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Heroes of the Storm |OT| Pretty sure that Abathur is AFK

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holy shit is hammer slow

they should buff her base move speed or give her the thing like falstad where if you're not in combat for certain amount of time you get a little boost.

like even dk shrine took forever to get from one spot to another.

Her Z is an MS boost, but it's not great. What do you expect, though, she's a tank.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
holy shit is hammer slow

they should buff her base move speed or give her the thing like falstad where if you're not in combat for certain amount of time you get a little boost.

like even dk shrine took forever to get from one spot to another.

It balances her though, if she was faster she would be super imbalanced. Hammer is in a pretty good spot balance wise right now, still one of my favorite heroes to play. Planning for positioning and traversing are important parts of playing her effectively.
It balances her though, if she was faster she would be super imbalanced. Hammer is in a pretty good spot balance wise right now, still one of my favorite heroes to play. Planning for positioning and traversing are important parts of playing her effectively.

not really since it would be an out of combat thing and she has to become immobile to deal damage effectively

Hammer sucks right now. unplayable on multiple maps due to the issues ketch brought up. if they hadnt buffed her last patch she'd be Gazlowe tier.

Which I'm fine with. That hero is anti-fun


Hammer is just fine- being good on specific maps and not others is A-Ok when she has a design that's miserable if it's top tier.


not really since it would be an out of combat thing and she has to become immobile to deal damage effectively

Hammer sucks right now. unplayable on multiple maps due to the issues ketch brought up. if they hadnt buffed her last patch she'd be Gazlowe tier.

Which I'm fine with. That hero is anti-fun

Hammer is just fine- being good on specific maps and not others is A-Ok when she has a design that's miserable if it's top tier.

I agree with what both of you are saying.

I don't think she's anti-fun tho, no more then raynor. And I think even on a map she's good at (dk shrine) her move speed still feels super shitty when you play her.

I am 100% for heroes that are strong in specific situations I just dont think a little quality of life for the hero changes anything except making her less painful to play.


I want a permanent move speed buff for Marky. And KT needs to stand up even straighter while walking. These things would make the game better IMO. /s


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I want a permanent move speed buff for Marky. And KT needs to stand up even straighter while walking. These things would make the game better IMO. /s

how does a gaem become bettar than 10/10 tho


I hope the single player explains why hammer is miniscule compared to the giant raynor, or was that explained in sc2 my bad


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I hope the single player explains why hammer is miniscule compared to the giant raynor, or was that explained in sc2 my bad

nothing is explained in that gaem


For bettar improvements:

  • they should make TLV even more annoying to play against, maybe by halving the Play Again! cooldown and making deaths worth only .10.
  • Zagara's Hydralisk should last 10 seconds longer and have the extra range and damage from the 13 talent baked in because it's stupid you can go behind your wall or run away from it ya kno what i mean
  • Chen should be even fatter and be immune to CC while drinking. Panda Pals should go back to being instant cast because it was awesome.
  • Stitches' Hook cooldown should reset if you miss it because he's too hard 2 play and it should travel through minions cause I didn't mean to hook that fucking minion c'mon god dammit
  • Lili's Jugs should go back to being immune to CC and her movement speed boost when damaged should be buffed back to the original 20% instead of 10% so that she really becomes unkillable cause who doesn't love chasing that little panda across the whole fkin map
  • Illidan should get Invulnerability frames back and the silence he used to have baked back into his kit so that no squishies ever get away ever not even once.
  • Abathur's Ultimate Evolution should get the ability to use ultimates back so that when you get shit on in QM by a team with Abathur it feels even worse than it does already.
  • Finally, Gazlowe's explodium charge should be instant and the talents for faster charging Deth Lazer plus extra turrets should be baked into his base kit.

I feel confident that with these changes, HOTS will overtake Dota and Leeg and become the one moba to rule them all. This will make the game way more fun than worrying about shit like matchmaking, Grandmaster, and whatever kind of crappy UI enhancements they come up with. Also, let's all agree that no one cares about having the competitive scene integrated into the game or advertised in any way. We don't. Just give me my god damn Lili and Chen buffs.


how does a gaem become bettar than 10/10 tho

10/10 kinda low was thinkign 6.5/10
I miss Abathur's Ultimate Evolution having heroic abilities. That shit was insane when you'd clone Tychus and use Odin back when Odin had a separate health bar. You could YOLO so hard.


