Near-0. It just sucks in a game where you can get one-shot waveclear.How much does possession actually get picked anyway
I won't hazard to guess anything about Sylvanas with my amazing 7% winrate
How much does possession actually get picked anyway
I won't hazard to guess anything about Sylvanas with my amazing 7% winrate
I don't think so. Not sure how some of these new heroes will be classified but I don't see a specialist soon. Sorry. =(
No specialists soon according to Dustin.
No specialists soon according to Dustin.
Haunted Mines should turn into a jungling map with an open-air midsection (think BoE)Split-pushing isn't a thing nor is jungling. There isn't the same advantage in HotS as Dota giving someone solo lane exp and having someone farm your jungle. And half of Gazlowe is basically jungling.
I literally spent 2 minutes laughing after reading this postI like to think of Artanis as the Yoshican of Heroes of the Storm.
- They both run into things full throttle, full enthusiasm. Headfirst some would call it. Sometimes it's awesome, sometimes it gets him (or inanimate objects) killed.
- They both like flipping; Artanis flips people behind him with his (E), Yoshichan flips tables.
- They are also both much more powerful late. Artanis sees his damage ramp tremendously with his 16 and 20 talents while Yoshichan can build or destroy a game in chat/thread depending on the results and people found in said games once he reaches the 10 consecutive hours played mark.
- Thanks to Yoshichan's post, we know that Yoshichan spent some serious funds on looking good and we already knew Artanis has some of the best skins in the game.
- And of course, there's the correlation of leadership. Yoshichan is leader of both Blizzard Is Life fanclub (BIL(tm) - I'm a card carrying member and lobbying for Vice President but it's been a hard campaign because my political enemies have put out ads against me implying I use intimidation tactics) and occasionally he stages a coup détat and forms the anti-Blizzard club. Either way, he is a leader. Artanis is, of course, the Heirarch and leader of the Daelaam.
All those things sound pretty fun to me. But...
I mean...when you think about it, have you really seen Yoshichan around much since LOTV came out and Artanis was released? Seems kinda fishy doesn't it.
I've never seen them in the same place together...
Haunted Mines should turn into a jungling map with an open-air midsection (think BoE)
You said it, Abathur is unique. He can be two places at once. Absorbs exp with his body, with his locusts last hitting in one lane, be present in teamfights with his symbiote in another, and have a monstrosity pushing another lane or create a copy of a teammate to help out in teamfights. Abathur's design is pretty unique.
HotS's maps are generally smaller than Dota's one map. You can get around much quicker and have a mount for increased movement speed outside of combat. There's a real time and money cost to teleport to other lanes in Dota unless you're playing as a few specific heroes.
In Rat Dota you're caught between chasing the split pusher like Nature's Prophet or teamfighting the other 4 heroes. Go to Prophet's lane and he's already gone and in the lane you just left, while his teammates push another lane. There's constantly a carrot being dangled. Against Aba you're not really making that same decision. Early game he's behind fortifications, late game it gets harder to track him down or easier depending on how things are going for Aba's team. Depends on the map and team comp. Tomb of the Spider Queen and Nova or Zeratul is fun.
I literally spent 2 minutes laughing after reading this post
Top tier, no, straight up god tier. Thank you
Wowwww I tried ranked today for the first time and holy fuck my ignore list is filling up fast. Nope, back to QM.
Wowwww I tried ranked today for the first time and holy fuck my ignore list is filling up fast. Nope, back to QM.
Wowwww I tried ranked today for the first time and holy fuck my ignore list is filling up fast. Nope, back to QM.
In my limited hots experience split pushing is like when you are down a talent level and can afford to give up an objective in order to catch up to the same talent tier for a fight because fighting, wiping, then losing the objective is worse. Like you are 9 they are 10 and are on a temple or something, split the map get exp maybe even take a fort or something and end up ahead a level when all is said and done. I've seen some streamers use murky in the kind of split push sense where they just throw fish at buildings and hope a hero or 2 hearths back to defend them. Same idea almost as storm or prophet split push in dota, force a few heroes back to weaken their push while gaining xp.
The small map and the like 30 different entrance angles to catch somebody from behind is probably the biggest deterrent to split push in hots vs dota imo. Split push is skeevy tho anyways.
Edit Edit: It's almost comical how good Holy Ground is.
Did you ever get to use him when he had Cast Aside? That ability was just ridiculous, and as much as I loved it it was clearly broken.
Nah I joined right around the time that got removed IIRC and didn't play Tyrael at the time.
NaVi has been trying out with Wubby and Granpkt btw.
Granpkt was playing with Roccat just last week at Dreamhack.
Wtf lol Wubby was playing Support for Myinsanity just yesterday
this is madness
Skip to 8:30, and watch how Zuna abuses the poor nazeepo with it. It was ridiculously strong, and in the hands of a skilled player was like having a constant ETC face melt / powerslide going off in team fights (as you took both talents that reduce its cooldown).
It was truly glorious! ;-)
What's hilarious is when he had Cast Aside everyone picked the 15% Blood For Blood instead of Holy Ground because Cast Aside and Holy Ground had such terrible synergy with each other. And now these days Holy Ground feels arguably just as broken as Cast Aside. Haha
I personally want all the Overwatch characters. Never saw it as a game meant to evoke nostalgia as its main purpose. It's more of a celebration of Blizzards past, present and future to me.I actually don't think they should bring overwatch heroes into HotS so soon. It kind of ruins the hipster cool of the nostalgia of old diablo, warcraft, and starcraft characters. I already dislike that they use diablo3 stuff over diablo 2 anyways and overwatch just feeds into that for me.
I personally want all the Overwatch characters. Never saw it as a game meant to evoke nostalgia as its main purpose. It's more of a celebration of Blizzards past, present and future to me.
Though, I'd probably be against having original HotS characters as playable though (Blackheart the ghost pirate, the spider queen, etc). Now that would be lame. Overwatch on the other hand opens up the possibility of having a playable gorilla or cowboy!
"We're just going to keep adding heroes forever until we get sick of it and stop at this point," Browder said. "There's no secret number, and there's no number that determines when we launch."
Dustin Browder has gone on record saying that they will continue to add characters to Heroes of the Storm indefinitely. They're not going to cut themselves off at the Dota 100 or whatever.
Point is they'll mine everything eventually. I actually hope we eventually get corrupted Leah Diablo that's more of a caster (bone prison) that can transform into Femablo for one ult or create Shadow dimension clones of the enemy team in an AoE with her other. Or Reaper of Souls Adria, or Deckard F'ing Cain before they start to mine the older Diablos.