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Heroes of the Storm |OT| Pretty sure that Abathur is AFK

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Yeah, the sheer ability and variety of ways to poop on buildings from a distance makes me think that's gonna get smacked with the nerf bat. You can often line up mines or blobs in such a way that even if you can't hit a moving enemy hero, you're still guaranteed to hit a building behind them worst-case, if not both.

Yep. And with the not-insane cooldowns on the abilities and no mana costs, I basically deal a few hundred free points of damage to the enemy towers before minions ever spawn.
Even Hearthstone has a couple positive posts every once in a while about League of Explorers, that place has been a steaming pile of salt for months. What is the world coming to!

Dunno what's supposed to be so bad about Secret Paladin, been playing it and Havelock and Ramp Druid and Freezemage are way more annoying.

As Secret Paladin I whittle opponents down at least, I don't get them from 20+ to 0 in a turn.

And I have literally 0 answers to anything.

Oh and Control Priest, barf.
So if I want to play as Cho'Gal, I have to queue with at least one other person? Ewww. Stranger danger.

Pretty crazy how the HOTS reddit has went from a sizeable amount of negative "game is dead" posts a month or two ago to the love fest that is this Cho'Gall release.


I find that the official Blizzard forums and often the sub-reddits dedicated to Blizzards games are super toxic and generally avoid them. I tend to enjoy the games more if I just play them and don't participate in the discussions that take place there, although this is more true of WoW than HotS or Diablo in my experience.

Posting on those forums is a lot like posting in the general gaming side here. I find the community threads tend to have more constructive conversations than the gaming side where there's a lot of random drive-by posts.


In general, do you get more xp from winning vs AI, or losing in QM?

The only difference in exp gained per minute is the 50K bonus you get from winning in quick match. otherwise they are the same.

But since A.I. games are usually faster, and end shortly after you have all buildings down, you get most XP per minute from them.
Almost instant queue times helps, have more loading screens hurts.
Anyway: if you want to grind EXP, therer is no better way, than playing beginner A.I. and getting all buildings down.
Anybody who already has him wanna Cho'gall it up NA and help me out this evening? I'm iambobbarker#1468

Edit: Got him! If anybody needs help unlocking the big galoot just add me and send me a ping when I'm on!


The reasoning that has been given to me a few times by non-moba fans and people who like more than one moba has some merit I think:

Basically you don't see the same amount of insecurity and threadshitting (here and elsewhere) from League of Legends players because it is unquestionably the top game in the world. Tons of people play it, it's esports is huge, it's esports stars are huge, and it rules the moba space. There is nothing for League players to defend because nothing is evening threatening it's superiority. Dota fanatics seem to have a huge complex about this w/ League fans, and then it trickles on down to games like Smite and HOTS.

Likewise I think you don't see it from HOTS cause it's both very new, tailored to a bit of a more agreeable (or maybe just relaxed? I wouldn't say necessarily casual in the way we normally do) type of player and odds are they'd just get laughed out of the argument anyway.

For Dota it's not the biggest but it's based closest on the original and takes the most work/skill, so therefore everything else is inferior and for casuals and (insert excuse here) and your game sux feeder.

Dota is the hardest of the big 3, HotS, LoL, Dota so a lot of dota players kind of feel offended when people are good at the other 2 mobas because they are so easy or something. You kind of want to be proud that you can be good at Dota. I mean I have a relatively high rating in dota 5.5k for people who know what mmr is, and I play hots when dota is driving me mad. I honestly have no clue what im doing when i play hots I generally just run around pressing Q, sometimes I win and sometimes I lose. In Dota I'm good enough to know when i was responsible for a loss, or when a game was winnable but 1 asshole teammate prevented that, in HotS I'm not so it's more relaxing to me. I've had HotS since the 2nd wave alpha but didn't play it that much, I have like maybe 300 total games in that span. I'd never play HotS competitively because it just isn't mechanically skill capped enough, I enjoy trying to just straight up outplay somebody enough times to solo carry my team which HotS doesn't really give me. I've won money playing dota tournaments and I think hots is fun but to call it like a hardcore game I'd probably disagree.