Haha, that was exactly the scenario I was referring to. <3

I miss Tychus having that second health bar. I feel like it'd be just fine right now.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
nice changes alur

try making this post on reddit, see if blizzard sees it


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I hope the single player explains why hammer is miniscule compared to the giant raynor,

LOL, I never thought of that, but wow she is tiny down in that tank! :D

And to hell with all of you Hammer haters, I find her playstyle extremely fun and challenging!

Although I do admit that Rexxar is quickly becoming my second favorite hero. I don't know where he fits in the meta but I always enjoy the hell out of every match win or lose when I play Rexxar. Even when Misha runs off on her own around a tower or bush leaving me all by myself, that bear is so endearing!


Rexxar is pretty cool, i tried him this week. Strong stun and can solo camps pretty easily, he seems really strong against particular types of comps, but not strong in a jo/leoric/mura way, and id probably prefer arthas or tyrael as secondary peely tanks, mebbe anub too.

His kit is pretty much completely packed into misha. Misha has a lot of utility w/ scouting with the fixate (lol) thing, i had trouble bodyblocking with her but ive only played rex like three times in ai so its on my end probably. The stun is really really great.

Really enjoy the state of warriors atm, 2 bad the meta isnt great for stitches tho


He would have been fine classified as a specialist imo, esp if they gave misha a demolition passive like in dota (tho obviously too strong in the current iteration)


yea he really doesn't make sense as a warrior. like at all.

pretty sure he was just classified that way for the novelty of having a "ranged warrior".


Well he has hp and cc and can draw aggro due to the dmg he can put out so it works that way too

What if there were no classifications tho


Maybe you were right all along and the warrior they changed to a specialist internally is Rexxar...but if so why not just do that before they released him since the comment came out before he was out?
Well finished watching THH while making Lasagne and I must say I'm starting to like the 2 pros per show thing, the rest could shut up though imo.

Never heard of Scylol before but the most interesting parts were when he and BKB were discussing something.


Maybe you were right all along and the warrior they changed to a specialist internally is Rexxar...but if so why not just do that before they released him since the comment came out before he was out?
I think Arthas still makes more sense, since he's been retooled to be more of a "Bruiser" than a MT nowadays.


I really enjoy Gazlowe's playstyle but his W just needs to be replaced. Even fully charged late in game it doesnt do that much damage. Wombo Combo with him is a lot of fun and its funny watching people forget about turrents and slowly dying.

He gets eaten alive by zera / nova if he's alone and going for merc camps though.


Well finished watching THH while making Lasagne and I must say I'm starting to like the 2 pros per show thing, the rest could shut up though imo.

Never heard of Scylol before but the most interesting parts were when he and BKB were discussing something.

I like the concept of the two pros, but I feel like it falls flat more often than it works so far. The one with Dunktrain and Glaurung and the one before this with Bakery and Schwimpi (sp?) are examples of that. Dunk and Schwimpi both hardly said shit in those two.

There's only been a few at this point to gauge I guess.

They can't be sure how each player will act and interact once on the show, though. It's kind of a crap shoot.


I caught a bit of it for the first time, yeh i have no idea why they have 3 hosts, and they host the same way they cast, w/ kind of really generalized info and set in stone misinformed/redditlike thoughts about the game. They interrupted the pros a bunch too, some of it was to move the conversation forward, but a lot of it was stopping the conversation right when it was getting interesting (really wanted to hear scylol talk about why hes a lot more afraid of illidan than sonya, and for bkb to talk about leap on sonya more, for example, but the hosts thought making incredulous noises was a better idea). Scylol also got a little into how he doesnt like the tass changes, but jake or cooby was just like, well i like it, and then they moved on lol.

Glad they do this show tho, hots owes a great deal to those 3
I like the concept of the two pros, but I feel like it falls flat more often than it works so far. The one with Dunktrain and Glaurung and the one before this with Bakery and Schwimpi (sp?) are examples of that. Dunk and Schwimpi both hardly said shit in those two.

There's only been a few at this point to gauge I guess.

They can't be sure how each player will act and interact once on the show, though. It's kind of a crap shoot.

Yeah the last couple weeks were pretty bad but this time they had 2 guys playing the same role on their teams. That made for common grounds to agree and disagree on.

What can Dunktrain and Glaurung really talk about, same with Bakery and Schwimpi.

Now if they brought on Dunk and Bakery with both of them being Supports or even better Dread and Bakery just so they can discuss Kharazim in detail, why they think he works in EU and Korea but not in NA. Whether they like the state of Uther and what they'd nerf to get him in line etc.

There's no rhyme nor reason on who they bring on and why.


The show is great for the game, but I've said before it could really do with some improvements if they want it to be the go to place for pro level discussion as the game grows.

