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Heroes of the Storm |OT| Pretty sure that Abathur is AFK

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Lunara feels more like a specialist or support hero than an assassin. Her siege damage talent, which is over-powered at the moment, is the only impressive thing about her.

It feels like that range increase on heroes with the DoT needs to be baked down into her baseline abilities. Her baseline movement speed doesn't really feel like much of an advantage.


ugh, twice now when I just needed 1 win to rank up and I got trolled by an afker. pisses me off. Havent even seen any afks in a long time too. Now these scrubs popping up like nobody's business


Yeah. It feels like they are plants sometimes. I've had it happen to me more than once - whether afkers or outright trolls w/ gg in the first 5 minutes - and it's about the surest thing to put me on tilt that exists in HOTS.


yeah taking a break for now. I'm higher rank in LoL so I tend to have a better ranked experience there sometimes

but in HOTS I'm considered Bronze I gather (I'm stuck at 35)


The issue with HOTS ranked (beyond the huge disparity at rank 1) is that people who dive in early can get stuck below the threshold of where their skills/knowledge quickly develop to.

Then, once that extra month or two passes and their game sense increases dramatically, they have nothing but a miserable time in a bracket they outclass and can't get out of due to a higher occurrence of the issues you mentioned in your last post.

That's why so many make smurfs and suddenly shoot up into rank 10+ or to rank 1. I got rank 1 on two smurfs before finally getting it on my main account due to throwing away all my placement + another 50 games on that account. It's just kinda shitty how the system handles those early games vs your current ones.

Unless you're a decently ranked player in another PVP game or MOBA I wouldn't ever jump into HOTS HL early due to that. Better to wait and expand your knowledge of the heroes and your hero pool and suffer through the occasional bad comp in QM than suffer for months in HL.


I initially ranked into rank 20, and then went like 0-10 because without fail there was always one guy on my team that just suicided repeatedly and yelled at the rest of us. Haven't touched the mode in months because it's just infuriating most of the time. I'd swear some of the people there have never even played the game before.
What would the alternative be? If they do more frequent widespread resets, you get more awful games so allow an individual to reset their HL rank, scrub the slate clean, go through placement games again and start ranking up again?


Yeah I must admit ranked seems to suffer some of the issues you mention. Wish I could somehow reset my rank. Too lazy to make a smurf. hopefully I'll get a lucky streak going soon or just wait til during the week. I'm probably just getting stuck with weekend warriors


I dunno what the alternative is, but there's enough people who've smurfed their way up the ladder to suggest it's not exactly uncommon.

I am unsure how viable it is, but it wouldn't hurt my feelings to see them find some way to kick bonus points back into your wins.

Say you win two, or three, or whatever number you want to say in a row...kick me back some bonus points that I no longer receive because my placement is shot. Give me the opportunity to earn those points over the next 10 games or something, so that when I win I actually gain more than I lose again and am more likely to move forward.

I mean, realistically, if they didn't want to do more regular resets (or individual resets more specifically), you could allow an individual the opportunity to regain the ability to gain bonus points for "x" games once every few months.

The bonus points are the difference between people getting a decent rank and people having a shitty one and having to grind it out. And probably a decent chunk of users just getting pissed and quitting outright cause of the teammates they see in a bracket they eventually outpace in knowledge/skill but can't surpass in MMR due to 80 points for a win and 120 for a loss.

I am 40-38 on my second smurf. Straight to rank 1 with it because I started out 13-2 in the previous season before reset, so after placement it put me at rank 6. From there you just have to break even with bonus points and you fall upward into rank 1. On my main I am 130-85. That account was once trapped at rank 27, It took me 115 games to get rank 1...with the smurf it took about 30 this season (counting placement in those games). Even with the vastly higher winrate, my main account was hosed. That's kind of broken.

The other alternative is to remove bonus points altogether so that everyone has to grind it just like in Hearthstone, but it would be very messy in the start with superior players playing through lower ranks/brackets. They could bonus rank you up with each new season in a similar way, though.


Games for me are either:

1. Slow burning turtles where my team is slowly tormented and falls behind. Team mates feed in 3vs1 skirmishes. It's like a meat grinder where they run in one after another against the better grouped/coordinated team.

