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Heroes of the Storm |OT| Pretty sure that Abathur is AFK

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What is an arcane wizard

Could be a Diablo or WoW character. They use different mechanics though.

In WoW, Arcane Mages are known for burning insane amounts of mana in a very short time period to do vast amounts of damage, and having to pay careful attention to their mana at all times. they have a very rotation based playstyle, and their typical spells are a short range AE explosion, a volley of arcane missiles, or a blast of arcane magic that does more damage the more you cast it.

In Diablo, Arcane Mages manipulate time and space. They have Black Hole and Time bubble as abilities, and several "death laser" spells which require them to stand still and channel for a while to reach maximum damage.

The only thing they really have in common is the Teleport spell (Blink from WoW). If they wanted to do a Diablo arcane mage then obviously it would be a created character - if they wanted a wow arcane mage the only one I can think of is Millhouse Manastorm gnome.


Wasn't the fire tree in WoW severely underpowered damage wise (and more CC oriented) compared to arcane and frost for a good bit there? Seems like it was, but I can't remember the dates/expansions.

I don't see why it can't be excepting KT's own personal lore. I don't think they'd do that, either, I'm just saying it doesn't seem unreasonable.

What would make the most sense is more mages period. Two of each would allow them to split all of that shit up into a more control/utility hero with some damage and a burst hero for each "tree".

Well, at the start of WoW they were underpowered simply because all the PvE content featured fire immune creatures. Then in TBC they were nerfed in damage at the start of the expansion for absolutely no reason, and suffered the entirety of the expansion. Since then though fire has been fire.

It does play differently to Kael though - Chain bomb aside, fire tends to be about stacking crits and setting fire to things and then burning them to death. But when they talked about designing Kael they stressed they were specifically going for a crazy, all powerful fire mage feel to him so to just neuter his damage would be an issue as it goes against the design principles for the character.


I'd rather the D3 Wizard use all the elements. Would make the hero more interesting IMO.

Also please have Teleport


I will not rest until necromancer is in the Nexus. There's not a hero I want more.

I also want to heal with Lucio and Zenyatta in HOTS, too. That should be fun.


I don't know if anyone caught this, but this stuff from Srey about Tempo Storm in his interview with The Score is...wow.

Some choice bits about Dreadnaught:

Srey said:
I fit in really well. I think that, for me, Dreadnaught leaving was probably beneficial. Me being able to lead a team in terms of draft and shotcalling is good for me. I just work well in that position. We didn't butt heads or anything at the time, but I could foresee that happening in the future...I was a little bit doubtful, but for me, Dreadnaught leaving actually made it so that I was totally confident moving forward.

and how the team is now stronger without Dreadnaught:

Srey said:
Yeah, if people are worried that Dread leaving makes the team weaker, this should quell their fears. I don't want to say we're stronger without him, but with me being on the team, it's better for me at least. Just because of our personalities, we have pretty similar personalities, but we have different views on draft and strategy.

Both of these came after he said:

Srey said:
I like everyone on the team. It's the only team I know of, at least one of the major teams, that doesn't have an ego on it. You think of Cloud9, I even think of [Murloc Geniuses] with [Jon "Equinox" Peterson], and Bob Ross obviously, and COG with [Mike "Glaurung" Fisk] ... every team has a big ego.

We have no problem being humble about it, and being able to work through our issues.

I think we found the ego.

I've never liked the dude since his posts on reddit. Now this. Like, he's literally accomplished nothing and competed in nothing but it's a good thing for the region's best shotcaller to leave and you to take over? huehue

Between C9 dropping Fan for Arthelon and now what is basically a new Tempo Storm, it's hard for me to find the love for either team at this point. Maybe it'll be different once they play again.


l o l

Dreadnaught realizing that he can use his very, very, very pretty face better in front of the camera is funny, though. And likely a way better $ decision for him.


Seems pretty chill to me (just from the interview, i totally can see thia guy being a rood dood) + just from watching dread stream he doesnt seem like a good team player plus his passive aggressiveness was prob a ticking time bomb. Also im pretty sure ts or zoia at least encourage the players to be outspoken and mean and stuff, he seemed pretty happy when dread initiated some smack talk in that one thh

I caught like 3 min of him casting the amateur series and it didnt seem great but i mean he hasnt done stuff like that before im sure he'll get better at it if he decides it's something he wants to do. It was from that video someone posted w/ the lvl 1 fort exchange


Haha, I forgot about you getting the douche vibes from Dread.