Jake and Cooby are simply too similar. Sorry guys, I know you are best buds IRL but I find it very hard to tell you apart. If you are going to have 3 fixed hosts, you need to bring separate things to the table.

The discussion needs to have a more fixed agenda - they ramble too much. Organise the topics in advance, let the guests know so they can contribute well, go through that agenda. It's sometimes a bit too much like a frat house party.

They need to drop the in jokes - the comments last week about Rexxar were *infuriating* because I don't know what the hell they are talking about. The audience is wider than the actual pro teams themselves, we don't know all of this stuff.

They need to stop doing the INCREDIBLY infuriating thing where they don't properly discuss patch notes when the PTR goes up because "It's the PTR", and then when it goes live they don't fully go through them because "we talked about them last week on the PTR". Chose one and please stick with it - what you guys think of the patch and the changes is really cool content, but they short change it everytime. Blizzard don't make big balance changes from the PTR, it's for bug fixes, so just deal with the PTR when it goes live that week, don't wait. And also stop Zoya from dominating the discussion with shots fired (which to be fair to him he has gotten a lot better at recently).

Give the pro's more space to talk - it's a podcast aimed at the pro scene and e-sports, I'm more interested in what they want to say about the new patch than the hosts who don't play at that level .Sorry, I know that sounds rude, but I'd much rather hear Bakery's thoughts on supports than Jakes. Jakes a fab guy and I love his content, but he's the host not the guest.

Improve the podcast production - massively. Last week for some reason there was 5 minutes of garbage electronic music at the start of the podcast before it suddenly launched. It's the least professional podcast I've listened too, and it's a shame because there's a ton of good stuff in it, but you get the impression its just hastily flung up onto the store as an afterthought and I'm sure a large number of people consume the content through that.


the more I hear from/watch jake the more he seems so far up his own ass that it's funny.

I don't necessarily think this exactly, but I've hesitated to say something similar because it sort of seems like the tide has been turning on him in general lately.

It's superficial, sure, but my first issue with him and why he may not be the every-man he tries to portray began to stem from his streaming. He straight up dislikes playing with viewers or subs and doesn't do it very often. He's about on the same skill level as most of us, so it's not like he's having to play with super scrubs (or that it matters if he does). He doesn't have 1,000 - 2,000 viewers like chu8 or ZPs to contend with. His view counts are more like McIntyre's, and Mc is constantly playing with viewers and subs. I get some people just don't like doing it, but you can't present yourself as the affable face of the community and then deny them the one way they can interact with you outside of a LAN event.

Then there was the Schamtoo situation which I feel like was all on him. It's just weird. Weird vibes.

EDIT: I also feel like Cooby is the better of the twins at the job they do and would be way better if he had Jake's free time instead of an engineering job to work 40+ hours a week. I said it.

THH thoughts

Agree with pretty much all of this.

They infuriate the shit out of me by not talking about the patch notes in depth ever and that was one of the main things I liked about the show early on. "We don't have time" or "it's just PTR" or "We talked about it while it was on PTR even though we only glossed over it". Srsly guise, there's one fucking patch every 6 weeks. You can go a little long if need be. We want the depth.

I also feel that they need to be more focused on the topics at hand - and the topics need to be less generic as well. MVP Black gets knocked out and last week's pod just has a little bit on it? They couldn't research that more in depth than "MVP Black drafted like shit"? None of them? C'mon breh.


Nobody is doing in depth patch analysis, it's really frustrating. There's a pretty big gap there just waiting for somebody to step up with a "first impressions" video every time a patch drops. Go through identify the big changes, why they're big... Actually take the time and do the fast math. I want to know that the new Tass shield is gonna be 1500 shields at lvl 20 or whatever it is. And then I want to know how that changes the game. The kind of stuff we talk about in the thread but all condensed down into one video from somebody who actually knows.


Nobody is doing in depth patch analysis, it's really frustrating. There's a pretty big gap there just waiting for somebody to step up with a "first impressions" video every time a patch drops. Go through identify the big changes, why they're big... Actually take the time and do the fast math. I want to know that the new Tass shield is gonna be 1500 shields at lvl 20 or whatever it is. And then I want to know how that changes the game. The kind of stuff we talk about in the thread but all condensed down into one video from somebody who actually knows.

I was thinking the same thing and might try it myself. I'm not as much of an expert as I'd like to be yet though. So until then I probably won't.


