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Heroes of the Storm |OT| Pretty sure that Abathur is AFK

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seems like a weird time to jump ship. Maybe they just dont wanna pay during the off season.

from my limited time with the ptr, I think thrall and diablo feel a bit stronger or mostly the same. and noticed no changes with tychus. I think nova and falstad got a little bump though, but that's just from having them on my team.

the map is okaaaay... I guess... I'm think I'm pretty indifferent towards it. the objectives feel like really underwhelming... you kind of get a lot of fighting between the lanes in the middle of the map, and then there's objectives, and then nothing happens, and you fight some more, and then the game is over. Even the boss is like that... he looks cool and he does some spooooooky ghosty shit but then you kill him and he just kind of fizzles out and nothing happens... then you fight some more.. then the game is over.

maybe it's just because I don't care about win/loss on ptr but I just never got that pivital moment feeling of: this is it, we won! or this is... we lost. The map just kind of ends, and you have to look at the score board to figure out which team won.. like on most maps you fuckin know who won... but not here. I would say it's the artanis of maps.


Something I never thought I'd say about a support hero, but I'll be damned if Medic free week isn't as cringe inducing and catastrophic as the old standbys of Nova and co.

When my option is to play a hero I don't wanna play or suffer the consequences it feels bad man. We just had a game where our Morales had 11k healing to the enemies 39k at one point. Damage on both teams more or less equal...just would not put that little green beam on teammates. Rough lyfe.

I would say it's the artanis of maps.

get rekt blizz


Glaurung implied they have someone lined up and will announce it the 21st (and are moving to wherever the location for that place may be), so we'll see I guess.

Glaurung appears on THH just before Thanksgiving wearing an unmarked hoodie. When the question comes up, he rips it off and reveals TSM TSM TSM TSM TSM TSM TSM!!!


Zoia said TS was trying out players even as we speak. I wonder if it'll be new faces or old. I dunno who's free in NA that's worth getting now that we know Mc and co. are all together. Maybe some EU folks?


I keep waiting on TS Ketch and TS Milly79, but so far no dice. I dunno what to think. Did you guys lie to me about being pro?


I dont hate it

it's better then Haunted mines, and it's better then the first iteration of Infernal shrines. I think it's tied for BoE... maybe a little worse because at least BoE has got some cool "oh shit we just won the game" moments...

it feels like arena mode light.

and I just did 62k hero damage with thrall on the live server. Does anybody still play this hero? what build are you going?

The build i just used was:

1. firewolfs give more stacks
4. trait returns mana
7. activate trait
10. sundering
13. double stacks from windfury
16. bfb
20. nexus blades.


The Curious Case of Thrall and the Doomhammer is one of the most fascinating stories of HOTS development.

The character is probably the most front and center Blizzard hero/character/design in their history. Huge huge part of their largest franchise. Beloved by many fans. Has been in and around the dumpster for months since he was too pubstompy.

It's kind of amazing. When people are like "Blizz just releases new heroes super OP so people will buy" or "all the huge lore characters are gonna be OP in HOTS" and shit like that all I can do is think about Thrall and be like, "oh". Yeah he was mildly OP depending on where you played, but now he's just...ehhh.

I'm genuinely surprised he doesn't get more attention. Like before they fix that shitter Gazlowe, you'd think they'd rework or redesign Thrall in a way so that he can be tuned up without destroying low level MMR games...but they don't. It's weird man.


The Curious Case of Thrall and the Doomhammer is one of the most fascinating stories of HOTS development.

The character is probably the most front and center Blizzard hero/character/design in their history. Huge huge part of their largest franchise. Beloved by many fans. Has been in and around the dumpster for months since he was too pubstompy.

It's kind of amazing. When people are like "Blizz just releases new heroes super OP so people will buy" or "all the huge lore characters are gonna be OP in HOTS" and shit like that all I can do is think about Thrall and be like, "oh". Yeah he was mildly OP depending on where you played, but now he's just...ehhh.

I'm genuinely surprised he doesn't get more attention. Like before they fix that shitter Gazlowe, you'd think they'd rework or redesign Thrall in a way so that he can be tuned up without destroying low level MMR games...but they don't. It's weird man.

they could just adjust his numbers. I like the incremental changes they've been making. sonya buffs, uther and zera nerfs... they could just up his HP, or reduce the CDs on some of his abilities, or reduce the stacks needed for his trait to go off. increase the damage of chain lightning... anything really. His kit is solid, he's fun to play, smacking people with the hammer is satisfying, sunder is great. The stat adjustment in the next patch is pretty decent for him. They don't need to make that big of changes, just adjust him a little bit and I think he's golden. More base HP would be a good place to start.