2. Complete decimation by the opposing team, usually with my team getting an awful comp. They claim every objective.

3. An even match/close game with lots of clutch moments.. (These are by far the best, but pretty rare.)

4. The very, very rare turn-around game with the clutch win.

Usually 1 and 2 have a salty team mate critiquing everyone else while failing to display anything for themselves, which adds to the overall fun of the experience. This is a game I want to love, but it's very tough love. I main Li Li and it feels awful when I know that no matter how good I play or what healing numbers I push, we still can't win if the team is crap.
I was thinking about jumping back into this game, but Battle.net is requiring me to use an authenticater again. I deleted that app last time I dropped and I can't find a way to sync it up again. So do I really have to contact customer support over this stupid thing? Or is there another way I'm not seeing?


I was thinking about jumping back into this game, but Battle.net is requiring me to use an authenticater again. I deleted that app last time I dropped and I can't find a way to sync it up again. So do I really have to contact customer support over this stupid thing? Or is there another way I'm not seeing?

If you have SMS turned on with them you can have a code sent to your phone otherwise you have to call them.
I was thinking about jumping back into this game, but Battle.net is requiring me to use an authenticater again. I deleted that app last time I dropped and I can't find a way to sync it up again. So do I really have to contact customer support over this stupid thing? Or is there another way I'm not seeing?

You should have been provided with both a serial number and Restore code when you initially downloaded the authenticator, if you do not have either of those you need to contact customer service and open a support ticket.


4. The very, very rare turn-around game with the clutch win.

These definitely seem to happen more often than other MOBAs, at least for me.

This is a game I want to love, but it's very tough love. I main Li Li and it feels awful when I know that no matter how good I play or what healing numbers I push, we still can't win if the team is crap.

As someone who is all about people who play support roles willingly in these games...give yourself a break now and then, and don't hesitate to play other roles, especially if you are solo-queue-ing in QM. It won't magically make your crap team better, but in the QM ball pit, competent DPS easily outshines even the most excellent of support players as far as individual impact.


So I tried making a alt account to do the training thing. I got it to level 10, but I've received no sylvanas on my alt account or a portrait on my main account. Did I just waste my time? :|


did you get the alt to input the friend link bruh

I used the link to create the account.

I did it with the second account and that worked, got the Raynor and Stim. I don't understand why the first didn't take when I did it the exact same way.

I tried reusing the recruitment link on the account despite it being level 10 already and it said log in to receive the rewards. But I don't get them. :|

Edit: It put them on the American server. I just checked. What the fuck is that shit?


No clue. User error? :p

Thanks for the trust man. :|

It's apparently a common issue looking at the forums.

There's two reasons -

1. Accepting the link before the patch came live in the EU seems to of tied it to the US.
2. The launcher page for EU(UK) initially linked people to the US site, and the only way you would know it is if you'd have checked the url.

Frankly, I don't know why they tied it to regions, should have just been for all, then they couldn't have fucked it up like this.


I just double checked the email I got sent for the account to verify the address and even that said EU. The system just seems bizarre.


If it makes you feel any better, Milly and I played the most we have in a bit today.

Went 0-8.

We kept stubbornly running Morales + Lunara. Milly would put out a ton of damage and I'd avoid the ganks + dive and put out a ton of healing, but every game we'd get something like Abathur + Zera + Rexxar as our other 3 and the enemy kept getting ETC + Diablo + Tyrande or Diablo + Tyrande + Raynor. We never could kill anyone so they'd inevitably just push us further back and back until eventually they'd get a wipe and win after level 20.

Just never had any beef in front and never had burst damage. The one game we finally did we went Tyrande + Lunara and it was amazing. We were up 30-10 on Towers. And then our guys got cocky and chased their Cho'Gall and threw in 3 straight fights. We lost 10-0.

Feels bad man.

I felt we played pretty well, but the randomness of QM was just too strong today. Plus the odd troll or DC that cost us two games.

Lunara puts out great numbers but she really needs a finisher on her team to capitalize on all that spread. And ideally someone to peel if she gets turned on. Medic and Tyrande both feel like great partners for her, but you really need those other 3 to be something malleable for that to work.