Just gonna have to start the GAF HOTScast bois.

kirblar and brian! dropping dem knowledge nugs, Familie and Maledict showing dat EU love, Ketch and Milly79 can be the guest pro analysts. Me and Yoshichan can provide comic relief.

Why isn't this already happening?

EDIT: In reality, it is amazing. There's a legit fan base out there waiting for this very thing but no one is stepping up. Someone could really get a following going due to the thirst.


Do they even do well at patch analysis, i feel like they in general dont understand the game very well. Zoia can give scrim insight, like whats working and stuff, but pro player/analyst insight seems to be way beyond what they can offer.

I enjoyd a couple of things that i saw, they focused on warriors, they had hotslogs winrates and made it clear that a lot of the changes are contextual and cant be seen in a vacuum, loved listening to scylol and bkb has a great personality for this type of show.

Show in general would be greatly improved with just 2 hosts and whatever guest.

Im ok with first impression patch stuff, but itd be cool if they dedicated a segment towards a "what did we get wrong, what did we get right" kind of thing

I dunno i think they do a pretty good job considering who is involved, the training they have, and how its all diy but yeah the issue is how sustainable it can be. Which reminds me, another interesting segment they had was about the longevity of the game and player retention, that segment was great albeit short, jake looked pretty shook too
Agree with all of this.

The show seems pretty chaotic, there really needs to be a schedule, some actual topics that aren't "what happened in your life or hots last week" and the hosts should do their job and steer a conversation instead of stifling it.

The people they invite should fulfill a similar role on their team or be from the same team, so long as they have anything to talk about that doesn't require a host to step in and ask them 1 by 1.

Also this week in particular was pretty badly structured. BKB and Scylol never had an idea when they could or were reserved to talk and asked for permission.
Which is exactly what they dropped Schamtoo for according to Jake, so he obviously wasn't the sole reason.

they had hotslogs winrates and made it clear that a lot of the changes are contextual and cant be seen in a vacuum.

Zoia just read the Reddit thread aloud.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
i want to podcast

plz guys


Do they even do well at patch analysis, i feel like they in general dont understand the game very well. Zoia can give scrim insight, like whats working and stuff, but pro player/analyst insight seems to be way beyond what they can offer.

/shrug. I couldn't tell you. I learn some stuff whenever they bother to talk about it beyond shots fired and glossing.

To me it's kind of like the pot calling the kettle black. You don't feel they understand it the way you see it, but who says the way you see it is the correct way either? As neither of you are pros, it's kind of debatable eh.


Just gonna have to start the GAF HOTScast bois.

kirblar and brian! dropping dem knowledge nugs, Familie and Maledict showing dat EU love, Ketch and Milly79 can be the guest pro analysts. Me and Yoshichan can provide comic relief.

Why isn't this already happening?

EDIT: In reality, it is amazing. There's a legit fan base out there waiting for this very thing but no one is stepping up. Someone could really get a following going due to the thirst.

I'll be a low rent audio engineer to make sure everything sounds good :D


They need to stop doing the INCREDIBLY infuriating thing where they don't properly discuss patch notes when the PTR goes up because "It's the PTR", and then when it goes live they don't fully go through them because "we talked about them last week on the PTR". Chose one and please stick with it - what you guys think of the patch and the changes is really cool content, but they short change it everytime. Blizzard don't make big balance changes from the PTR, it's for bug fixes, so just deal with the PTR when it goes live that week, don't wait. And also stop Zoya from dominating the discussion with shots fired (which to be fair to him he has gotten a lot better at recently

Can't cosign this enough.

Hotslog winrates should always be up on your PC when trying to analyze why changes are being made- BW's D removal and temporary dumpster-ing had a pretty obvious rationale behind it.


/shrug. I couldn't tell you. I learn some stuff whenever they bother to talk about it beyond shots fired and glossing.

To me it's kind of like the pot calling the kettle black. You don't feel they understand it the way you see it, but who says the way you see it is the correct way either? As neither of you are pros, it's kind of debatable eh.

Yeah totally, i dont mean it in a i know better than them kind of way, i was thinking more about how set they are in a particular way of thinking but tend to gloss over pro player insight or things counter to really mass ideas of how the game works. Their analysis is also, and this is true while casting to, based on kind of tropish ways of thinking about the game, like how someone would read a tierlist and getpower levels from it, but not really think about why these things are rated how they are. I dont know if they think about this stuff, but i do know i havent seen them talk about it on streams, tho simplifying is totally what a caster should do (but not in a way that spreads false info)

When talking about sonyas strength, jake talked about how she does a lot of damage and that he was playing as jaina and got bursted really quick. Zoia talked about how ACTUALLY a lot of her damage is in her focused auto not her w (ok?). Bkb and scylol both expressed that there are counters to sonya (but werent allowed to get into this by the hosts), like thats the kind of thing i mean. You get a topic that you can get kind of deep on (bkb kept trying to bring up leap), but the message you end with is hahaaaa sonya is op she does deeps.

