards Iceblock for more reliable self peel.

16. Numbing Blast
A root on top of slows is just icing on the cake in terms of adding to Jaina's already CC heavy kit. You can swap in Northern Exposure if you're ahead and/or have reliable peel on your frontline.

20. Bolt of the Storm
Bolt is just too good to pass up; allows aggressive positioning for securing kills and an escape if you get in trouble. Iceblock, cancel, bolt is a great way to get out of harms way if something goes wrong.


Q build is great against melee heavy teams

Standard jaina is
slow increase
w width
more chill dmg
Ice block

Lots of choices you can make like envenom at 4, frost armor at 7, %dmg at 16


I could have sworn they took away the Water Elemental's chill effect in a recent patch, but I guess not.

They reduced the initial splash damage and chill when you summoned the elemental but it still chills when it casts waterbolt at an enemy.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
great, thanks guys! will give that a whirl after work

i was using her other R so i'm interested in seeing how the elemental works


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
stupid thread on Gaming got me all excited about Overwatch open beta on oct 27th but its not open beta at all >_>


Of course it's not open beta yet. That would've been a hell of a surprise. Looks like it's gonna be just like HOTS Alpha as far as getting in. Good luck kids.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Of course it's not open beta yet. That would've been a hell of a surprise. Looks like it's gonna be just like HOTS Alpha as far as getting in. Good luck kids.

pretty much. I still got excited for a minute tho, like a noob


well, reminder that people who had a virtual blizzcon ticket on their account last year got priority access to the Legacy of the Void beta this year. wouldn't be surprised if they do a similar thing with this beta, so if you really want to improve your chances..


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
well, reminder that people who had a virtual blizzcon ticket on their account last year got priority access to the Legacy of the Void beta this year. wouldn't be surprised if they do a similar thing with this beta, so if you really want to improve your chances..



MM as far as comps go has been atrocious since the patch due to so many warriors and support queuing. Other than that, things seem the same for better or worse.

I can't jive with some of that 10,000 word essay of Srey's, though. Most of his complaints, while valid, are simply the downside of having MMR so much higher than everyone else in each mode. There's just not enough players around at his range to make the games he wants. The ones that are at that skill level all only play on pro teams/scrims and don't play the game casually anymore, or play only a limited amount versus how they did before much like our discussion about burnout the other day. I do agree they should remove the 360 limit (at the very least at a certain MMR threshold), but again, I just don't think there are enough players to support their end of the bracket. That's a side effect of him being really good, and also the fact that he spams FOTM heroes (as do a lot of the other top leaderboard players) that help inflate that MMR even higher and makes the issue even worse. Could Blizzard incentivize the game better for these people? Most definitely. But I don't think the matchmaking is the issue...if the players were there, they'd be paired to gether. Unfortunately, they've all bailed here in NA for one reason or another (more on that below).

That's the sad reality of it and not much Blizzard can do to fix it for folks like him and Fan and McIntyre and whoever else is up there above the 4k MMR plateau. There is a ton they can do to make it better for the rest of us, though.

Srey says pro players would come back to Hero League if they were matched better, but I doubt it. That's simply an NA thing through and through. EU and Korean pro players are still playing HL in spite of his complaints (that they should also be seeing). Since they kept playing, the games are less shitty cause there's more to matchmake from. It's kind of like bitching about how you don't have any money when you won't get a job...there's no one at 4K MMR plus in the queue because they got bored with it after rank 1 and the issue exacerbated from there.

Theoretically Grandmaster will fix that for some folks (and hopefully it will come soon) but this very issue he's referencing is another offshoot of why NA teams always fall short in these games and why we have so many less teams that are competitive in HOTS compared to other regions in particular...all we care about is winning, and as soon as it's too easy or too hard we do something else because #1 is the only goal. This has been discussed on Town Hall Heroes multiple times regarding the small number of NA HOTS teams vs EU and the like. It's a real thing with our gaming culture. I don't see any kind of change that would get these dudes back in here with the same regularity of other regions because those regions have a completely different mentality when it comes to approaching the game (aka, they still play it for fun even after the scrims are over).


also the fact that he spams FOTM heroes (as do a lot of the other top leaderboard players) that help inflate that MMR even higher and makes the issue even worse.
I'm gonna call you out here- this is exactly what you SHOULD be doing as a good player. Abuse the OP shit. You imply this is a bad thing- it's not at all.

The US and EU/Korea also have other issues going on as well (the US being incredibly spread out is definitely part of it.)


I'm gonna call you out here- this is exactly what you SHOULD be doing as a good player. Abuse the OP shit. You imply this is a bad thing- it's not at all.

The US and EU/Korea also have other issues going on as well (the US being incredibly spread out is definitely part of it.)

I'm not saying this is a bad thing at all. I said it exacerbates the issue, which it does.

There's a reason I had a 65% win percentage with Rehgar during the Rehgar/Illidan heyday. There's a reason Milly79 had a 78.6% winrate with Anub'arak during his god tier patch. There's a reason Protonium has a 70.4% winrate with Brightwing pre-nerf. We wanted to win and were already good with those heroes, so hell yeah we abused em. We are all ~3k MMR players, not even near the level of Srey. It still gave us boosts in our MMR that we probably shouldn't have had, though, just like Srey spamming Sonya right now does for him.

I'm saying he's sort of shitting in one hand and wishing in the other, and he's finding out quickly which one fills up faster. The higher he goes, the games will get even more terrible, not better...yet he will continue to utilize the heroes that let him get higher (and still bitch on reddit about it). And Blizzard can do nothing for him except incentivize with Grandmaster or in game gadgets because it's not the matchmakers fault that these other 4-4.5k MMR players don't play as much as he does.

