Whether it's well-placed or badly-placed, Haymaker is always way more fun.
Tomorrow starts the Hallow's End event (50% bonus XP, new massive deals - including new unique mounts, along with a brand new portrait to get)!
Have fun everyone!
Tomorrow starts the Hallow's End event (50% bonus XP, new massive deals - including new unique mounts, along with a brand new portrait to get)!
Have fun everyone!
Yep. I plan on playing a ton of HotS over the next week to take advantage of that XP bonus.
Why? Are they changing monk?Monk
Soon to be the new uther
Why? Are they changing monk?
Why? Are they changing monk?
Bw is excellent in this meta too
uhhh it's hard cuz i feel like i can do a lot and be really useful as bw, preshield and shit seems so good on some maps. Monk only really heals when i play him, like the speedup is kind of a late talent, but he heals by punching ppl in the gut, u guys can see my dilemma
- The individual warrior analysis, with Zoia using the hotslogs numbers to start the conversation, was exactly the type of detailed introspection I want from the podcast. More of this.
- Having two pro players who play the same role makes a lot more sense. The conversation works, it was a far superior episode in terms of play.
I'll be playing as much as I possibly can as well.
If you're on EU and want to roll plenty of games during the event, add me on Yoshichan#2623. This goes for everyone!
Ughhh bw is so good right now tho, maybe the only real choice is to buy bw and grind gold for monk this week
I'm half way through this weeks episode, and have loved the last two weeks. Think they are *far* superior to the previous format and much improved.
- Artosis on the show was amusing, because he *utterly* dominated the conversation. Really interesting to hear him, as I have no prior experience, and it shows why he is such a personality. Sort of shows why the Jake / Cooby dynamic still needs some work.
Wouldnt say im particularly good at bw, but she normally runs z talents at 1,4,7, blink heal
Magic dmg reduction on e -> dbl e is really good, but w length/critterize are both good choices too
Then rewind
That and the fact that it actually physically hurts me to Rehgar right now.
Tomorrow starts the Hallow's End event (50% bonus XP, new massive deals - including new unique mounts, along with a brand new portrait to get)!
Have fun everyone!
Why is that? I actually enjoy Rehgar a lot, of all the supports I can't decide if I like Malfurion or Rehgar the most. Kharazim is decent too though, I may end up buying him. Haven't played Medic yet in anything other than try mode, so don't know about her. Tassadar is a fun hero but he feels more like a specialist than a support to me, and I just find LiLi boring to play. Tyrande, I don't know, she just doesn't click with me or somethin, I never feel like I do a good job of healing with her.
And you're telling this only today!?! Now I'll have to reschedule my whole week to do a descent grinding!
Tomorrow starts the Hallow's End event (50% bonus XP, new massive deals - including new unique mounts, along with a brand new portrait to get)!
It is indeed possible to lose Versus A.I. matches, esspecially on medium difficulty.Entered vs AI with human allies for the first time in months last night in order to quickly finish a few dailies, so I could get back to playing Artanis.
I almost can't believe how badly people were playing. Sure, we always won, and in decent time, but man.
SFV beta drawing my hear right nowThread hasn't been getting many replies. Game must be dead.