They also consistently characterized bkb as a killjoy for not jumping in on their opinion party, like hes a party pooper for not being exuburent about the things that they were exuburent (sp?) about. Im not saying they are doing something wrong here, like its an entertainment show, but in practice deeper analysis from ppl who are actually deep in the game is blocked a lot


In general patch analysis is weak, but it's gotten weaker on THH since I've been listening. Blizzard have been clear that the PTR is for bugs not balance, so why they don't do it detail when it hits is beyond me.

And re commentary about news - absolutely! The same happened with the Pax Prime tournament and the following podcast. There was a ton of insults flung at Team Liquid and "USA beat EU!", but no actual analysis of why. How did TL be the only team to take a game off MVP - and what the fuck was going on with their drafts after that point when they went all crazy with Illidan, Abathur and TLV in one draft? During the american regionals they talked about C9 losing to TS in the group stage but then winning in the final because they were trying different draft strats - and then didn't talk about what the changes were or the strat at all!

That's the problem though - its a group of frat boys chatting about the game they play with their friends, rather than a high level play podcast. Which is great but it isn't the market they are aiming for, and at some point someone is going to eat their lunch because the market clearly exists for that sort of content.


I've got the broadcasting mid-atlantic accent (not the 1900's one), I'm perfect for this! :p

I'm def down for trying it out someday if someone wants to organize it.

I think the issue with their view is that it's results-oriented, not process oriented. As in, everything's coming from a fan/spectator perspective instead of from a player/analyst perspective.


Im not saying they are doing something wrong here, like its an entertainment show, but in practice deeper analysis from ppl who are actually deep in the game is blocked a lot

Right or wrong in this, I legit feel like a big part of this is because Zoia thinks he knows better than anyone they bring on who isn't Dreadnaught or Dunktrain. Just the vibe I get. He seems to respect those two and not much else.

That's the problem though - its a group of frat boys chatting about the game they play with their friends, rather than a high level play podcast. Which is great but it isn't the market they are aiming for, and at some point someone is going to eat their lunch because the market clearly exists for that sort of content.

Yessir, exactly. That's kind of my thing I was getting at I guess. You don't have to be a pro to deeply analyze these tournaments and patch notes and the like. They claim that's who they want to cater to (the fan who wants to hear that), but they aren't doing it.

I would absolutely love to hear an in depth discussion like you get on the Triforce (I think that's the name) podcasts about League of Legends NA and EU LCS. That shit is awesome.

If the game continues growing someone will do it, though. I kind of wish Jake had started his own offshoot podcast like he was talking about.

I've got the broadcasting mid-atlantic accent (not the 1900's one), I'm perfect for this! :p

I'm def down for trying it out someday if someone wants to organize it.

I think the issue with their view is that it's results-oriented, not process oriented. As in, everything's coming from a fan/spectator perspective instead of from a player/analyst perspective.

I legit think you'd be great at it.

I don't personally have the knowledge (or the voice LOL) to do something like that, but I do believe with the people we have here on the forum and how invested a lot of us are in the game that GAF could do something cool with it.


I get that zoia vibe, but im unsure how much he buys into himself. I always thought he was trying to forward a particular persona (very important to esports longevity), but i dunno if its working out. League was the first real streaming celeb style game (back when ow3nd.tv was a thing and twitch was starting out), and a lot of the characters and storylines that came out felt more organic. There are like no storylines in hots besides forced ones atm i feel, but blizz has started focusing on players too

Jake looked really bummed when they were talking abou game longevity


Right or wrong in this, I legit feel like a big part of this is because Zoia thinks he knows better than anyone they bring on who isn't Dreadnaught or Dunktrain. Just the vibe I get. He seems to respect those two and not much else.

He does the same shit that a lot pub scrubs do. He assumes that a players/teams MMR or win rate validates or invalidates their "opinion" and I put that in quotes because it's actually someone's analysis that hes discounting.

Like he needs to listen to the whys and then discuss the merits of those reasons. Instead of the bullshit that everybody does: you lost to it so of course you don't like it. And they all do it to an extent.

It's so stupid, completely blocks off an entire level of thinking/conversation to the wider audience. Which I guess is what Brian is talking about
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