EDIT: I'm sympathetic to the issue of bad matchmaking that the majority of us still experience regularly at lower levels and occasionally at mid levels. Just not sympathetic to his version of it because there's a good portion of it that is of those players' own making and not Blizzard's.

He's a pro player?

No, he's not a pro. Think he may have been on a team or a fill in a time or two, but he's not been affiliated for some time at least.


He's a pro player?
Where else are you going to recruit them from if not the top of the leaderboards with people who want to win at all costs?

Ah gotcha. The way you worded it kind of read as shifting the "blame" to him for getting his MMR higher even though that wasn't your intent.

This is one of the reasons Leagues are important - it helps at create a floor for matchmaking.
Where else are you going to recruit them from if not the top of the leaderboards with people who want to win at all costs?

Ah gotcha. The way you worded it kind of read as shifting the "blame" to him for getting his MMR higher even though that wasn't your intent.

Of course they look at leaderboards but unless he wants to make a career he could play any hero he wants it wouldn't diminish his ability and make him a worse player (except if he picks like Diablo or whatever is shit atm)

Playing FOTM is a choice, unless something is so broken you have to pick it so you don't face it.


Of course they look at leaderboards but unless he wants to make a career he could play any hero he wants it wouldn't diminish his ability and make him a worse player (except if he picks like Diablo or whatever is shit atm)

Playing FOTM is a choice, unless something is so broken you have to pick it so you don't face it.
But it does make you a worse player. If you're intentionally bringing a knife to a gunfight, that's not a good trait.


Well I do think part of it is his own fault. He does keep going higher in MMR by spamming OP heroes, making the players he's matched with (theoretically) even lower MMR to even things out.

I am sure it's frustrating for him, but as he said he's still winning 70% of his games and shows no signs of stopping his FOTM spamming so...I dunno what to say lol. I think most of us would love to have a few weeks winning 70% of our games regardless of how it happened. Then if we kept playing OP heroes on top of that (making the stomps even harder), it's hard for me to feel sympathy for that.

His gripe IMO should be with his fellow elite players and why they won't play and what Blizzard can do to get them to play is my point I guess.

It's a legit complaint that the incentive past rank 1 is zilch...even less so now that you can lose it so easily.

It's also a legit complaint that the leaderboard is a text post on the website or a 3rd party tracker.

I just feel like based on all the reddit hotdogs studies and majority of games we've seen on hotdogs above platinum that if the players were there, the matchmaking would make him a much tighter window of MMR so that the games wouldn't be nearly as bad...they just aren't. Some of that is on Blizz, some of that is on our mentality in NA versus other areas.

EDIT: BTW I'm referencing him spamming strong/OP heroes based on what I saw on McIntyre's stream. Mac was studying his games to see how he was maintaining #1 on the leaderboard and if he could catch him, and Srey is only playing Sonya 80% and Jaina 20% of the time recently.


Take the Illidan trap we saw in the road to Blizzcon games- he's a monster in games where there's a massive skill gap. But we saw repeatedly as soon as teams started facing teams that were on their level that those comps fell apart. If there's a massive skill gap, just about anything will work. (Hi, C9 Murky!) If there's a small or nonexistent one, those edges get very important.


I agree with kirblar on that. There's a reason Uther is so contested right now and Rehgar isn't, for example, at least when we're talking about competitive. Just like you'd rather have Raynor than Falstad, or Jo and Leoric versus the old tanks last patch. I do think at our level it's not nearly as big of a deal if that's what you're saying Familie. None of us have the level of expertise with anything to truly maximize like pros so yeah the gap is smaller.

On the other topic, I'm glad dude made the post. Browder read it. I think they've got something for us at Blizzcon. What it is I don't know, but I'm sure we'll hear about some changes being implemented and maybe Grandmaster. Will it be enough?
hint: it's never enough

EDIT: also non ranked draft mode plzkthx


I believe that sreys post is mainly about post 360 mm, i think i read that somewhere

I have personally had 1 support vs. no support pre-6 min games but it's really not a big deal at all to me, i feel like i can trace any qm mm woes i have to me grouping up w/ diff mmrs and qm mm style being wack in general (free normal draft end the police state)


I think there's only so much you can do to fix QM comps until you put sub-roles into the game so you can differentiate Sonya/Artanis from the tanks and Tass/Ty from the healers.


Sreyz's criticisms definitely appear to have made an impact:



im not too into what they did to tassadar now that ive played it a bit

like I've always wanted healing to be less strong rather than tass/tyrande being altered to fit that kind of support heal gimmick design, or like, to have supports reach a more warrior-ish specific use value type of situations (well pre-leoric/jo it was more like that), like tyrael totally fit what I thought a support could be for example

but instead they just jack up tass's numbers to the point where he's problematic, not in a playstyle way but in a too good in every situation way. same w/ tyrande to a lesser extent

his winrate still low which is funny tho, but wouldn't be surprised at all if it skyrocketed in like 2 weeks, because you don't need any nuance to play him at all atm
prtty hype to see pick/ban in this patch w/ sonya tass illidan uther in the mix


like I've always wanted healing to be less strong rather than tass/tyrande being altered to fit that kind of support heal gimmick design

yes exactly this. it bums me out thinking that from now on every support is gonna have to fit into a solo support role. I really wish they would have made a distinction between support and healer at the very least.

Would have been really cool to have niche supports focused solely on buffs or disables or vision... kind of like tass and tyrande. rip.

also solo support tyrande in pubs is still a major liability.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
woah blizz listened kind of


holy shit is hammer slow

they should buff her base move speed or give her the thing like falstad where if you're not in combat for certain amount of time you get a little boost.

like even dk shrine took forever to get from one spot to another.
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