It's the fucking best. It throws bananas!
Saw this on reddit.
ive been trying out urticating spines on anub since zuna recommends it, it meshes really well and feels smooth, I like it
Thanks, think I'll play around with that build a bit. Seems interesting.
this is the build he posted, which is a good general build to use:
though if your team needs the engage and you're the only one set up to do that, definitely get hardened shield over rewind, but e rewind e is hilarious so there's that to consider
team liquid rolls over the opposition, excited to see them in an international tourney
that smile though...
HOTS has more viewers than DOTA2 in twitch atm, at least it shows that in my iphone app, first time I've seen this happen.
Currently away visiting estonia.. It's nice, but I really miss playing hots, the addiction is real.
Yeah it's been doing better than I expected this week on Twitch. I hope it keeps up post launch week and some of these new streaming folks stay around.
I don't want to rain on your parade but there's a DOTA 2 MLG tournament on right now and MLG uses proprietary streaming software (there's about 40k viewers there).
There's also this Twitch All-Star Brawl HOTS tourney going on and 1 of the teams is captained by a popular LoL streamer/pro, 2 are captained by popular DOTA 2 streamers/pros.
It's nice that Blizzard is getting the word out on the game by bringing these people together but these numbers won't last unless these people commit to it.
this is the build he posted, which is a good general build to use:
though if your team needs the engage and you're the only one set up to do that, definitely get hardened shield over rewind, but e rewind e is hilarious so there's that to consider
team liquid rolls over the opposition, excited to see them in an international tourney
Voyboy with the Sonya pick. He loves that Sonya. This should be exciting at least.
I don't think anyone is implying otherwise.
Voyboy and co have contributed to the increase in numbers this week most definitely. Maybe one or two will stay around and stream every now and then. It wouldn't take much to keep HOTS on the front page anyway and that's about as good as we could expect for the time being.
You get put in a special "leaver" queue for a game or two.drafting starts, first on our side picks Valla then says "I play solo"
ok, is there any penalty to quit right in that menu screen because from there you can already tell what's going to happen the next 20 minutes.
ok, is there any penalty to quit right in that menu screen because from there you can already tell what's going to happen the next 20 minutes.
Maybe I should stream :O
NZ Event Recap! New Info! Hit with Kiwi if old!
Hopefully by the end of the year
- D3 Diablo skin is coming
- They're working on the SE Asian server situation, which is apparently really awkward for them right now.
Some interesting Blizzcon Panel design stuff in there too on the heroes/maps
What's the best talent to get at level 20 with Jaina?
Love that character btw, I'm not too bad with her so I haven't really tried the other characters...
Is this HotS all star tournament worth watching? I just tuned in.
Haven't played in ages and worst of all...haven't bought the Johanna bundle (or gotten the Facebook mount). I might be done with this :/
Why are you done because of those reasons? You can still get both, right now.