How now? I played with a number of tacticians yesterday who picked Zera/Nova on Cho'Gall's release day. If they're lucky, they'd have 3 hero targets at best. Needless to say, it did not end well for them or their team.
I'm confused. Do you mean to say Zeratul is still really good?

Also, why did they remove takedowns?


Take a close look at the enemy Cho'Gall's name:


Also, why did they remove takedowns?

Consumer feedback/surveys said that a barrier keeping people from enjoying HOTS as much or trying HOTS was that there was no indicator of your individual contribution (more or less).

And takedowns is still there, it's just the assist stat now basically.

Anyone wanna hook a brother up? LF Cho'Gall running mate!

I would but looks like you are EU :(

If anyone still needs on NA, Keyes#1431. Just message me on b.net in the next 2 or 3 hours.
Haven't played in like 3-4 months and feel like hopping on to see what's new.

Only have like 15k but I want to buy one of the newer heroes. Any suggestions?

Currently interested in Rexxar and the Medic...are they currently viable?

Just tested out Artanis for a bit. He seems pretty cool.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
yep gonna have to buy Legion CE
I'd never play HotS competitively because it just isn't mechanically skill capped enough, I enjoy trying to just straight up outplay somebody enough times to solo carry my team which HotS doesn't really give me. I've won money playing dota tournaments and I think hots is fun but to call it like a hardcore game I'd probably disagree.

Real question here : when you (or others) say 'mechanically' is it about the skillshots/reaction time etc ?


It's mostly about the mechanics of last hitting and denying, which is the basis of the game for the first 15+ minutes in their MOBAs. Those mechanics just don't exist in that form in hots, so a very mechanically skilled player can't excel in the early game and snowball a match in the same way. Which of course is by design in HotS but some critics don't realise that and think Blizzard didn't understand what they were doing...

In terms of hero mechanics, dota and lol have a slightly higher cap in terms of hero skills on average I would say - although hots seems to have a lot more skill shots than those games so in some ways it's arguable. Hots has some complicated weird heroes like Abathur, but it doesn't have anyone as complicated as Invoker from Dota.


Haven't played in like 3-4 months and feel like hopping on to see what's new.

Only have like 15k but I want to buy one of the newer heroes. Any suggestions?

Currently interested in Rexxar and the Medic...are they currently viable?

Just tested out Artanis for a bit. He seems pretty cool.

I love Kharazim, he's currently my main. His different build options make him very interesting. It's great having a support that can also deal decent damage. In fact, he helps heal by doing damage! It's awesome.

I think Rexxar is bad...if Misha dies you're basically useless and he's not really beefy enough to be a tank. Plus he does baby damage. Misha stun is nice if you're good at landing it...but I think that's all he really brings to the table and plenty of other characters have good CC.

Medic is really good, just remember to position well and not die. Medic is a big asset to teams as long as she can stay alive. My strategy whenever facing a Medic team is basically always "kill Medic ASAP", her healing is kind of ridiculous.

Artanis is a lot of fun. He's like much better Illidan. I would say he's pretty good. Just remember his dash in also dashes back out and that you are completely vulnerable to damage and CC during it.So basically, you don't want to initiate with it...and I see a lot of Artanis players doing that.
Haven't played in like 3-4 months and feel like hopping on to see what's new.

Only have like 15k but I want to buy one of the newer heroes. Any suggestions?

Currently interested in Rexxar and the Medic...are they currently viable?

Just tested out Artanis for a bit. He seems pretty cool.

Medic is quite bad, though with the changes to scaling it will be interesting to see how she fares. Rexxar is decent but takes a lot of skill/practice to get good at, and he doesn't fit in every comp. Artanis is pretty bad too, and his kit feels really awkward until Zealot Charge. Blizzard says they're going to take a look at him too so I'd wait on him.