I don't see it, personally, but can see where someone more unfamiliar with his personality might get that from limited viewing.

I certainly get the douche vibes from Srey and the way he has presented himself so far. And I don't think this interview had anything to do with generating heat. I can't see Zoia telling him to go ham on his buddy Dread.


It's all from like streams and stuff, im sure dread is chill irl

Im forever a dread fan probably, one time he called a sandwich he was eating a dreadwich


Again, have to leave room for the d2 sorc.

wizard has always been shown as more arcane than elemental anyway.

At this stage I don't think we'll see anything from D2 except possibly the demon lords, and *maybe* the necro if they really push the boat out. The problem is too much of those skill sets are covered either by D3 characters or by woW characters, and they seem to have a real reluctance to return to D2 in any way, shape or form.


I'm not up on my D2 or D3 details. I beat 2 and its expansions and loved it, and never beat 3 or its expansion.

Why do they want to distance themselves from it?


I'm not up on my D2 or D3 details. I beat 2 and its expansions and loved it, and never beat 3 or its expansion.

Why do they want to distance themselves from it?

We don't know, but possibly because it was made by a different company. Diablo 1 & 2 were made by Blizzard North, who no longer exist. The main guy behind them went off to develop Hellgate London.

That's one of the reasons D3 was so flawed out of the gate - they didn't have the institutional memory of how to fix the game because main Blizzard weren't responsible for the previous diablo games in the same way they were for warcraft & starcraft.

It's also possibly just that they wan't people's attention on the game that they currently still sell and make money from - there's enough characters in D3 to churn out heroes for years alone.


you can't put a price on sparks
D3 is definitely more "current Blizzard" than Diablo 2 is. I think they'll bring them back once they get through at least the D3 classes.

or after they bring back the most inconsequential minibosses in Diablo 3, aka never


D3 is definitely more "current Blizzard" than Diablo 2 is. I think they'll bring them back once they get through at least the D3 classes.

or after they bring back the most inconsequential minibosses in Diablo 3, aka never

Realistically, you still have Wizard, Be'Lial, Maghda and Mathael at the very least before they start dipping into the D2 well. On top of those you could easily add Imperious, the healing Archangel, Adria, Deckard Cain, Uzriel, Zoltan Kulle, Cydaa (although voice acting would be an issue) and Izual. Plus gender swapped heroes using other key abilities from the classes (there are so many missing currently!).

They might make an exception and add the necromancer in, because he is uniquely popular compared to other heroes. but that would be it - I'd also expect them to add in the other demon lords before we get D2 heroes (Be'lial and Mephisto in particular).


SEL going down. Two sets of games at once.

Team comms make this so much more entertaining.

EDIT: One thing I have noticed a lot of in SEL --- Rehgar. Picked in pretty much every game I've watched. Thought Rehgar was ded just like this gaem is ded.


Amen brother. I see this in ARAM too lately and it drives me crazy. You aren't a face tanking tank. You pull a target, the team kills said target, then you fight 5v4.

Even with Hungry For More he's just a big bag of HP. A fun bag of HP, but a lot of empty calories.


you can't put a price on sparks
Realistically, you still have Wizard, Be'Lial, Maghda and Mathael at the very least before they start dipping into the D2 well. On top of those you could easily add Imperious, the healing Archangel, Adria, Deckard Cain, Uzriel, Zoltan Kulle, Cydaa (although voice acting would be an issue) and Izual. Plus gender swapped heroes using other key abilities from the classes (there are so many missing currently!).

They might make an exception and add the necromancer in, because he is uniquely popular compared to other heroes. but that would be it - I'd also expect them to add in the other demon lords before we get D2 heroes (Be'lial and Mephisto in particular).

yep, there's a long way to go before they go back there. they basically have to be influenced to make room for it within the particular franchise release plan.

this year there will most likely not be a Diablo event, so i would assume even less of them will be released this year than last


Amen brother. I see this in ARAM too lately and it drives me crazy. You aren't a face tanking tank. You pull a target, the team kills said target, then you fight 5v4.

Even with Hungry For More he's just a big bag of HP. A fun bag of HP, but a lot of empty calories.
Muscle memory of old stitches w slam.


