I havent tried upheaval but it seems really useful, the hammer meshes w/ how im playing him atm (super ham)
As for Gall, the Shadow Volley ult is the highest winrate one by far (71.6% to Twisting Nether's 28.4%). At first blush it seems bad cause it's so hard to steer, but if it gets on a target they pretty much die. It's not unlike Triple Tap, just maneuverable to some degree. The 20 upgrade makes it ridiculous too.
Pretty much. He is better later on because of how strong his 20 talents are it seems.
You don't trust hotslogs for anything, but sample size is what it is lol. Cho'Gall's is small, but I mean in general with the other heroes. Once there's so many games cataloged in there it's hard to deny how good or bad a hero or talent is for the general populace.
Your POV makes more sense from an organized standpoint, but not so much in the random chaos of solo and duo queuing IMO. What is actually good when organized vs what is good because people don't play properly is a big distinction.
It's kind of like the Divine Palm vs 7SS argument that people had with Monk for a few weeks after his release. People said Palm sucked and 7SS was more reliable and that was probably true for the majority of people, but through ~70ish games I went Divine Palm all but 5 times and am still at ~70% winrate. People just weren't good at timing it is all, so the other ult made more sense. Didn't mean it was "more powerful", just that for most people it was the better ult/talent to get value out of.
I think your arguments against hotdogs either don't take those things into account, or you just dismiss them entirely even though they are actually very relevant.
As for Gall's Q upgrade at 1, yes right now it does have a way higher winrate than any other level 1 talent but they all have shitty winrate actually. It is picked way more though. WAY more.. I prefer the speed boost on the orb myself though.
Winrate as a statistic is flawed to me in mobas because conditions arent even and 10 players being involved jank things up really hard.
Random side note - really enjoying Falstad currently. His level 13 and 16 talents need some significant work, but the early tiers are now fantastic with multiple options at every tier that are viable and useful. He also is an excellent CHo'Gall counter - after 13 with the right build he utterly melts Cho'Gall, and Gust of Wind is fantastic for either isolating him when he charges in, or cancelling out his incredibly dangerous ults.
Leoric gets quicker value off his w now too
Hes also just really fun to play, recommended for sure
What build are you using now Maledict? I've toyed with trying him out to see how the scaling affected him...plus I want an excuse to use my pirate skin.
They want heroes in the 55-45 range winrate-wise. If they push above that they're going to nudge em down.Again lol, i dont discount the stat, i just think that it is a poor indicator of the common range of conclusions ppl draw from the stat. If i discuss talent strategy, for example, winrate wont figure in to it. If i discuss general talent strength, even that is contextual, but it is something talent winrate gets closer to (and again has very little to do with sussing out talents on your own). Like put simply, the jump a lot of ppl make from stat -> conclusion doesnt hold for me, 4/5 doctors recommending this toothpaste doesnt make me think this toothpaste is better for me. Agaaain, i dont discount the stat but for the purposes of a lot of things i think about it's not relevant. Ill never say something like i think x talent is good, it posts a high winrate, ill say something like imposing presence has a lot of value against all these auto-attackers, etc. and it's those types of considerations ppl should think about when choosing a talent. Again the caff example i gave, he doesnt consider the winrate when he thinks out those leoric builds because it isnt relevant. Also how many ppl use his passive the way he describes? If that is good advice, how does it figure into winrate? Is leoric a bad champion if he has a low winrate but ppl dont use his passive properly? Etc. Like those are questions that winrate isnt involved in. The only real question i can answer with winrate is what is the winrate of leoric in this sample? While it can tell me certain things about the hero to a certain extent (things like ease of play, general strength, etc.) it again tells me very little about why the stat is the way it is, how this winrate stat is created essentially.
The balancing to me is basically like, oh nazeebo posts high numbers lets put him more in line despite him having a range of counter play vs. oh cast aside seems kind of ridiculous even though ppl dont win with it a lot or play tyrael much in general lets get rid of it, vs. nova makes the game unfun for a lot of ppl lets deal with that, and i only really like the last two types of balancing in this example because there is a grabbable idea behind it. I dont think anyone was complaining about nazeebo or thought he was overpowered, he was literally just winning a lot.
Iunno i like doing this every couple of weeks.
Iunno i like doing this every couple of weeks.
I can't say the same because the more we get from Blizz reflecting hotdogs accuracy, the more stubborn you seem to get in defending a point that doesn't make a whole lot of sense outside of being an argument like my old man has about why computers suck or he doesn't need text messaging because he can simply just call whoever he wants to talk to.
My favorite part is the part where you ~1 year later still don't realize you think about this game much more deeply than 95% of the people who play it, lol, hence why you have such a codgerly view on hotdogs versus other people. Most people need or rely on that information (whether they get it from hotdogs or heroesfire or tempostorm.com) to give them a baseline to figure the things out that you are able to on your own, apparently.
I don't ever say "this talent is good and it has a good winrate" as the reason to pick it and am not implying it should be used as such. If it's good it's good, the only question is whether you can maximize it or not. What I am saying you can look at the stats and see it has a good winrate and that it seems to be picked in conjunction with certain other talents and then a player may infer why those talents work so well or work together from there.
EDIT: Either way, clearly neither of us is convincing the other of anything so it's probably time for HOTSlogs Bowl XXXV to stop circle jerking and talk about something else.
it rlly grinds my olde bones
Arantis is fun![]()
Damn kirblar. I'm 30. You are ancient!
RIP kirblar he had a long e-lyfe
Random compositions (well you get 3 to pick from), sometimes even everyone gets the same hero, very small maps with central objectives to fight over. Short matches. I played it at the convention and it was an absolute blast.Sorry i haven't hawked this thread like i usually do. What is arena and what is awesome about it?
5v5 w/o lanes??
And we cant even get an inhouse going smh
does any1 have any zeratul advice, everything says he is super bursty and stuff but i can never manage to actually kill anybody i land my stuff do a few hundred damage and then we both just walk away, am I supposed to auto attack them as well or what am i Missing?