Best all around "new" hero imo is Monk. Multiple playstyles, both ultimates viable, very strong hero overall, and very fun to play

Rexxar, Artanis and the Medic all felt rushed or generally just badly tuned right at their release. They fixed Rexxar, tuned up Medic's health pool (though that doesn't really alleviate any of her core issues) and I'm sure they'll do something with Artanis. His kit just feels really awkward until you get charge
Haven't played in like 3-4 months and feel like hopping on to see what's new.

Only have like 15k but I want to buy one of the newer heroes. Any suggestions?

Currently interested in Rexxar and the Medic...are they currently viable?

Just tested out Artanis for a bit. He seems pretty cool.

Rexxar is not in a great place right now (with the exception of using Misha to cap/hold shrines while you hang out in the lane next to it to soak). You can use Misha in some interesting ways, but Rexxy's damage output doesn't seem to be where it needs to be

Medic can output crazy amounts of healing, but (a) you need to be very, very conscious of your mana, and (b) you are squishy as hell so need to be very, very careful about your positioning.

Artanis is fun, and built for the late-game. The one thing to keep in mind with Artanis is once you're committed, you're committed. There's basically no way to back out or escape, so either your target is dying or you are. So you need to be very sure of when you want to commit, and it's easy to over-extend with him and get totally hosed. Also, good players can, and will, stun you out of your dash at the worst possible moment.


Haven't played in like 3-4 months and feel like hopping on to see what's new.

Only have like 15k but I want to buy one of the newer heroes. Any suggestions?

Currently interested in Rexxar and the Medic...are they currently viable?

Just tested out Artanis for a bit. He seems pretty cool.

As you can see, lots of varying takes on the newer heroes as they are some of the more experimental.

Rexxar is not bad FWIW. He is a fun hero, particularly if you are a person who plays only solo, but his inherent deficiency of relying on a second unit to be the actual "tank" (since he is classified as a warrior) will sometimes cost you games in QM due to the way comps are constructed currently. Rexxar himself is very squishy so he is VERY position oriented and if you are not pretty decent at that, it'll be a bad experience. He does have decent damage and there are naturally setups where he thrives as well, though.

Medic is also not bad, but I'd consider her less good on the whole than any other support. This is because she is so comp dependent both for who she heals AND who her opponents are because she cannot heal herself (at 13 she gets a talent to do so at 25% of what she heals others...it's useful, but doesn't make up for the issues). If given the right comp, Medic can carry an entire game if you can properly utilize your mana and Q. Then the next match the enemy team will have Sonya + Muradin + another dive hero and you will either have to let your team die so you can live, or die a lot. Just the nature of the Medic beast.

If you wanted to buy a newer hero who supports I'd go with Kharazim personally. His damage trait just got a bit of a buff, he counters Cho'Gall splendidly, puts out great healing + can escape, etc. Basically he can do the healing of Medic, but in AOE form, and isn't at risk for dying every engagement. He's also easily my best hero so I'm a little biased, I'll admit. And he + his awesome Jade Dragon skin are on sale this week.

Artanis is considered super fun among our group of players. IIRC he's Trikslyr's favorite hero too, so he has some adherents. As for viability, it's much the same. Since he's classified as a warrior he can cause your comp major issues in QM cause he's really just a bruiser, but the thing with Artanis is that he ramps considered at level 16 and then at level 20. Provided proper support he can carry games late and put out some nice damage. Some folks hate him because his kit is kind of...obtuse is the word I would use (and he seems likely to be receiving some buffs), but if you like melee you'll probably dig him. The comparison to Illidan is pretty on point in so far as what he feels like. Kind of a slower, tankier version.
Thanks for the reply's guys. I ended up going for Rexxar before I saw any of the responses...and I enjoyed the couple games I played with him!

I like how different Blizzard has been making their heroes, even if it does make it a bit more difficult to balance them.

I've only played two games with Rexxar so far but I've noticed that some players (newer players probably) don't really know what to do against Rexxar/Misha and it's pretty hilarious.

