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Heroes of the Storm |OT| Pretty sure that Abathur is AFK

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Next weeks sales:

TASSADAR - Sale Price: -- 3.19 EUR, 2.49 GBP

CRYPT KING TASSADAR -- Sale Price: 4.99 EUR - 3.69 GBP

TEMPEST REGALIA JAINA -- Sale Price: 3.69 EUR | 2.70 GBP


For the people who are still active and want to play with low mmr like me what are your bnet tag ?

Are you EU or US or else?
Anyway, look into the OP of this thread, you will find Battle.tags of Gaffers to play with.

oooh gotcha! Does SC2 have that? I forgot.
Yes, sometimes during HotSwarm. I don't remember the exact moment, but my gut tells me it was around 2014. Or maybe I am confusing it with dropping demotions from ranked play during seasons.
(could be around the time, you were locked in at your workplace)

I'm more curious what everyone thinks about an MMR decay so that games that were played at the launch of Hero League in February, for example, aren't weighted the same (actually they are weighted more heavily because they were the initial games) as games played today eight months later.

That is not the way I understand MMR decay.
MMR decay means, that when you are inactive for a longer period of time, Blizzard artificially lowers your MMR
So actually your more recent games would have a bigger impact on your MMR, because either directly by Blizzard, or indirectly by you climbing back up, your uncertatinty rises, so your MMR value may fluctuate more.


oh right, it's not really about certain games counting more than others and how gaining/losing mmr is calculated

it should be a static drop that occurs on a schedule. mmr changes are calculated by the mmrs interacting in game, that's how it always should be

placement matches and its mmr gains and losses are a totally different thing. the reason you need mmr drops after being afk for like 3 months is to account for matchmaking and you not knowing whats up anymore
i dont think your mmr changes in league of legends ranked, but they have a totally different system that has actual ranking, promotion matches, and tiers within tiers. when you haven't participated in ~4 weeks it drops your league points, which is this point system that is tied to your mmr but isn't your mmr, I want to say the points you get in hero league are similar but they dont seem to be at all

placement matches should give you less gains for wins and more losses for losses imo, because the main thing it should really be calculating is your ability to carry/be a really important element in your wins, I don't really have any thoughts about doing them over a long period of time


That is not the way I understand MMR decay.
MMR decay means, that when you are inactive for a longer period of time, Blizzard artificially lowers your MMR
So actually your more recent games would have a bigger impact on your MMR, because either directly by Blizzard, or indirectly by you climbing back up, your uncertatinty rises, so your MMR value may fluctuate more.

There's no way to currently understand it as it relates to HOTS because it doesn't exist yet. Game #1 still counts as much (actually more, since you get more gains/losses) as Game #2000.

What I and many others are asking for is a system to fix that. They don't have one right now.

EDIT: A person who started a year ago and played regularly would have to be a bonehead to not improve to some degree. Despite that, they are still heavily tied to however much they knew when they started unless they play a ton to climb out. That makes no sense. Just like it doesn't make sense that if I quit for 3 months that my MMR stays at whatever number it is...both make what you're doing now less meaningful than what you did a long time ago. It's just not very intuitive when you think you have improved and you get no return on that but more bad games.


dont worry i never double check before posting

mmr gains/losses should slow down when the system believes you are where you should be (usually a string of losses or a ~50% winrate contributes heavily to this), and usually your gains become larger once you start posting win streaks or steadily winning most of your matches, which apparently a lot of ppl arent experiencing (tho mmr is still hidden)


dont worry i never double check before posting

mmr gains/losses should slow down when the system believes you are where you should be (usually a string of losses or a ~50% winrate contributes heavily to this), and usually your gains become larger once you start posting win streaks or steadily winning most of your matches, which apparently a lot of ppl arent experiencing (tho mmr is still hidden)

Agreed, it should. But 8 months later, you shouldn't be still tied so firmly to what you did while learning the game or what have you if you have significantly improved as many people have shown via smurf. At a certain point that HUGE MMR gain from way back when should be redistributed, even if it's just giving you 5 or 10 more MMR per game instead of the 100 MMR it was when you started. Anything to make the grind quicker for people who can get out...and if you aren't one of those people, it won't matter either way so no harm done.

I mean we're talking about a wishlist item here, not an "I need this immediately". You CAN still claw your way out, it just takes hundreds and hundreds of games instead of hopping on your smurf and doing it in <50 and getting good games from there on out. IMO the frustration and "wall" you were talking about new players feeling/hitting and then quitting? This is definitely a part of that.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
and ladder resets

everyone starts from 0

also need to rebuy the stimpack


Agreed, it should. But 8 months later, you shouldn't be still tied so firmly to what you did while learning the game or what have you if you have significantly improved as many people have shown via smurf. At a certain point that HUGE MMR gain from way back when should be redistributed, even if it's just giving you 5 or 10 more MMR per game instead of the 100 MMR it was when you started. Anything to make the grind quicker for people who can get out...and if you aren't one of those people, it won't matter either way so no harm done.