I don't feel too bad, though. Dreadnaught said on THH that he was having the same experience with Lunara in solo queue/QM. Felt like he was doing the right things but still lost the majority of his games because like a few other heroes she requires a little more coordination and support than you can find in an unorganized game/mode.


That sucks.

I quite liked what I played of Lunara, but she does indeed seem really squishy. She can put out the numbers if she has the space to do so, but when the enemy team starts gunning for you, good luck.


Yeah, he was putting up great numbers. Low deaths, if any. We just never had a comp to facilitate the finish. Pretty unlucky streak.

We had a good run with her before today. I think Milly had like a 62 or 63% winrate with her before today, and now it's like 40%.

I don't think she's the problem per se. She's just kind of similar to Morales/Abathur/certain melee heroes/Rexxar in that she's a hero that's significantly better with coordination. Like those heroes spots are typically better filled by a similar but more well rounded hero to do what they do in QM.


I think part of the issue with her currently is Kael'thas as well, unfortunately. Once he hits 13 he puts out more AE, pressure damage than she does with less work and effort. Chain Bomb is sooo good right now. He occupies part of her intended design space it feels, and does it better thanks to his stun, more defensive options and burst capability.
I live in elo hell. Currently rank 33 after losing ten games straight in HL. Stepped back an played some QM last night, five game win streak. If I win my next five games it'll balance out to that magical fifty percent win rate Blizzard hopes to maintain ....HL has been horrible for me since the patch. And it's not like I'm solo queuing in HL either.


Yeah I know the feel. I was bout to rank up twice over the weekend and got stuck with afks. ended up going on tilt I guess and now lost rank instead. Thanks HOTS for pairing me with afk assholes out of the blue

Felt really helpless my last game on Tyrande. As support you cant carry at all. Had to stand by and watch team make countless errors.


Now I did play a lot with Lunara over the weeekend. I think I'm bout 50% win rate maybe. But that can change. It was all quickmatches and got her to 7.

shes great at decloaking zera & nova. Nice siege. shes a weird hybrid of roles. I enkoy playing her. Queueing up for Hero LKeague. just gonna have fun and not worry bout rank too much til next season


I picked my character in select (I was 3rd pick) and went afk til match start (ya big mistake). We start the match and immediately I notice:

- We have an afker (Tychus)
- We have no healer/support!

Went as expected. Granted, I expected us to lose way earlier. Nothing I could do to carry this. I kept killing their healer but that meant placing Lunara in the back lines and getting picked off. All 3 of my deaths were after I took Morales down or was in the process



Damn, Lunara still bottom tier (win rate) on hotslogs. I really like that character but I guess I must admit shes a tiny bit gimped. Could use an escape

edit: oh wait shes got 20% movespeed bonus. Oh well guess she just needs a tad bit more health
Damn, Lunara still bottom tier (win rate) on hotslogs. I really like that character but I guess I must admit shes a tiny bit gimped. Could use an escape

edit: oh wait shes got 20% movespeed bonus. Oh well guess she just needs a tad bit more health

And at 20 she can cast leap on allies. But yeah, some more health to let her deal a bit more of her sustained damage would be welcome.

Either way, I love how hard you can push with her. Taking the reduced cooldown for W on minions and mercs at level 1 and the 200% non-heroic damage on her passive make her push so hard she might as well be a specialist.
I think part of the issue with her currently is Kael'thas as well, unfortunately. Once he hits 13 he puts out more AE, pressure damage than she does with less work and effort. Chain Bomb is sooo good right now. He occupies part of her intended design space it feels, and does it better thanks to his stun, more defensive options and burst capability.

If you're saying "Kaelthas does damage better than Lunara" then you are correct. But insert any hero in place of "Lunara" in that phrase and it still holds true. KaelThas is broken in terms of both balance and design. They need to completely re-do that hero. But the idea of "dealing damage" in terms of design space should technically be limitless.

Their kits aren't intended to have similar design space. He has a stun, she has vision. She has better poke, he has better burst. One hero is just objectively better than the other. It's not really about design space. Lunara's kit is useful and has a place, she's just bad.

Kael'Thas would seem a lot different to you if he didn't have a broken version of Stoneskin at level 16. Or if Lunara had a broken version of Stoneskin at level 16, she would be a lot different.