I don't think his kit is solid, though. His animations still hinder him a bit and he's clunky in the same way Artanis is. Then you factor in how little it would take buff wise to make him just wreck faces and I'm not sure that his current state is solid at all.

He could easily be made incredibly strong, but that's part of how he got to his current state anyway. To me he needs to be reworked in some manner, whether it's one ability or several so that they can design around it and not have a knob that is literally "subpar" or "OP" and there's no real settings in between.


I disagree.... there's plenty of room between where he was with battle momentum and where he is now, and they could find a sweet spot by simply adjusting his cooldowns. OR leave his cooldowns as is and buff his HP or heal proc.

I mean with battlemomentum it was windfurry has almost no cooldown so you get near infinite damage and sustain. And now he has no where near that.... there is surely room in the middle there somewhere.
COG was changing ownership or something and the hots team's contracts were up so I think both sides decided to split up ?

I've heard rumblings of both TSM and Archon picking up teams soon; we shall see


Alur is right. Thrall basic design is an issue and really needs to be adjusted somehow, tuning numbers doesn't solve the issue.


Only played ptr a lil bit and on that one map but i dont really like the scaling changes, early deaths seem completely meaningless


I recall Thrall was stupid strong for like one week.

His launch week was dreadful. He was ridiculously overpowered, to the point he could charge into players at 50% health, kill them almost instantly, and leave the fight at 100% health. It was possible to deal with him with CC, but for the average player he was just a juggernaut of doom who stomped heroes.

Just re the earlier conversation about the Exp stat on the stat screen - whilst its very useful as Abathur or TLV, it is actively negative for other characters, particulary assassins. We've all had horror stories of Laynor, or Sgt Hammers who sit in lane the entire game pushing, and everytime I've run into that they justify their actions with the Exp stat. Its a good stat if your character is suppossed to be doing that role, but it's actively a bad stat to track on other characters. It's very misleading for new players.


I do miss the exp stat in ptr i hope they put it back in, no one soaked in mah games either

I havent gotten yo look at my exp score justifications (havent really gotten stat driven justifications for bad play in general), but if it reduces toxic experiences for any group of ppl i am down with the change.
It's nice that a Worgen is finally coming to this game. Scratch another one off the list.

I still really want the female Wizard...and for them to flesh out the rest of the WoW player races. Still need a troll and undead character. Sylvannas and Leoric do not count :p
Go die in hell stupid illidans with your sucidal hunt tendancies.

Thank you matchmaker for the high blood pressure you give me everyday by putting guys that dont have more than 200 games played in my team.


Ill prob post some scaling impressionz if i have time to play today, it's a little odd that it's a one map ptr since this map is so different compared to the other ones. In general it feels like the gap between levels has been shortened way too much, theoretically this should be offset by death timers on the other maps but on towers it doesnt affect the objective really unless you are trying to get a pick during objective spawn (which is kind of ridiculously long)


Is it me or is the channel time for the objectives on the new map ridiculously short? They want to encourage team fights and brawls, but it can be captured so quickly it's often snuck by someone in the background. Also, how do you come back on that map - if the enemy has "destroyed" your first row of forts, winning the objectives won't do anything because you don't have buildings and you now have to take down your *own* structures first before you can even hit theirs.

Got to try Falstads new talent against the AI playing TLV. That got fun fast. Not sure if it's worth it though considering - at level 20, it was doing 550 damage per hit as it passed, which is nice but not in the same league as any other stacking damage talent, and it's a hell of a lot harder to hit with than say Azmodan's globes.


Siege seems more important now compared to exp. leads to me, like before youd want to use early 5v4s to push exp advantages and push lanes out w/ the power play so the enemy team loses soak, but exp advantages under this patch seem really paltry to me.

Iunno it's all theory and sylv is probably tier 1 in this current patch anyway

Basically sylv trees are the perfect place for shade and dats just how i feel


Siege seems more important now compared to exp. leads to me, like before youd want to use early 5v4s to push exp advantages and push lanes out w/ the power play so the enemy team loses soak, but exp advantages under this patch seem really paltry to me.

Iunno it's all theory and sylv is probably tier 1 in this current patch anyway

Going up in levels was changing my numbers in tiny, tiny increments compared to the current game. At first I thougth I was misreading how Falstads's new damage gathering talent works, but then I realised for some reason it's not adding into the damage number and it was just the tiny increments from levelling I was seeing.





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