I mean we're talking about a wishlist item here, not an "I need this immediately". You CAN still claw your way out, it just takes hundreds and hundreds of games instead of hopping on your smurf and doing it in <50 and getting good games from there on out.

yeah absolutely
the fix here should be to have initial games weigh a lot less, for less games too
like what the fuck with the 20 placement matches for hero league also

placement matches in qm/hl should not be a burden 100%
by 100% I mean an everlasting spectre


I would honestly love to see full MMR resets for seasons.

I know others wouldn't and there's the concern of good players making games hell for actual new and/or bad players due to this, but I also know from personal experience that basically 4 wins and 1 loss puts you into Platinum so it pretty much solves that issue very quickly. I'm sure there's a better solution than that, though.

placement matches in qm/hl should not be a burden 100%
by 100% I mean an everlasting spectre

Yeah we are in agreement. This is exactly what I'm saying.

Like for instance, I am 68-62 on my main account (which is at 2150 MMR, rank 25). I'm 40-38 on my third account (3050 MMR, rank 1). I'm 74-51 on my original account (3100 MMR, rank 1). All winning records, two just barely, one 24 ranks lower than the other one because my wins came after losing a good bit (at one point I was like 24-41) instead of before aka "the everlasting spectre" of my first 30-50 games shitting all over me.


A mmr reset in HL would make me more likely to play the mode. At the moment I just don't play it because I actually get higher quality games in QM since my MMR is quite a bit higher.

Especially when I'm playing with my friend who dug his HL mmr into a massive ditch. It would take him months to get out of that trench.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Third day in a row that I get "Play 8 games" daily.

Sometimes, I just love you Blizzard.

Oh that reminds me I need to submit a ticket for Artanis.
Oh, oh! I need to get on this as well... I haven't researched it, but can I:

1. Go to Gamestop (local, not digitally)
2. Pre-order
3. Submit a ticket on Battle.net and show proof of my purchase
4. Get Artanis in 3 days, right?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Link to the page where I can talk to a support regarding my SC2: LotV receipt (and get mah Artanis) plz :3


Third day in a row that I get "Play 8 games" daily.

Sometimes, I just love you Blizzard.

Oh, oh! I need to get on this as well... I haven't researched it, but can I:

1. Go to Gamestop (local, not digitally)
2. Pre-order
3. Submit a ticket on Battle.net and show proof of my purchase
4. Get Artanis in 3 days, right?

I mean I'd assume that would work.

I guess you're planning on actually playing it? If not it's easier to just preorder, screen shot, email and cancel it.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
BOUGHT the Collector's Edition! Gonna contact the support now :3!

And hell yes Milly, I'll be playing the shit out of LotV. Despite the passion for SC2 being dead (for me), I still enjoy the shit out of the single player and the SC2GAF community.



And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Previous summaries: Murky - Rexxar - Diablo - Sonya - Abathur - Tyrande - Kharazim

Two months (or was it three?) later, I finally get Tassadar to 10. This is the first time I'm in the middle of a character leveling process while that character was buffed/nerfed. So I'll do a 'pre-buff'-version as well as the new version of Tassadar.

1. Conjurer's Pursuit
4. Leeching Plasma
7. Khala's Embrace (Static Charge before change)
10. Archon
13. Prescience (sometimes Shrink Ray or even Distortion Beam)
16. Dimensional Warp (Second Strike before change)
20. Twilight Archon (Storm Shield before change)

Before change
+ Mecha skin is cool
+ Archon is strong

- The worst auto attack in the game in my opinion
- Oracle works theoratically but is an abysmal ability (because of the cooldown) without additional talent
- Can't solo support a group

After change
+ Khala's Embrace is now very good (because of the reduced cooldown of Plasma Shield)
+ Can somewhat solo support because of the ability to pre-shield the team before big fights
+ More talents to play with than pre-buff Tassadar

- Still the worst auto attack in the game in my opinion
- Archon seems a bit too weak

It's been one helluva trip with Tassadar, felt like ages - but it's finally done. Before the change, he was considered my worst character in the entire game. After the change, he got a tiny, tiny boost in the fun scale for me.

Fun-tier list
God fun: Zagara, Kael'thas, Murky, Sylvanas, Jaina
High fun: Thrall, Kharazim, Zeratul, Valla, Kerrigan, Falstad, Tyrael, Leoric
Medium fun: Nazeebo, Butcher, Johanna, Tychus, Abathur, Anub'arak, Malfurion, Arthas, Illidan, Rexxar, Diablo
Low fun: Sonya, Li Li, Raynor, Tassadar (buffed), Nova, Tyrande
Trash: Muradin, Tassadar (pre-buff)


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
im not a fan of khala's embrace or set up skills in general for this game
you should play sonya again yoshi
Oh I know she's fucking awesome now. I'll be playing her in the near future!