I lied bois.

Said I'd be most excited about necromancer.

I'd actually be the most excited about a Starcraft themed map. Where da fuq is one of those at? And an SC event?

I don't even play Starcraft, but seemed like a missed opportunity.


IMO ninja turtles are where it's at. Or so my five year old says. Who wouldn't play Zeratul in a Raphael skin? Malfurion in a Donatello skin? The possibilities are endless.


you can't put a price on sparks
that would be neat. if they ever put Yogg Saron in the game, they can do Krang Yogg Saron.

Or maybe even Abathur could be Krang


Are these discussions positive enough for you, Milly79? Are you not entertained?!

I throw down the gauntlet. Krang skin idea can't be topped. You could even do Krang Cho'Gall to be like the old cartoons.

Kinda looks like brian's avatar on top of Cho'Gall's body already.


I don't know if anyone caught this, but this stuff from Srey about Tempo Storm in his interview with The Score is...wow.

Some choice bits about Dreadnaught:

and how the team is now stronger without Dreadnaught:

Both of these came after he said:

I think we found the ego.

I've never liked the dude since his posts on reddit. Now this. Like, he's literally accomplished nothing and competed in nothing but it's a good thing for the region's best shotcaller to leave and you to take over? huehue

Between C9 dropping Fan for Arthelon and now what is basically a new Tempo Storm, it's hard for me to find the love for either team at this point. Maybe it'll be different once they play again.

His interview should replace the definition of ego in the dictionary. I'll still miss dread myself :(.


Seems paltry after having the whole store on sale, but that was inevitable I guess.

Would love to see the data on how much it impacted their bottom line.
Did we ever decide what Brian's avatar is? My vote is still the illegitimate child of Little Caesar and a potato

So I used my Christmas stimpack to get Abby to 20. Unfortunately dropped my winrate below 50% though trying to grind it out with the new matchmaking. Maybe that's not so bad with 650-ish games played with him, I dunno. My winrate with him had gone up quite a bit after the scaling patch, then went to shit with the "improved" matchmaking with the Lunara patch.

The comps I've been getting lately have been nightmares. Why 5-queues - regardless of MMR - who can just make Morales + Hammer + 2 CC + anything pubstomp comps should ever be matched against a fucking team consisting of an Abathur with no tank or healer or Illidan or Butcher, or a solo Tassadar, or almost fucking anything with a Nova, or a team that has only one character that can lane effectively until 10 (again, almost fucking anything with a Nova), is mind-boggling.

Of course this is just the tip of the iceberg since the whole system still feels built around archetypes mostly and there's just far too much variance in the performance and kits of their current crop of Assassins (like Lunara or Nova basically being a waste of a slot unless the person playing is Jesus and the other team doesn't have a Tassadar or a Malfurion), Specialists (Abathur and Lost Vikings are more soak batteries than rest of the crop and also don't have even remotely the same kind of team presence), and whatever the fuck Tassadar is.

I've tried Greymane on the Asian client and unless balanced at release will almost surely be nerfed after a week or two, so I'm eager to get some time in with him before that happens, but after that I may be done with the game until they put a draft mode or bans or whatnot in QM.

On the bright side, I've taken a long enough break from Rehgar that he's fun again for me now, so now I've got Tass, Rehgar, and Uther for my supports, which is great since Tass and Rehgar are the only ways I can keep a team with an Artanis and a Lunara alive. Also, I'm currently beastmode with Kerrigan and Muradin. In the words of Lunara, "SO SATISFYING"


I'm not a huge fan of all the stuns flying around myself. I would be content if all the stuns in the game got some % knocked off their stun time. Stuns are sadly always king. :(

I wonder how the game would play with a passive, chain stun/cc duration reduction for all (?) heroes. I think WoW PVP has/had something similar? While it's satisfying to chain cc someone -- I say this as a Raynor double Q stun bully -- losing control of your character for seconds at a time, or a whole team fight, and going from 100% to dead is stupid without items like BKB / Quicksilver / Zhonya's in the game. Or, give a version of the Relentless talent to all (?) heroes.

It will only get worse over time until the game peaks at 10 top tier heroes with mass cc / stuns, assuming we get bans soonTM. Then we can truly marvel at Heroes of the Stun.