Being able to micro two characters is fun and adds a bit more of a challenge, which I like. I also love having a pet in most games so there's that!

Monk will be the next hero I purchase for sure though :D
Artanis sounds real fun reading some impressions from you guys. How does Leoric stack up against him? Haven't tried either yet and feel like buying a new hero (haven't bought anyone since The Butcher got released!)


It's not just new players. At Blizzcon Team DK utterly failed to cope with Rexxar, and clearly were completely blindsided by what was happening. Even the pros struggle with him because he's not used often and you have to constantly work out whether to kill the best or not.

It's why his kit is so absurdly simple compared to other heroes - there's a lot of complexity built into him, now they changed how you control the bear.


Artanis sounds real fun reading some impressions from you guys. How does Leoric stack up against him? Haven't tried either yet and feel like buying a new hero (haven't bought anyone since The Butcher got released!)

Sorry for the double post!

I'm in the negative camp for Artanis, so coming from a slightly biased viewpoint, but if you want to play that role right now I can't see any reason not to take Sonya instead. She does everything he does, better. In terms of duelling, Artanis will beat Leoric in the late game but Leoric will crush him early on. Leoric beats most tanks early on except for Sonya.


Artanis sounds real fun reading some impressions from you guys. How does Leoric stack up against him? Haven't tried either yet and feel like buying a new hero (haven't bought anyone since The Butcher got released!)

Leoric is still arguably the strongest warrior in the game.

Good damage, reasonable chasedown, good survivability, and his ability to get back alive quickly is super useful.


Leoric gets quicker value off his w now too

Hes also just really fun to play, recommended for sure

Seconded. Very fun to play, my favorite warrior that isn't Cho.

See elo hell exists but it's not the sole determining factor.

Interesting that Arthelon still lives in the Tempostorm team house, the preshow was hilarious.

I find it very weird that he lives there still as well. I'd be like GTFO if you wanted out so bad.

Calm Killer

In all media, only true fans who consume every book, film, game, or pog collection deserve to know what's going on.
Looking for a Cho'gall to team up with. Anyone on?


Any consensus about Cho'Galls Heroic abilities? Because so far I actually like all four, and have a bit of a hard time choosing.


Any consensus about Cho'Galls Heroic abilities? Because so far I actually like all four, and have a bit of a hard time choosing.

Hotdogs tells us that Cho's ults are virtually identical in winrate. That said, the Hammer seems way better IMO due to the low cooldown. It murders squishies. Due to the fact that Upheaval often pulls targets THROUGH Cho, it messes up your own teams skillshots and ults pretty often so it's counterproductive in some ways. I've also seen Cho's pull the enemy into their backline.

As for Gall, the Shadow Volley ult is the highest pickrate one by far (71.6% to Twisting Nether's 28.4%). At first blush it seems bad cause it's so hard to steer, but if it gets on a target they pretty much die. It's not unlike Triple Tap, just maneuverable to some degree. The 20 upgrade makes it ridiculous too.

EDIT: Fixed the winrate for Gall ults. It does have the higher winrate, but I was looking at pickrate.


I haven't played since Fallout 4 came out. So they took out the takedown stats? What did they replace it with? Kills/assists? If so that's really a bummer. Maybe at the end of the match it should show a more detailed breakdown, but during the match it's going to have the league of legends effect. Sigh.




I haven't played since Fallout 4 came out. So they took out the takedown stats? What did they replace it with? Kills/assists? If so that's really a bummer. Maybe at the end of the match it should show a more detailed breakdown, but during the match it's going to have the league of legends effect. Sigh.

It hasn't had any discernible effect, apparently. I haven't seen any bitching on reddit. I've played a good 30 or more games and haven't seen it even mentioned.

And like has been discussed before, Takedowns basically exist now as Assists.

Seriously, though, no one has even mentioned kills in any game I've been in. The fact that the uproar stopped on reddit once it came out pretty much sums up how much toxicity it introduced.
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