1) Self-heal (though if you have a pocket healer this isn't really necesarily the best option, Block is good v melee, and the rage talents can be great if you can spare the defense
4) Merc Lord or Focused Attack, depending on map/comp
7) Follow Through
10) Wrath
13) Spear always hits or Spell Shield
16) Increased movespeed
20) Nexus Blades or Hardened Shield


kirblars builds good

the fury shot thing is better than a lot of ppl give it credit for
hard to rationalize merc lord over focused to me (I don't like the talent itself since it forces you to follow the camp to get value too)
situational heal talent
situational leap (almost always wrath, esp w/ all the tanks around atm)
i always get stoneskin
i always get hardened shield, I dunno if I'd recommend nblades she doesn't need the damage at all


i was thinking about sonya nerfs yesterday
I kind of like that she has ridiculouz damage, I'd probably nerf a lot of the survivability from wrath, raise its cd/nerf time extension from fury (basically there's no reason it should be able to be up all the time with no risk), and if that's too much of a nerf, raise damage to 50%

I like everything else, I probably wouldn't change her that much outside of wrath


The +20% nexus blade damage and slow is nice, it just amplifies her best margin (stupid, stupidly damage.) Especially in solo queue where it helps you just murdify squishies as fast as possible.


Veeeeery interesting SolidJake interview where he actually tells us about all the ESL NA production crap he hates just like we do. That's not the kind of (even a mild) public air-out you do unless you probably aren't going to be working with them going forward. Very curious about the Blizzard E-Sports initiative announcements at Blizzcon.


Do we have any clue about who might be the next hero after Artanis?

Have 11k gold and LotV pre-ordered so I dont have to worry about saving up for him. I might buy Lost Vikings or Kaelthas now but I am curious to see who is next afterward just in case I want to make sure to get him and put aside the 15k.


Do we have any clue about who might be the next hero after Artanis?

Have 11k gold and LotV pre-ordered so I dont have to worry about saving up for him. I might buy Lost Vikings or Kaelthas now but I am curious to see who is next afterward just in case I want to make sure to get him and put aside the 15k.
Don't think so. There is an entire panel dedicated to new hero reveals at BlizzCon though, so we'll know a lot more in a few weeks.


Yeah, we should expect to see several new heroes in Blizzcon. I expect Kel'Thuzad, a Troll warlord, and the diablo wizard.

There's also the one or more heroes that are 'from a universe we didn't expect to visit so soon', which makes Tracer from Overwatch and/or Kyle from Blackthorne likely.


Do we have any clue about who might be the next hero after Artanis?

Have 11k gold and LotV pre-ordered so I dont have to worry about saving up for him. I might buy Lost Vikings or Kaelthas now but I am curious to see who is next afterward just in case I want to make sure to get him and put aside the 15k.

You should just get the best hero in the game, Kael'Thas.


EDIT: Wow @ Blackscorp playing for Fnatic. Hope there's more mixing it up in the next few months. I wanna see some new strong teams and maybe a new superteam or two.

Veeeeery interesting SolidJake interview where he actually tells us about all the ESL NA production crap he hates just like we do. That's not the kind of (even a mild) public air-out you do unless you probably aren't going to be working with them going forward. Very curious about the Blizzard E-Sports initiative announcements at Blizzcon.

I dunno, he did say he dislikes it but the way it was worded made it seem ambiguous as to whose fault it was (Blizzard or ESL). Like he said more than once it's just the norm for NA.

He has been surprisingly critical of ESL EU and a few things here, though, so maybe Blizzard snags him up for their pro league that is rumored to start next year? That'd be pretty cool. Despite not liking him as much as I once did, he definitely deserves it.

There's also the one or more heroes that are 'from a universe we didn't expect to visit so soon', which makes Tracer from Overwatch and/or Kyle from Blackthorne likely.

Yeah based on that statement and the fact that we know Overwatch beta is dropping, I'd not be shocked at all if Tracer or someone from Overwatch is announced. That'll be awesome too, excited for it.
Iirc someone mentioned multiple people from TL looking for a new team.

That leaves Falcon, Vortix, GranPkt and Lucifron.
No one ever talks about Lucifron I wonder if that means he's entirely solid or just not outstanding.

Smexy and Breez are great, can't wait to see the new Fnatic in action.


It's possible she could be (or another Overwatch hero might) the "surprise" hero among all the hero announcements they make. I'd be surprised if she is next after Artanis if it is her, but maybe. I doubt they'll announce more than 3-5, so at the longest it'd be 15 weeks.
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