I wonder how the game would play with a passive, chain stun/cc duration reduction for all (?) heroes. I think WoW PVP has/had something similar? While it's satisfying to chain cc someone -- I say this as a Raynor double Q stun bully -- losing control of your character for seconds at a time, or a whole team fight, and going from 100% to dead is stupid without items like BKB / Quicksilver / Zhonya's in the game. Or, give a version of the Relentless talent to all (?) heroes.

It will only get worse over time until the game peaks at 10 top tier heroes with mass cc / stuns, assuming we get bans soonTM. Then we can truly marvel at Heroes of the Stun.

SWTOR had a similar system in place for stuns.

It was called resolve and typically two stuns/disables would fill the bar, then you would be immune for a few seconds. Roots didn't affect it. It worked, and it didn't. There was a ton of bitching about it (can't really remember why, Alur may remember).


I personally dug the resolve system, but a lot of the bitching did revolve around the fact that different stuns affected it differently.

A long duration stun would fill up the meter, while something else would just fill 1/4th the bar. The system was good for what it was, but it was a little confusing unless you were invested in the PVP scene pretty heavily.

I do think every stun in the game could be halved and it'd be a better experience, but that would definitely impact certain heroes more than others.

I wonder how they feel about it and what their plan is. Like I could totally see them releasing 5 or 6 more heroes consecutively with no "hard" cc, just to see what happens to the meta and how they are perceived. In general, though, most every hero released without CC gets dumpstered.

As a support main I'd kinda like to see the game shift to longer, sustained fights than 5 ability kills of one target and then a quick pick of second while the other 3 enemies back away quickly. But in general MOBA seems to prefer the quick and brutal kill so I doubt that will ever happen.


This is true. And Uther's stun.

If it takes skill to land I think it's ok if it results in a lockdown. Not a big fun the fire and forget stuff though.

For example, despite having the Q, ETC has to ensure he gets everyone who can break his mosh with the skill or it'll get interrupted. Sylvanas just fires and forgets.


Did we ever decide what Brian's avatar is? My vote is still the illegitimate child of Little Caesar and a potato

So I used my Christmas stimpack to get Abby to 20. Unfortunately dropped my winrate below 50% though trying to grind it out with the new matchmaking. Maybe that's not so bad with 650-ish games played with him, I dunno. My winrate with him had gone up quite a bit after the scaling patch, then went to shit with the "improved" matchmaking with the Lunara patch.

The comps I've been getting lately have been nightmares. Why 5-queues - regardless of MMR - who can just make Morales + Hammer + 2 CC + anything pubstomp comps should ever be matched against a fucking team consisting of an Abathur with no tank or healer or Illidan or Butcher, or a solo Tassadar, or almost fucking anything with a Nova, or a team that has only one character that can lane effectively until 10 (again, almost fucking anything with a Nova), is mind-boggling.

Of course this is just the tip of the iceberg since the whole system still feels built around archetypes mostly and there's just far too much variance in the performance and kits of their current crop of Assassins (like Lunara or Nova basically being a waste of a slot unless the person playing is Jesus and the other team doesn't have a Tassadar or a Malfurion), Specialists (Abathur and Lost Vikings are more soak batteries than rest of the crop and also don't have even remotely the same kind of team presence), and whatever the fuck Tassadar is.

I've tried Greymane on the Asian client and unless balanced at release will almost surely be nerfed after a week or two, so I'm eager to get some time in with him before that happens, but after that I may be done with the game until they put a draft mode or bans or whatnot in QM.

On the bright side, I've taken a long enough break from Rehgar that he's fun again for me now, so now I've got Tass, Rehgar, and Uther for my supports, which is great since Tass and Rehgar are the only ways I can keep a team with an Artanis and a Lunara alive. Also, I'm currently beastmode with Kerrigan and Muradin. In the words of Lunara, "SO SATISFYING"
Honestly, overall, I don't think the matchmaking change did much for that very reason.

Composition issues are still a large issue.

At this point, I just want a unranked draft mode. Like, now you can't play more than duo queue in ranked, there's just no choice as a party. :/


Id' just like them to get rid of the ranking system in its current form completely. I think trying to assign a certain number to a player is fundamentally flawed for these types of games - we should be in leagues like every other game, not trying to level up a rank and pretending we are playing hearthstone.

I know I'd be much more relaxed and happy to play Hero league if it didn't have the stupid number going up and down at the end of it.
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