I don't really like looking at Chain Bomb as the problem. It's a cool talent that makes the enemy team play differently. KaelThas should do shit loads of damage. But he should have multiple ways to do shit loads of damage, not just Chain Bomb (design flaw) and he shouldn't have a talent at level 16 that erases almost all risk in doing it (design AND balance flaw).

KaelThas is a really powerful hero but I will go ahead and say his design is the worst in the game and has been since his launch.


KaelThas is a really powerful hero but I will go ahead and say his design is the worst in the game and has been since his launch.

I can't agree with that when we have heroes like Gazlowe and Tychus running around, but I do agree on Arcane Barrier.

If Lunara had it she'd be considered just fine right now. Since she doesn't she is now the squishiest hero in the game.

If KT didn't have it, he'd be in the Lunara boat. Though there was certainly a time when no one used that talent and he still rekt.


Nothing like a week full of Marky and Nopa.

If you aren't already in Hero League, starting Tuesday would be a good time to go. Unless you are the one playing Murky or Nova.
I can't agree with that when we have heroes like Gazlowe and Tychus running around, but I do agree on Arcane Barrier.

If Lunara had it she'd be considered just fine right now. Since she doesn't she is now the squishiest hero in the game.

Gazlowe and Tychus are just not powerful enough (balance). Tychus's design is okay. In fact, Tychus has great Heroic disparity. Gazlowe is a weird debate though. The idea of his turrets just don't fit this game, but I doubt Blizzard will ever simply give him a new Q. So I prefer to just completely ignore that Gazlowe even exists when having these discussions, lol

When u look at Kael, Pyro has a 5% lower winrate than Phoenix, everything at his level 7 tier is 6% winrate or more below fission bomb, Chainbomb at 13 has 6% greater winrate than its closest competitor in Flamethrower and the other two are EVEN WORSE.

What's strange is that the non-Arcane Barrier talents have an even higher winrate than Arcane Barrier. But their pick rates are so low that if you filtered this to include only games that are "close", I bet those statistics would change drastically as I'm sure people troll pick those talents all the time when they're way ahead. As an example, Arcane Power at level 20 in Master League has an 86% winrate. But does anyone pick that talent unless they're 4 levels head? Nope -- demonstrated by its 1.5% pickrate.

This makes me feel like making a reddit thread Lol

If KT didn't have it, he'd be in the Lunara boat. Though there was certainly a time when no one used that talent and he still rekt.

yeah but that was only because it was on ignite's tier and he didn't need it while he was casting Flamestrikes all the way back from his base.


Gazlowe and Tychus are just not powerful enough (balance). Tychus's design is okay. In fact, Tychus has great Heroic disparity. Gazlowe is a weird debate though. The idea of his turrets just don't fit this game, but I doubt Blizzard will ever simply give him a new Q. So I prefer to just completely ignore that Gazlowe even exists when having these discussions, lol

yeah but that was only because it was on ignite's tier and he didn't need it while he was casting Flamestrikes all the way back from his base.

Oh how I miss ignite/flamethrower


Tychus's design is okay. In fact, Tychus has great Heroic disparity..

He may have heroic disparity, his main ability (the Q) is top five for worst in the current game + most useless in general.

If anyone needs a rework it's him. A squishy ranged assassin that can hardly be at range. And because of that lack of range + squishiness, he is pigeonholed into one single build just like you are upset about KT being. Unfortunately for him it doesn't make him in any way relevant.
KT is fine.

he's really not fine at all, which is why Blizzard has noted that a huge talent update for him is in the works for 2016.

He may have heroic disparity, his main ability (the Q) is top five for worst in the current game + most useless in general.

If anyone needs a rework it's him. A squishy ranged assassin that can hardly be at range. And because of that lack of range + squishiness, he is pigeonholed into one single build just like you are upset about KT being. Unfortunately for him it doesn't make him in any way relevant.

yeah I think my emphasis on heroic disparity carried him too far design-wise in my eyes. You're definitely correct.
This improved matchmaking is really grim for me, I thought I was average in skill, im either amazing or shite according to how long its taking to find a game?

Average time says 153s and it takes me 600-700 seconds minimum to find a game now.

Will stitches ever be viable? I love his skins and his abilities but he's just bad over all.
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